First time player

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Jun 18, 2016 12:16 am
Hi everyone
I am brand new to the D&d universe and I'm a little lost. I've never had the chance to actually play. I won a D&d starter kit from a magic the gathering tournament at a comic con 2 years ago and then bought a players hand book because I was so interested. I have been trying to find a group with little success. I listen to a lot of podcast from the rpg academy, dm's block, one shot, gods fall, etc and all it makes me do is want to play more. recently on the DMsblock they talked about "play by post" and mentioned this site so here I am. In the real world in a combat medic in the national guard with 1 deployment under my belt and work as an electrician the rest of the time I have a beautiful wife and 2 wonderful kids 5 and 3 none of which I can get involved with D&d due to age or lack of interest. But I'm super excited and hoping to get involved in Gamers Plane. Looking forward to communicating with you all 😃
Jun 18, 2016 12:30 am
Hi Windstead! We are super glad to have you with us; without much experience in live gaming, PbP can be really neat, just because you're so focused in the RP and story. I'm sure we'll be able to into the hobby, and as for the family/kids, there are some neat games specifically designed for family play or for kids (No Thank You Evil comes to mind, a coworker recently introduced his 6 year old to it, and he's loving it).

Given you have DnD 5e books, I'm guessing that's where you'd want to start?
Jun 18, 2016 12:41 am
Jun 18, 2016 12:45 am
Thanks guy that was a fast response looking forward to playing and getting more into the hobby
Jun 18, 2016 1:10 am
Welcome, Windstead. Role-playing, unlike many hobbies, seems to thrive on being led or introduced into it. Once initiated, many find it the source of a lifetime of enjoyment. I'm glad that have taken the first steps. Most DMs on Gamersplane will help you through the process.
Jun 18, 2016 4:14 am
Welcome, Windstead! You couldn't have come to a better place! Everyone here is awesome and super helpful! Szemely is starting a game soon, you might want to check it out. :-) Also, keep your eye on the Games Tavern as new games are always popping up.
Last edited June 18, 2016 4:16 am
Jun 18, 2016 5:45 am
Welcome to the great GP! Hope you find everything you're looking for here!
Jun 18, 2016 5:41 pm
Hello and welcome.

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