Feb 16, 2022 7:59 pm
Looking for one player to replace our wizard after the player had to leave the site for real-life reasons.
The players have finished the first third of the first book -- this took about six months. The second is about to start, so a great time to introduce a new character.
Battle maps for dungeons are handled with periodically updated maps rather than token positioning. Dungeon crawls are sped up through some house rules to eliminate analysis paralysis and needless waiting for routine rolls.
Level 2 Characters can be from any published Paizo material, subject to GM discretion. The game is largely urban, and undead, trap, and construct heavy, so consider that builds unsuited for that may be frustrated.
Current party makeup (all level 2):
- Magus (archer)
- cleric of Kepri
- unchained rogue
- paladin (undead scourge)
Anyone interested in joining an Egyptian flavoured tomb-raiding adventuring party?
The players have finished the first third of the first book -- this took about six months. The second is about to start, so a great time to introduce a new character.
Battle maps for dungeons are handled with periodically updated maps rather than token positioning. Dungeon crawls are sped up through some house rules to eliminate analysis paralysis and needless waiting for routine rolls.
Level 2 Characters can be from any published Paizo material, subject to GM discretion. The game is largely urban, and undead, trap, and construct heavy, so consider that builds unsuited for that may be frustrated.
Current party makeup (all level 2):
- Magus (archer)
- cleric of Kepri
- unchained rogue
- paladin (undead scourge)
Anyone interested in joining an Egyptian flavoured tomb-raiding adventuring party?