Character Creation

Mar 14, 2022 5:31 pm

-Level 3
-27 Point Buy of Standard Array for Ability Scores
-Nothing UA or Homebrew (except that I have subclass spells for the sorcerer and ranger subclasses that lack them, let me know if you're interested!)
-Any class & subclass is allowed from any published book from WoTC or Critical Role (including artificer and blood hunter, and any subclasses in the Tal'dorei Reborn book)
-Multiclassing and feats allowed
-Any officially published background, except the ones from Eberron or Strixhaven
-No evil characters, should have a reason for being in the group!
-Tasha's optional class and race options allowed, in fact, the Customize Your Origins ability scores maneuvering is ENCOURAGED!!
-Just Starting Equipment + 10-30 gold, whatever you feel your character would actually have
-You can roll for HP for levels 2 and 3 or just add the fixed amount, up to you (if you roll, you can reroll 1's)

-Race has little bearing on alignment in this setting (at least for me), and the region of Xhorhas is dominated by the "monstrous" races like goblins, orcs, drow, bugbears, kobolds, etc, and playing as a human might even get you some strange looks around these parts (since the neighboring Dwendalian Empire is majority human)!

-Everyone gets a FREE FEAT at Level 1 to help customize your character if you'd like one (but must make sense for your character and cannot be Lucky, Sharpshooter, or Great Weapon Master)

-If you are new to D&D5e and need any guidance/suggestions/advice, please feel free to ask away!
~Character Creation~

-This game would be an excellent time to try out the Heroic Chronicle character builder within the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount book. This is a series of tables and grids that can help determine everything from race to allies, from family size to mysterious secrets, and even including your favorite food! If you are unfamiliar with the setting, this would be a great way to have a character ingrained in the setting without having to do too much on your part. Either way, I will try my best to incorporate your backstory info into the story.

-We will, ideally, be playing with these characters for a long time, so please make sure to create a character that is interesting to you, and that is dynamic. Please answer the following questions for your character:
---What’s one small heroic deed you’ve already accomplished?
---Do you give your trust easily, or do people have to earn your trust?
---What’s one thing you want more than anything else? How will being an adventurer help you achieve it?
---Name at LEAST one personal goal (the more specific, the better) that your character wishes to achieve.
------Themes within this adventure that might help you connect your backstory to the main story: magic items, any of the following deities: Sehanine the Moon Weaver, Avandra the Change Bringer, and Corellon the Arch Heart, study of ancient history including the Betrayer Gods and the Calamity, study of Ruidus (the mysterious moon), the struggle for power, or just the desire for a great adventure.

(You can put a note in your character sheet so that this info is only visible to me and yourself)

--You guys will begin as an already-formed adventuring party and will already know each other, so please feel free to establish the dynamics between the group members and maybe even a party name!
~Setting Info and What the Characters Already Know~
[ +- ] Jigow (Starting Town)
[ +- ] The Calamity (Event)
[ +- ] Kryn Dynasty (Government)
[ +- ] The Luxon (Deity)
[ +- ] Catha and Ruidus (The Moons of Exandria)
So the starting location is the town of Jigow in the region of Xhorhas on the continent of Wildemount. If you have ANY questions about the setting, including factions, the pantheon, or even just the cuisine of your hometown, let me know! :)
Mar 15, 2022 6:42 pm
That sounds amazing. :)

I am thinking of a half-drow noble (or spy for a noble house). An Echo Knight Fighter out of Xhorhas. A believer of the Luxon.

Less a meatshield (that would be the Echo), than a nimble/stealthy rapier fighter with a shield and a longbow. If we don`t have a rogue, maybe I could take the thieves' tools proficiency.
Mar 15, 2022 6:52 pm
Still thinking on ideas. Entered this wanting to be a caster.. then read the Luxon and thought that could make a neat play on an ancestral guardian barbarian. Happy to also adapt around what others want to play if there are any holes that need filling (Except preferably cleric as I have quite a few of those right now)
Mar 15, 2022 6:56 pm
I'd like to try out my first warlock, a hexblade possibly fathomless or maybe even a wizard/blade singer.
Mar 15, 2022 6:57 pm
Love the beginning ideas!

