Note not staying private

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Jun 6, 2016 4:43 pm
Hey Keleth, got an interesting one for you...

In Knifesedgegames' CoC7e game, he passed me a note that had an OoC tag in it, along with game text. It shows as a Note on mine and KEG's screens, but the game text itself shows up as a normal post in other accounts. Kaosanddoom was the one who pointed it out to me, since we're next door to each other in the office.
Jun 6, 2016 4:49 pm
Weird one. I'm looking at my parser code and I can't think of why it'd be doing that. I appreciate you mentioning it; I'm testing it locally. No ETA on a fix.
Jun 6, 2016 4:51 pm
As an aside, if the OoC text is before the game text in the private note, that's when it happens. If it appears after the normal text, it all parses normally
Jun 6, 2016 4:52 pm
Keleth says:
Weird one. I'm looking at my parser code and I can't think of why it'd be doing that. I appreciate you mentioning it; I'm testing it locally. No ETA on a fix.
No big hurry. We know how to avoid it for now, so it's all gravy, baby.

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