Session 0

Mar 14, 2022 5:22 pm
~Posting Frequency~
I'll be honest, as a busy college student, my own posting rate can be inconsistent. I can almost always respond to OOC questions within just a few hours, but I often have to get in the right headspace to make IC posts. Some weeks I spend multiple hours on Gamersplane every night, and others I have almost no time to post IC. I want to be upfront about this just in case there is an unannounced gap in my posting: I am likely just busy with schoolwork and whatnot. I will, however, try to maintain a posting rate of about 3 to 4 IC posts per week.

Yeah, in order to get started we need to talk about stopping. If you decide to leave the game for ANY reason, then please drop a note in this game to let us all know. There'll be no hard feelings no matter the reason (whether it be life getting in the way, my GMing not your style, don't like the story, don't enjoy the system, or no reason at all!) but it's a greatly appreciated courtesy to say goodbye. If you are anticipating gaps in your posting rate, please let us know that as well, I will do the same! :)

Real life happens and must come first. If you need a break or are taking a holiday then let us know. Please, just communicate :)

~General Post Format~
-I use bold text for things that are spoken aloud. "Hey you!"
-I use italics for thoughts. Is he talking to me?
-One thing that I like to do is that everybody chooses a color to make all of their character's dialogue, making it really easy to look back and see who said what. For example, one payer character's words and thoughts are typed in green, another in yellow, light blue, and so on. I would like to do that in this game too if you guys want.

~Sensitive Topics~
Obviously, the world of Exandria is for mature audiences. But not everything is really necessary for a game set there. If there is anything that you do not feel comfortable with, no matter what it is, please the group know in this thread or let me know in a PM!

-Sexual Violence,
-Violence towards Children,
-Excessively gory descriptions (and please don’t describe slitting throats or anything similar harm to the throat area, I have a strong phobia of that)
-Any NSFW sexual content, we can simply fade to black if it comes up...
-Intolerance of any kind (racism, LGBTQ+phobia, etc)
-While intraparty conflict is good, there should be no PvP unless agreed upon by both parties OOC first

-The occasional cuss word or other adult language is fine when used in moderation for emphasis, character style, or exclamation. But no c, n, or r words and absolutely nothing that can be in any way interpreted as offensive or a slur of any kind.
Mar 15, 2022 3:31 pm

-Drinking a potion is a bonus action, administering it to someone else is an action

-I love Nat 20s! Rolling a Nat 20 is an automatic success, no matter if it's an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw (that way there is always a chance for success when rolling), UNLESS you are rolling in a contest, in which modifiers are still taken into account.

-I will use grouping initiative. So at the beginning of combat, I will roll everyone's initiative, and all players who roll between two non-PCs can act in any order. (This is to reduce any wait times. So if two players rolled a 12 and an 11 and there are no non-PCs between them, they can act in any order, most likely whoever posts first).

-I will provide enemies' AC and saving throw bonuses, so please roll for enemies when you use a feature or spell that requires them to roll saving throws. I will do the same for PCs when enemies make you roll saving throws, this speeds up combat by a lot.

Just also want to emphasize that the goal of this game is to tell a great story, there is no "winning" or "losing", and failures as well as successes shall be celebrated.

Please post here that you acknowledge and agree to everything in this one and the post above, I will not start the game until all players have done so :)
Mar 15, 2022 5:53 pm
Sounds good!
Mar 15, 2022 6:29 pm
Read and agreed.
Mar 15, 2022 6:32 pm
Sounds good to me.
Mar 15, 2022 7:45 pm
Sounds legit.
I like the rule about doing the enemy's rolls, I haven't seen that before
Mar 15, 2022 10:15 pm
Aye aye captain!
Mar 15, 2022 11:32 pm
Awesome! I appreciate everyone's responses!

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