Antiproduct says:
I'll be
tremendously original here; what's the story behind the username?
Hey, if it works, why invent a bicycle? :D
There isn't exactly a story per se. For the last five or so years all of my gaming-related usernames follow the pattern of [adjective] + [plant], or [plant] + [noun]. Succulents happen to be one of my favorite categories of plants, so it was about time I actually had them in a nickname. And the flying part... Spur of the moment! Succulent with a propeller sounded amusing, combination rolled off the tongue, so here we have it.
Antiproduct says:
What's your most embarrassing rpg moment that you're willing to share?
Embarrassing RPG moment... You know, I can't exactly pinpoint one. I know I'm slightly embarrassed about some of my earlier posts from like ten years ago - but who isn't embarrassed over their younger selves? And they won't make entertaining stories either.
But I can tell you what makes me embarrassed consistently - it's writing romance! I love romantic moments in media, find all the lovey-dovey stuff very cute, but doing one myself? It is accompanied by a constant mental litany of "is this how people flirt??? what on earth am I writing???" and a definite desire to facepalm afterwards even while posting the result. XD
Antiproduct says:
What were the reasons that you turned to pbp?
Never played in person - can't turn to PbP if you only ever played PbP! ;D Although what I mean as PbP in this case might not be exactly what you think of as PbP; I played forum RPs, and mostly fandom forum RPs. Popular stuff among teens who are into one fandom or another, at least on the Russian side of the web. But these usually don't have dice rolling or a gameplay system, its all pure story!
On a more global note, internet communication is slightly easier for me in general. I suspect I might have some form of social anxiety, and in person I'm usually either too nervously chatty or quiet as a brick - neither helps in roleplaying. Though it's still hard on the web too... Plus I simply don't have friends who are into roleplaying right now, and my city's main board game club seems to only play competitive games. :D
In a way, GP is my only proper experience with TTRPGs!
Antiproduct says:
Define diy trinkets, I'm curious.
It's mostly polymer and air-dry clay figurines, and shrink plastic charms. I tried my hand at epoxy resin too and while I liked the results, I'm too imprecise for it. Had to scrub my hands for days after, and my table now sports some new glittery landscape elements.
I mostly make this stuff for amusement, since having material versions of characters from my personal projects feels very nice and they cheer me up when I see them. :D
bowlofspinach says:
What's your favorite die size and why is it the D3?
I don't have a favorite die. :P
However, 3 is simply one of my favorite numbers. Its roots in folklore are incredibly fascinating, it's an odd number so it provides a middle value, it represents a triangle and a line between just two people and a start of a crowd. You can find it everywhere! :3
bowlofspinach says:
Do you own a physical D3?
I don't think I do. I have a few collections of dice (which I never use, they just look pretty), but these are all standard, even-sided fare.
If I do try to roll physically for a D3 result, I usually use D6 with its numbers paired. :D
bowlofspinach says:
Have you watched Squid Game? If so, have you lawyered up to sue them for copyright infringement yet?
If anyone can claim ownership over the genre, I think that would be
Battle Royale, at least in the film industry. And there are way more killing game type media than Squid Game in the other mediums - which I will gladly list to you if you have hours to listen to me gushing about Zero Escape, Circle, Danganronpa, Cube, Would You Rather, Your Turn To Die and other adjancent ones. Beware, I might even get going and tell you all about Saw 5 and how great is its side plot twist...
Oh, and yes, I did watch Squid Game! I liked it.
DarK_RaideR says:
Sounds like a rather cyberpunk type to me. Any favourites in the genre?
Weirdly enough, I'm not into cyberpunk all that much. I adore its aesthetic, all the neon-filled skyscraper mega-cities, but I rarely vibe with attached plots about mega-corporations or life in the urban underground. I like game dev and AIs in practice, not in stories usually associated with them. :D Though I did enjoy a book series called Labyrinth of Reflections by S. Lukyanenko, which is kinda cyberpunk-ish; except that most of the action happens in virtual world and not outside.
If I do rake through my brain for absolute favorites... I think that would be
Invisible Inc! It's a video game from Klei, and I sunk hours of time into it despite my disinterest in the setting. It's a tactical turn-based stealth game with amazing art, great variety of characters and a decent story - if you like cyberpunk, XCom-like gameplay and stealth, I absolutely recommend trying this one!
And for other media, hmm, I don't have an answer. Does Matrix count as cyberpunk?.. XD
Last edited February 3, 2022 7:25 am