The bard you have all found yourself travelling with is an odd sort. One moment you are being tended to by Arkas, a caring orc who wants to make sure you are all okay. When there is a fight to be won Grana the goliath is give you encouragement while demoralising the enemy. If a more fiddley task is needed you get Veliath, a vain drow who seems upset if she fails , as thats impossible. Most often you get Ardeth the playful half-drow who seems to want to be friends with everyone and make everyone happy. Every now and then a new face briefly shows itself to lend its expertise.
After some poking and inquiring your companion has admitted their current rebirth is a changeling, a shapeshifter, but they refuse to give a true name, or show a true appearance, insisting on the name of their current form being used. They are their past lives, who they are now is inconsequential, a way of the past expressing itself.
Through accessing their pass knowledge they are skilled at many languages: Common, Undercommon, Abyssal, Orcish, Goblin and Giant, and many skills: Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Performance, Persuasion. Persuasion and Investigation they seem to be exceptionally good at (Expertise). They are skilled at many instruments, a flute being their favourite, and thieves tools.
(I am still working on spells. Heads up I have covid rn so limited energy, but will hopefully be finished soon)
Last edited March 20, 2022 2:00 pm