Mar 16, 2022 4:45 pm
I am consider, maybe I want to DM an official 5e adventure here on PBP. I have DMd LMoP twice online and enjoyed both.
But before I purchase any new adventure I would like to know if there would be enough interest and if anyone could recommend me one.
1. I do not want to run LMoP, CoS (I'm a player currently in one)
2. I do not want to run super long scenario on PBP (so I chose to split Hoard of the Dragon Queen and The Rise of Tiamat)
3. I do want, desire and am able to fix any problematic scenarios
4. I would prefer running a scenario that has a lot of pre-written flavour texts as my (absence of) literary talent is my weakest DM's perk.
Prerequisite/what I can offer
- I want to run "1 post per day", meaning I am pushing story forward any day regardless of any players ability to post during that day.
- I know DnD rules well and will enforce them
- As stated above I do not have talent to describe environment or NPC emotions in good English. I will try to use visuals and technical language instead. I may name NPC feelings rather than demonstrate them in their speech.
If you still think you would like to play the game DMd by me despite of above please recommend me an adventure or vote any of those I've listed
But before I purchase any new adventure I would like to know if there would be enough interest and if anyone could recommend me one.
1. I do not want to run LMoP, CoS (I'm a player currently in one)
2. I do not want to run super long scenario on PBP (so I chose to split Hoard of the Dragon Queen and The Rise of Tiamat)
3. I do want, desire and am able to fix any problematic scenarios
4. I would prefer running a scenario that has a lot of pre-written flavour texts as my (absence of) literary talent is my weakest DM's perk.
Prerequisite/what I can offer
- I want to run "1 post per day", meaning I am pushing story forward any day regardless of any players ability to post during that day.
- I know DnD rules well and will enforce them
- As stated above I do not have talent to describe environment or NPC emotions in good English. I will try to use visuals and technical language instead. I may name NPC feelings rather than demonstrate them in their speech.
If you still think you would like to play the game DMd by me despite of above please recommend me an adventure or vote any of those I've listed