Dec 28, 2021 9:19 pm
If one subscribes to a forum, should one not expect to be subscribed to subforums within it? It seems strange and confusing to need to subscribe to 'Site Discussion > Bugs' if one is already subscribed to 'Site Discussions', and players have missed posts in the past when they were subscribed to a game, but that did not subscribe them to the game's subforums as they (reasonably and logically) expected.
It would also be nice now, but more important if we make subscription recursive, if one could unsubscribe from individual items within a forum one is subscribed to. In the above, this could be a non-dev unsubscribing from Bugs while being subscribed to all other Site Discussions, or unsubscribing from this thread while being subscribed to Bugs.
It would also be nice now, but more important if we make subscription recursive, if one could unsubscribe from individual items within a forum one is subscribed to. In the above, this could be a non-dev unsubscribing from Bugs while being subscribed to all other Site Discussions, or unsubscribing from this thread while being subscribed to Bugs.