OOC thread

Feb 15, 2022 10:22 pm
Any business or funny stuff outside of gameplay can go here.
Feb 15, 2022 11:58 pm
I made it! I'm headed to bed now but look forward to the game. :)
Feb 18, 2022 5:09 am
Would you approve my character?
Feb 18, 2022 8:09 am
runekyndig says:
Would you approve my character?
Whoops! Sorry.
Feb 18, 2022 11:11 pm
@Khulod - how big is Atgor? Sunosha is by no means tiny (~2.3 or 2.4 meters tall and a good 140 kg).
Feb 18, 2022 11:18 pm

*Quick ninja edit of quickness*

Currently they are roughly the same height. But I totally accounted for that in my post. *cough*
Feb 18, 2022 11:59 pm
Ahaha, sorry I left out the "wizard is a towering goliath" part of her description
Feb 21, 2022 8:06 pm
I realised that my Annastellar Margaster sorcerer was mechanical speaking very close to another character I just started (Its a bladesinger wizard, but close enough to a hexblade warlock/sorcerer, both going on with sword and spell)
I asked our generous GM to allow me to make another, and I have.

Gale O'Dinn is also a son of a famous adventure, and as such his and Annastellar's initial posts are very identical, once the character is approved, I will update my previous posts.
Annastellar was never there, it was always Gale
Feb 23, 2022 2:41 pm
Tree: "Who are you?"
Me: *Atgørvimaðr Jötnarblóð*
Tree: "Who are you?"
Me: "Timmy Treekiller!"
Feb 27, 2022 4:45 pm
So I just realized I made a grave mistake. I thought the armor I've chosen was heavy because my character is only proficient at those. But mistakenly I've chosen a medium armor, which gave me disadvantage on the Stealth roll (I was busy when I posted it so I didn't realize it then). The problem is, my character is a cleric, so I need to be able to cast spells, which is NOT PERMITTED since my stupid head has chosen the wrong armor. Would the GM be so kind as to retcon the story so that Zagreus always wore an heavy armor (I need to find a new armor and write down its cost, actually as a penalty I'll have to add the cost of the new armor, not replace it with the old one) or will I have to spend an entire campaign not being able to cast spells? :/
Feb 27, 2022 5:13 pm
First of all you can change your armor if you wish. Are you sure you're not proficient in medium armor? It's listed in your proficiencies on D&D Beyond.
Feb 27, 2022 5:21 pm
Yeah, I see it now. Weird, it wasn’t there when I first checked... Okay, no worries, I can cast spells :D Thanks for your reply.
Feb 27, 2022 5:22 pm
You’re welcome.
Feb 28, 2022 7:43 am
About attacking in a blocky way, if there is a certain order then I agree with Joshua, a creature I attack may already be killed by someone else or there might be other circumstances created by others. However, if we want to speed things up, we can get rid of initiative order whole together and everyone can attack whenever they’re online. Of course, we should rely on our reason, for example I have free time nowadays so I can probably attack first every combat if I want to but I won’t and so will the other players. GM can decide when the enemies attack. What are your opinions on that?
Feb 28, 2022 7:55 am
There are pro's and con's to all the different approaches to combat in pbp

There the full theatre of mind where everyone makes their actions, and GM puts it together at the end of a round. (I think its called chaos initiative)
There is full tactical with OnTheFlyBattlemaps counting movement and strict initiative order etc.

I personally prefer it somewhere in between, but I can only advise :) If @JoshuaMabry what some help with the battlemaps I have some experience using those
Feb 28, 2022 8:11 am
It also depends on our activity. If we're all sharp going by initiative isn't too bad. If there's 24 hour gaps then initiative blocks might be better suited (with maybe a separate block for the super-initiative guys). Let's see how it goes and adjust if needed.
Feb 28, 2022 8:34 am
Chaotic initiative seems interesting but only when players are willing to leave the storytelling part mostly to the GM. It also places too much responsibility to the GM I think. The other extreme is also hard to play on PbP. I agree with Khulod, we’ll see how it goes but in my personal opinion the game is going slower than I expected until now, so blocky initiative is more acceptable to me.
Feb 28, 2022 10:58 am
Hey all. It seems like the majority wants initiative handled differently. Here's what I propose. We do block initiative, separating out Scar and Sunosha into their own block. So I'll roll for the two of them as one block with advantage, roll for the rest of the party, and roll for your opponents. That's three blocks. I may sometimes separate out an individual opponent when it makes sense, for example if you're fighting a group of kobolds and a dragon. How does everyone feel about this?
Feb 28, 2022 11:02 am
Will the first block be always comprised of Scar and Sunosha or it was because they were the first two in the current fight? I'm okay with three blocks, even two (one for us one for enemies) would be enough but it is good as it is.
Last edited February 28, 2022 11:02 am
Feb 28, 2022 11:17 am
The first block is Scar and Sunosha because they both get advantage on initiative rolls, and so I will roll for them separately from the rest of the party. I'll still be rolling initiative, so they may not always go first.
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