Character Creation

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Mar 16, 2022 7:10 pm
There is a gamersplane discord (I found it when looking for help with the text editor)
Mar 16, 2022 7:23 pm
Thanks, for showing me. I am already logged on to that. Nonetheless, I would prefere something more privat.
Mar 16, 2022 8:21 pm
I am finished with most of the character building, as fare as I am concerned. Some traditional last minute changes have to be expacted. It is the law. ;)

Faelan - my characters name - is from the noble Den (House) Hythenos, but has no noble background. Maybe you want to take it ianfhunter?

A man on a mission/quest who would love to have some good company and or even better: true friends along on this ride. He is from Roshana (the main capital of Xhorhas), so if anybody has had some business there, this could be our connection. But I am open in this regard for other possibilities and ideas, if someone wants to connect backstories.

Faelan has the Thieves' Tools prof., speaks Common, Elven, Undercommon and maybe Zemnian - or he takes the Tinker Tools prof. if nobody else wants it. (Thinking A-Team)

My character will mainly fight in melee, but has one or two ranged options. He has the Drow Magic Spells and the Mage Hand cantrip, but no rituals or other utility spells.
Mar 17, 2022 1:22 am
I’m thinking of playing a Haregon monk who fell through a rabbit hole and ended up here, would that work ok? I’m unsure what some of the terms are so I wasn’t sure if that would be an ok playable race!

I love the idea of visions or something like that. Still working through the details and didn’t want to get to caught in the idea without checking in!
Mar 17, 2022 8:50 am
Okay as we have a solid frontline, I thinking I will be going for a bard with a link to the Luxon, who's past lives are a little more invasive than most.

Most of the time the party knows her as a charismatic elf who tries to get on with everyone. In times of battle however she's may be battle hardened goliath, when people need comforting a half-orc who knows the right recipie to comfort...

So yeah a changling who takes on the forms of their past lives depending on the moment.
Mar 17, 2022 9:12 am
soises says:

Faelan - my characters name - is from the noble Den (House) Hythenos, but has no noble background. Maybe you want to take it ianfhunter?
Cool! I think I will, I'm still working out where I'm from and my house, but perhaps the houses might know each other!
Mar 19, 2022 8:49 am
@everyone please share a little about your character on the board (easier to keep track) on GP. Because three people with the same skills/prof./spells will lead to frustration through overlapping compentencies and unfilled roles. if we share a little bit, how we want to play our character this could help enormously. yum
Here's a bit more about Tereze, she's from a big wine farm in Feolinn and is probably going to be in the front line - she wields a large warhammer. I'd imagine you all know she's a dhampir and does some blood stuff, but she's more secretive around civilization.

Clerics are prepared casters, but I'll probably keep some healing ready. However these are always ready:

Thaumaturgy (Wis) +4 +12 Notes
Word of Radiance (Wis) +4 +12 Notes
Spare the Dying (Wis) +4 +12 Notes
Sleep (Wis) +4 +12
Ray of Enfeeblement (Wis) +4 +12
Ray of Sickness (Wis) +4 +12
Crown of Madness (Wis) +4 +12

The only tool proficiency she has is for dragonchess.
Skills: religion, intimidation, history, medicine, perception, persuasion
Last edited March 19, 2022 10:05 am
Mar 19, 2022 4:16 pm
Calla is a harengon monk far traveler who grew up in an idyllic, secretive forest society but wanted to travel and felt smothered in her home, so she leaped at the chance when she found a rabbit hole leading someplace new. The only problem is now she doesn’t know how to get home, or if she even wants to leave. She’s ignorant about a lot of cultural norms and sometimes she has odd reactions - but her outsider’s perspective sometimes allows for deeper insights.

This is the first D&D character I’ve fleshed out so I’ve set her to public for feedback on what could synergize well with the group, I was shooting for someone highly mobile with a lot of different ways to get around and lots of bonus actions! I imagine her as a fringe fighter who can peel off problematic enemies with compelled duel, or who can get to hard to reach foes to finish them off in a timely manner (hopefully). Fey touched is more a flavor pick since I imagine she is from the feywild - but doesn’t realize it, and doesn’t know the two spells aren’t something everyone can do.

Proficient in acrobatics, insight, perception, performance, sleight of hand and stealth, along with playing dice, an instrument and brewer’s supplies. Spells are Misty Step and Compelled Duel.
Mar 19, 2022 7:41 pm
The bard you have all found yourself travelling with is an odd sort. One moment you are being tended to by Arkas, a caring orc who wants to make sure you are all okay. When there is a fight to be won Grana the goliath is give you encouragement while demoralising the enemy. If a more fiddley task is needed you get Veliath, a vain drow who seems upset if she fails , as thats impossible. Most often you get Ardeth the playful half-drow who seems to want to be friends with everyone and make everyone happy. Every now and then a new face briefly shows itself to lend its expertise.

After some poking and inquiring your companion has admitted their current rebirth is a changeling, a shapeshifter, but they refuse to give a true name, or show a true appearance, insisting on the name of their current form being used. They are their past lives, who they are now is inconsequential, a way of the past expressing itself.

Through accessing their pass knowledge they are skilled at many languages: Common, Undercommon, Abyssal, Orcish, Goblin and Giant, and many skills: Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Performance, Persuasion. Persuasion and Investigation they seem to be exceptionally good at (Expertise). They are skilled at many instruments, a flute being their favourite, and thieves tools.

(I am still working on spells. Heads up I have covid rn so limited energy, but will hopefully be finished soon)
Last edited March 20, 2022 2:00 pm

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