Create character sheet from snippet

Mar 6, 2022 8:19 pm
Whilst I think the create new custom character sheet from template functionality is okay, if we're not careful the repository is going to fill up fast.

I wonder whether it might be an idea to be able to mark a snippet in any old thread as being character sheet BBCode, and then allowing people to create a character sheet directly from it.

This could be used by GMs for pre-gen characters or for homebrew rule systems (that might not be ready for the repository). It would help players quickly create character sheets without needing all the instructions about creating a new sheet, quoting the post, copy/paste the code etc. (that looks a little clunky).
Mar 6, 2022 8:30 pm
I like that idea. I wouldn't count it as anything super important but if it were to happen, it could have some good uses
Mar 6, 2022 8:45 pm
I like the idea too.
Mar 6, 2022 9:22 pm
It does sound interesting, but I worry that that list of sheets could get very messy over time without someone curating them, especially if it is hard to find where they come from and are being used as personal repos. The names are already a bit incoherent.

Maybe the current thread can evolve into a discussion about the sheets and, once they are accepted, an admin can move them to an official repository? Maybe players could choose if they want to see only the official ones or all the ones under discussion?
Mar 6, 2022 9:38 pm
But this change would help solve (or rather, work around) that problem, wouldn't it? Instead of people having to go through a potentially messy list, they can just click a link curated for them by their GM instead.
Mar 6, 2022 9:56 pm
bowlofspinach says:
... they can just click a link curated for them by their GM instead.
But would those sheets only be available to the players in that game? Would they also have access to the sheet templates not on the GM's curated list?

There is also the risk of duplicated effort with each GM having their own list of sheet templates that might be close-to-identical instead of using the 'public list of tested and optimised sheets'.

Allowing users to choose which source of sheets they want to use, and adding some way of knowing where a sheet comes from may eventually be required.

There could be a mechanism where a GM can mark certain sheet templates as appropriate for their game, then players creating characters in that game (which would need to made possible as opposed to creating characters outside the game and then adding them), or accessing the template menu after creating a character (many may be surprised to learn they can not get back there if they miss that one-and-only chance to use the templates) would only see (or see at the top of the list) the templates the GM has recommended. GMs already specify the types of sheets allowed, specifying templates is the logical next step as everything moves to custom sheets.
Mar 6, 2022 10:02 pm
Okay, I think we're both understanding the idea completely differently. I think this just allows GMs to take one of the templates (or make their own), copy it into an in-game thread and allow players to create a sheet based on it with one click. It doesn't replace the current functionality, it just adds an option to it
Mar 6, 2022 10:06 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Okay, I think we're both understanding the idea completely differently ...
Could be. I seem to be missing some context.
Mar 6, 2022 10:17 pm
All the context I have is here. Let's just wait for @adam to explain it to us 😄
Mar 7, 2022 10:41 am
bowlofspinach says:
Okay, I think we're both understanding the idea completely differently. I think this just allows GMs to take one of the templates (or make their own), copy it into an in-game thread and allow players to create a sheet based on it with one click. It doesn't replace the current functionality, it just adds an option to it
Yes, that's right. It's another option (preferably before the curated(ish) list gets too big). Currently, the Public Repository of Custom Games Sheets is the only (easy) way of distributing custom character sheet templates.

With this functionality, custom character sheets wouldn't have to be in a game thread or the public repository. It just allows someone to share a custom character sheet from somewhere else without them showing up in the templates.

Let's say someone created an optimized character sheet for each DnD 5e class and wanted to share them. That would be 13 more character sheets in the Public Repository - all DnD 5e. Nobody wants that. But they could create a "DnD 5e character sheets" thread in guides, and people could create character sheets directly from there and they wouldn't overwhelm the template list.

I think the usefulness depends on the game and how long character creation takes. I know character creation is too complex and takes too long in 5e when all most people want to do is start playing. True, DnD has the DnDBeyond shortcut - but not everyone has access to DnDB or wants to install the extension.

