Jan 31, 2022 1:32 pm
It can be seen from atop Blackrock Keep with a spyglass on a clear. To the southwest just above the dense canopy of the trackless jungle...the stepped sides of what appears to be several ziggaruts, in the distance. Since your arrival a few days ago in Blackrock you have heard of expedition after expedition trying to reach. A few have returned disheartened and low on supplies. Some resupplying and heading back into the jungle.
An unknown number of ancient ruins lay hidden within the thick green tangle. Explorers comeback with piddly amounts of ...mythite and wild tales. Some don't come back at all. Another ruin so large has not been found yet, surely one so large as to rise above the jungle must contain enough ..mythite to make one rich...
All you got to do is get there...
I had enough interest in the first Explorers of the Uncharted Continent game. I decided to start a second. This is a developing setting. Other than playing a fun game. These games serve as a place to test out ideas for the setting. So rules may be introduced and removed. I would like to have players who would be willing to give feedback and discuss things. I am also looking only for 18 years and older players...perferably 30 years and older
To make things easier characters have been in Blackrock only a few days and have cound each other and agreed to work together..so please no stand offish, uncooperative, or lone wolf type characters.
Characters MUST be made using only the PHB and only playable races and classes from the PHB can be used as characters. All characters are 1st level. Characters do NOT gain equipment, items, or anything else from class or background. Players must roll for starting gold for their character's class. Character's MUST purchase their passage to the continent (50gp) before purchasing equipment...
Alternately a character may enter into a magical bound contract with a wizard of the Known Realms. The wizard will then pay for the character's passage in exchange for the character acquiring ...mythite for the Wizard.
I will on an individual basis allow characters to have certain items granted by class or background. These have to be approved explicitly.
I will not accept players who just apply to the game. Please either respond to the recruitment thread or PM To discuss your character idea. To better understand this setting and create a character, I suggest reading the game thread for the first EotUC game there is lots of info there
An unknown number of ancient ruins lay hidden within the thick green tangle. Explorers comeback with piddly amounts of ...mythite and wild tales. Some don't come back at all. Another ruin so large has not been found yet, surely one so large as to rise above the jungle must contain enough ..mythite to make one rich...
All you got to do is get there...
I had enough interest in the first Explorers of the Uncharted Continent game. I decided to start a second. This is a developing setting. Other than playing a fun game. These games serve as a place to test out ideas for the setting. So rules may be introduced and removed. I would like to have players who would be willing to give feedback and discuss things. I am also looking only for 18 years and older players...perferably 30 years and older
To make things easier characters have been in Blackrock only a few days and have cound each other and agreed to work together..so please no stand offish, uncooperative, or lone wolf type characters.
Characters MUST be made using only the PHB and only playable races and classes from the PHB can be used as characters. All characters are 1st level. Characters do NOT gain equipment, items, or anything else from class or background. Players must roll for starting gold for their character's class. Character's MUST purchase their passage to the continent (50gp) before purchasing equipment...
Alternately a character may enter into a magical bound contract with a wizard of the Known Realms. The wizard will then pay for the character's passage in exchange for the character acquiring ...mythite for the Wizard.
I will on an individual basis allow characters to have certain items granted by class or background. These have to be approved explicitly.
I will not accept players who just apply to the game. Please either respond to the recruitment thread or PM To discuss your character idea. To better understand this setting and create a character, I suggest reading the game thread for the first EotUC game there is lots of info there