I will say, the Fathomless Warlock seems pretty situational in most adventures, but would be great in this one, due to a great amount of time spent in/near water
Mar 15, 2022 7:01 pm
And I forgot to mention it in the original post above, but feel free to reflavor (change the names/appearance of a feature or spell) anything you wish to in order to create your character. I quite frequently reflavor things when I am playing as a player. As long as nothing is changed mechanically and it isn't too out of left field, you can do it
Mar 15, 2022 8:16 pm
I'd love to try out the Tal'Dorei subclasses. I haven't played any clerics, and the blood cleric seems very cool.
Especially if the others are going to be more squishy. It sounds like there's a lot to draw on from the lore.

I'm undecided about what race to pick, maybe a drow could be a good connection with soises, I did have an idea that a water genasi, but blood flavoured could be fun. Do blood elementals exist?

Or a dhampir, or a warforged, or...

I'll sit on it :)
Last edited March 15, 2022 8:30 pm
Mar 15, 2022 11:32 pm
@SeaJay I think you mentioned that you were still new to D&D5e, so if you need guidance on creating a character, I would definitely suggest using DnDBeyond for the majority of it. It's a great tool that helps do a lot of the background stuff when creating a character. Without buying the books, you only have the Player's Handbook stuff, but you could always just switch out the subclass/race features with something else when you transfer it here to Gamersplane.

And I will go over everyone's character sheets before we begin just to make sure everything looks like it's set up right :)
Mar 15, 2022 11:49 pm
@aquafina I am definitely new so that’s a great help, I will definitely start there! I want to play a John Chrichton-esque character I think, someone who is very far from home, out of the loop and overwhelmed - so I won’t have to RP very hard! :) Let me know if you have any ideas that could fit well into the story/world!

I’m thinking someone who has been around for at least long enough to be past the most frustrating parts of being new but still rather clueless. Plenty of opportunities for others to explain things as they see fit - practical jokes and misinformation could be fun I think!
Mar 16, 2022 12:16 am
That’s a great dynamic to introduce if someone wants to act as a sort of mentor/taking you under their wing and showing you the lay of the land!
aquafina sent a note to SeaJay
Mar 16, 2022 10:23 am
After a good night's sleep, I think I've settled on a dhampir blood cleric who follows Sehanine the Moon Weaver. Possibly a noble backgound too?

I'm going to have a look at the Heroic Chronicle next. Here are some of the questions you asked.

What’s one small heroic deed you’ve already accomplished?
Tereze has maybe helped out with some low level undead like skeletons in the Jigow temples/crypts/cemetery? Maybe she fought with one of the other party members here

Do you give your trust easily, or do people have to earn your trust?
Tereze is slow to trust people and naturally cautious, but once her trust is earned, she is unwavering in her loyalty to them.

What’s one thing you want more than anything else? How will being an adventurer help you achieve it?
Name at LEAST one personal goal (the more specific, the better) that your character wishes to achieve.
Whilst travelling, Tereze wishes to visit various places connected to Sehanine, making her adventuring career a quasi-pilgramige also.
At the end of her journey, Tereze hopes to be able to retire to a comfortable life with a loving partner she might find along the way.

I've found some cool art! Unfortunately i've no idea who to credit.
Last edited March 16, 2022 1:31 pm
Mar 16, 2022 11:01 am
If you don’t have access to the Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount for the Heroic Chronicle, let me know. I don’t have content sharing on DnDBeyond but I have the physical book, so I can send pics of the pages.
aquafina sent a note to ianfhunter
Mar 16, 2022 2:56 pm
aquafina sent a note to SeaJay
aquafina sent a note to ianfhunter
Mar 16, 2022 3:35 pm
aquafina sent a note to ianfhunter
Mar 16, 2022 3:40 pm
Boop sent a note to aquafina
Mar 16, 2022 4:56 pm
aquafina sent a note to ianfhunter
Mar 16, 2022 5:23 pm
Still stuck (Read as: have too many) character ideas, so may actually star with rolling some bits from the chronicle and working backwards. Would best place to roll such things be here I'm guessing?
Mar 16, 2022 7:04 pm
@Aquafina> Could we use a Discord channel? I am a huge fan of fast communication and would love to have one. :)

Last edited March 16, 2022 7:07 pm
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