Looking to try new games/systems

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Jun 6, 2016 11:29 am
First I would like to apologise if this is the wrong forum to be posting in.

I only have experience playing D&D 5E and was looking to try another system/game.

If anyone has any suggestions or is thinking of running a game and don't mind a complete newby playing, please let me know

Jun 6, 2016 12:25 pm
If you don't mind waiting for a little while there could be spaces opening up in a Star Wars game I'm running. The first mission is underway right now. Each mission can involve different personnel, so you could get s character in for the second mission.

If it's a system you would be interested in let me know and I'll PM you when this mission ends.
Jun 6, 2016 12:26 pm
I'd keep checking the tavern for any new games starting up, I know someone was thinking of doing Burning Wheel, I have an open Agents of Oblivion Game if you'd prefer a solo game using the Savage World ruleset and Agents of Oblivion setting if you're interested in being a spy type with all sorts of odd things going on.
Jun 6, 2016 1:43 pm
Well, Arjen started a HARP game here, and so far I seem to be the only one who has joined the game, so there are most likely places left...
Jun 6, 2016 1:51 pm
What are you interested in? Are you looking for Sci-Fi? Fantasy? Horror? Something else? Was there anything about 5th Ed you thought was really good, or maybe that could have been improved?

For example, if you thought that you would have wanted a fantasy game with a more developed rule system, maybe something like Pathfinder. For a light fantasy rule system, maybe 13th Age.

What are you interested in trying?
Jun 6, 2016 2:25 pm
There are a number of Star Wars games going, they seem to be popping up more lately. I think it's a good step up in complexity after knowing 5e.

I've also run End of the World, Gamma 5 (a fan made Gamma World adaptation for 5e), and I'm running MouseGuard and Monster of the Week currently. I was in a Dragon Age campaign briefly which is a VERY fun system. Unfortunately the game went dormant all too quickly. I've been thinking of getting in on one of those again someday if someone runs it again. Or maybe just running it myself. Also Dungeon World is FANTASTIC. Any of those sound interesting?

I...think I have a problem. :)
Last edited June 6, 2016 2:26 pm
Jun 6, 2016 7:25 pm
I've been wanting to jump into Japanese ttRPG for awhile now. I am going to run a game (hopefully soon) using the Ryuutama or Double Cross systems, however I don't know when I'll get it off the ground.
Last edited June 6, 2016 7:25 pm
Jun 6, 2016 7:25 pm
I have a space in my Cthulhu game if you're interested http://gamersplane.com/forums/thread/1822/

Someone signed up then disappeared.
Jun 6, 2016 7:30 pm
I'm running a Feng Shui game which definitely can encompass Japanese martial arts based characters. Message me if you want to try it.
Jun 6, 2016 7:32 pm
One of these days, I'm going to get around to running an Anima: Beyond Fantasy game here on GP. I enjoyed playing it, so I'd love to see what would happen when I run it.

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