Dec 16, 2021 1:26 pm
Gravin Maria Ulrike von Liebwitz of Ambosstein: Calm, confident, and sure, Gravin Maria-Ulrike is in her 30s and exudes the quiet nobility of a woman born to power. She and her party has taken over much of the tavern this evening. The gravin’s spoken Reikspiel is refined, but has a hint of a rising inflection.

Bruno Franke: Bruno is a tower of muscle topped with a smiling face that hints at mischief. His Altdorf accent is deep. Has admitted to being the gravin's judicial champion.

The students: Three students arrived, and has done their best to avoid everyone else.

Glimbrin: A halfling that arrived not long ago.

The other halfling: Another halfling was shaking the gravin's hand when you arrived. Has since played some cards with Glmbrin.

The Landlord and his Staff
Hans Orf, the landlord of the Three Feathers, has a variety of staff working for him

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