
Jan 18, 2022 5:27 pm
Jan 18, 2022 5:27 pm
Jan 18, 2022 5:27 pm
Jan 18, 2022 5:27 pm
Jan 18, 2022 5:28 pm
Jan 18, 2022 5:29 pm
Jan 18, 2022 5:54 pm
Adam says:
Surely pre-formatted text should not be wrapped? It may already be formatted exactly the way it is meant to be, and wrapping would counter that.

If the screen is too small, it should scroll, but not wrap.

Wrapping an ASCII map, for instance, would break it:

                       ,-.^._                 _
                     .'      `-.            ,' ;
          /`-.  ,----'         `-.   _  ,-.,'  `
       _.'   `--'                 `-' '-'      ;
      :                         o             ;    __,-.
      ,'    o            Mazar-i-Sharif       ;_,-',.__'--.
     :    Herat                              ,--```    `--'
     :                                      ;
     :                                      :
     ;                                      :
    (                                       ;
     `-.                           *      ,'
       ;                         Kabul   :
     .'                             .-._,'
   .'                               `.
_.'                                .__;
`._                  o            ;
   `.             Kandahar       :    ,------------------------.
     `.               ,..__,---._;    |      AFGHANISTAN       |
       `-.__         :                | Capital: Kabul         |
            `.--.____;      Gr        | Pop: 28,150,000 (2009) |
                                      | Area: 251,772 sq.mi.   |
                                      |      (652,086  |

Jan 18, 2022 6:00 pm
vagueGM says:
Surely pre-formatted text should not be wrapped? It may already be formatted exactly the way it is meant to be, and wrapping would counter that.

If the screen is too small, it should scroll, but not wrap.

Wrapping an ASCII map, for instance, would break it:

                       ,-.^._                 _
                     .'      `-.            ,' ;
          /`-.  ,----'         `-.   _  ,-.,'  `
       _.'   `--'                 `-' '-'      ;
      :                         o             ;    __,-.
      ,'    o            Mazar-i-Sharif       ;_,-',.__'--.
     :    Herat                              ,--```    `--'
     :                                      ;
     :                                      :
     ;                                      :
    (                                       ;
     `-.                           *      ,'
       ;                         Kabul   :
     .'                             .-._,'
   .'                               `.
_.'                                .__;
`._                  o            ;
   `.             Kandahar       :    ,------------------------.
     `.               ,..__,---._;    |      AFGHANISTAN       |
       `-.__         :                | Capital: Kabul         |
            `.--.____;      Gr        | Pop: 28,150,000 (2009) |
                                      | Area: 251,772 sq.mi.   |
                                      |      (652,086  |

Code is in this weird twilight zone, where some people think it's for showing BBCode and others think it's for... well.. code - like a pre element in unreset HTML.

I think I'll just document this one.
Jan 18, 2022 6:02 pm
Using it for `code` also allows using it for showing bbcode, there is no conflict there. Breaking actual `code` or `pre` breaks things.
Jan 18, 2022 6:03 pm
If we want to use `code` for stuff other than `code`, then can we add the ability for users to add a proper `pre` for pre-formatted text?
Jan 18, 2022 6:05 pm
vagueGM says:
Using it for `code` also allows using it for showing bbcode, there is no conflict there. Breaking actual `code` or `pre` breaks things.
Except some people would prefer it if it wrapped on mobile devices.

I noticed you had to add a monospaced font to get your map to work. Like I say, it's a bit twilighty.
Jan 18, 2022 6:06 pm
Jan 18, 2022 6:09 pm
Maybe two separate tags? To make everyone happy 😄
Jan 18, 2022 6:13 pm
Yes. If people are wanting to do things using the code blocks that don't fit what a code block is, and we are breaking the code blocks (reset.css already breaks it by changing the font definitions) then maybe people are really wanting something other than a `code block`. Maybe people are asking for an 'example' block or somehing?

Pasting that map into a code block almost anywhere else on the internet will make it work in a predictable way, here we have fiddled so much they are unusable.
Jan 18, 2022 6:23 pm
They haven't been fiddled with, or at least not for years. I think gp has used the standard reset.css since day one.

I know what you mean though, it's just that there are a lot of posts on the site that already use the code tag - and I don't want to break them.

Ideally, I'd like to have a bbcode tag but that ship's sailed. Maybe we need an ogcode tag?
Jan 18, 2022 6:36 pm
I am not seeing how making code work like code will break anything for the existing users. But that is not the point here.
Changing things to add --not very well supported-- pre-wrap to code tags will break existing things all over the place.

If people are using code tags to show bbcode, then I still don't see why they would object to those tags behaving like most people expect code tags to behave. We don't want that long line in the poll example above wrapping, it needs to be all on one line for the poll to work, so display it that way. If people need to scroll to the left (or rotate their phone) then that is OK, slightly inconvenient, but not breaking anything like wrapping would.

I have given up on monospaced code here, reset.css breaks that and has for years, we seem to accept it, I just tell people not to use code tags for code items. Not one has seen the logic, and they all expected it to work, but I am too old and too tired to fight about it anymore.

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