It might even be that the template drop down disappears, and we have always create characters this way - but I'd want to try it first.
Mar 7, 2022 11:46 am
Maybe the GM could add the thread of curated/custom sheet templates to the Game Details page (like the LFG thread link, or in the Advanced Rules Definitions section along with the listed 'GM Sheets'). Then they can add templates to a thread they control in their game.

We don't want them spilling out and contaminating the public pool.

Of course, this does not address the issue of duplicated effort (which is that the templates were meant to reduce), but they can be encouraged to submit their custom sheets for approval for all to access if they add some benefit.
Mar 8, 2022 1:59 pm
Adam says:

Let's say someone created an optimized character sheet for each DnD 5e class and wanted to share them. That would be 13 more character sheets in the Public Repository - all DnD 5e. Nobody wants that. But they could create a "DnD 5e character sheets" thread in guides, and people could create character sheets directly from there and they wouldn't overwhelm the template list.
For Example Maybe they did it while testing the new features...

I've seen people request a feature like this and ask if we have something like it available multiple times, "How can I give my players a sheet I made specifically for them?" or how do I give this edited sheet to my players so they can have my questions/notes ect. at the bottom of their sheets?" and the answer has always been because it's not for everyone, they made edits to the pre-existing sheet that was for everyone. they can't put it in the repository this forces them to make a post the teach the players to quote, then remove quote tags then paste in a blank sheet.

otherwise on the subject of the growing size of the repository, maybe if we added a search function to the repository like we have on the gamers page the games page and several other places we could actually have a large repository without having to scroll until you finally find the right sheet.
Mar 8, 2022 2:24 pm
KoldikSteelskin says:

I've seen people request a feature like this and ask if we have something like it available multiple times, "How can I give my players a sheet I made specifically for them?" or how do I give this edited sheet to my players so they can have my questions/notes ect. at the bottom of their sheets?" and the answer has always been because it's not for everyone, they made edits to the pre-existing sheet that was for everyone. they can't put it in the repository this forces them to make a post the teach the players to quote, then remove quote tags then paste in a blank sheet.

otherwise on the subject of the growing size of the repository, maybe if we added a search function to the repository like we have on the gamers page the games page and several other places we could actually have a large repository without having to scroll until you finally find the right sheet.
Take a look at this in staging
Mar 8, 2022 5:04 pm
I agree this is a problem worth solving.

I like the solution that Adam just put on the staging site. The snippet renders a create character button that automatically creates a character from that template. Great Idea! Also just saw the character sheet "Preview" and "Save" vs "Save and Exit" features at the same time. Those are gold!
Mar 9, 2022 7:40 am
That looks real good. I like that the sheet creators don't need to add anything. I don't think the inserted 'Create character' text block should be a problem --though it does slightly change the way the sheet looks.

Being able to see what we are picking is so much more useful than guessing from a dropdown list.

Being able to add that creation functionality to any thread/post would be even more useful now. And curating a list of public sheets becomes even more desirable as a place to browse.
Mar 9, 2022 7:39 pm
Had been quite busy lately to dabble in testing, but I checked staging today and boy oh boy! The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this was this

Pregens gonna be a freaking breeze now!

Think about it Bowl!

Why did no one thought of it sooner? xD
Last edited March 9, 2022 7:41 pm
Mar 9, 2022 8:03 pm
Could streamline the process for the tutorial. ALthough I might still keep the steps now, just so players get to actually create one semi-manually. It's still a valuable skill
Mar 10, 2022 2:59 pm
bowlofspinach says:
... keep the steps now, just so players get to actually create one semi-manually. It's still a valuable skill
Were it me, I would keep the manual steps. The GM could always copy/past into the new player's sheet if they were having trouble, and it is part of the process.

These streamlined techniques are for later, when the act of making a sheet is the hard part compared to the act of making a character.
Mar 13, 2022 10:15 am
[ +- ] TftL test

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