General Knowledge

Jan 3, 2022 3:52 pm
Faerunian Cards
Suits: Crowns, Swords, Shields, Coins
Colors: Gold (Crown and Coins) and Silver (Swords and Shields)
Cards (One of each suit):
Kings, Queens, Princes
Extra Cards: (one each per deck)
The Jester and The Witch

These can be replicated with real world cards as follows:
Suits: Crowns (Clubs), Swords (Diamonds), Shields (Hearts), Coins (Spades)
Colors: Gold (Crown and Coins) (Black cards) and Silver (Swords and Shields) (Red cards)
Cards (One of each suit):
Kings, Queens, Princes (Kings, Queens, Jacks)
1-10 (Aces through 10s)
Extra Cards: (one each per deck)
The Jester and The Witch (Black Joker/Red Joker or any other way to differentiate the two jokers apart)

Witch of the Woods
Goal: Have the highest scoring hand. Table decides how many hands won constitutes the end of the game.
Deck Use: Full deck + the Jester + the Witch
-> If betting, all players buy in.
-> Choose 1 player to act as Dealer for the hand.
-> Dealer deals 3 cards facedown to each player (1 card at a time, done in three rounds around the table)
-> Dealer deals a number of cards equal to the number of players facedown to the middle of the table (Called the Mercenary Camp)
-> Players look at their hands.
-> If betting, a round of bets occurs as follows: Starting with the dealer's left, each player may choose to add to the pot or to stand. Once a player adds to the pot, any subsequent players must either match that addition OR fold the hand. Once all players have had a chance to bet, a "clean up" round occurs. All players that went BEFORE the highest current addition must either match the bet or fold. The bet cannot be increased at this time. Once all players have equally contributed or folded, play proceeds.
-> Starting with the player to the Dealer's left, each player may choose to swap any of their cards with the cards in the Mercenary Camp (if they choose to swap 1, they draw a card from the Mercenary Camp and then put one of their own in. if they choose to swap 2, they draw 2 cards and then put 2 of their own in. etc). Players don't HAVE to swap, they may choose to stand.
-> The Fate of Play happens. Any player with the Witch in their hand MUST take a card from the Mercenary Camp. Then, they MUST swap one of their non-Witch cards with another player. If no players have the Witch, nothing happens at this stage.
-> The Reveal happens. Starting with the player to the dealer's left, all players lay their hands open on the table and declare their Hand Score.
-> Whichever player has the highest Hand Score, wins. In the event of a tie, each person tied for the top score draws one card from the Mercenary Camp to add to their total. In the event of a tie after the Mercenary draw, there are a few conventions used to determine the outcome:
--> A: Each player gets a card off the top of the deck, starting to the dealer's left. This continues until all ties are broken.
--> B: Any player with the Witch in their hand automatically wins all ties.
--> C: The round is considered a draw and the entire prize pot is split three ways (if betting is being used). Any leftover from the even split is used as bonus for the next round.

Scoring Details:
Jester and Witch: worth 0 points.
1-10: worth 1 point each.
Princes: worth 2
Queens: worth 3
Kings: worth 4

A hand in the same color: +1 points
A hand in the same suit: +1 points

A run of three cards: +3 points
A pair: +4 points
A three of a kind: +5 points

Example hands:
2 of Crowns, 3 of Crowns, Prince of Shields. Hand score 4 (1, 1, 2. no bonuses)
1 of Coins, 2 of Coins, 3 of Coins. Hand score 8 (1, 1, 1. +1 (color), +1 (suit), +3 (run of 3))
Queen of Shields, 4 of Shields, 3 of Swords. Hand Score 6 (3, 1, 1. +1 (color))

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