[GAME CHAT 2] Smoking Tallow

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Mar 19, 2022 4:06 am
Smoking Tallow: common food & rooms. The menu includes vegetable omelets, ratatouille (vegetable soup), millas (cornmeal, butter and honey) smoked fish and spicy goose wings. Drink is water, milk, beer or Flip (hot beer, egg, sugar).
Mar 19, 2022 4:17 am
Raibyr and Eadrom enter the Smoking Tallow. Eadrom sees a familiar face sitting at a table with two other people talking and eating. William looks up and notices Eadrom.
Mar 20, 2022 11:45 pm
Eadrom glances in William's direction and at first he just thinks that the figure he sees looks like William and dismisses it, but then he takes another look with greater interest.
I believe I know that man. One moment. he says to Raibyr
Eadrom walks over to the table.
William? its more of a question than a statement.
Mar 21, 2022 4:01 pm
William yelps despite himself, draws Eadrom into a big bear hug.

"Eadrom! I had this nagging feeling someone I kn—"

He sighs contentedly, now feeling safer than he has in some weeks.

"Come, come. Meet these kind folks! I came to this tavern looking for what turns out to be you, you know!"
Mar 22, 2022 1:54 am
Carelia Douzains
Smiles politely at Eadrom and Raibyr, "Greetings my name is Carelia, nice to meet you."
Looks at both Eadrom and Raibyr as if inspecting them both, "My name is Sgt. Liam of the Crimson Gaurd."
Mar 22, 2022 5:32 am
Raibyr smiles in surprise at the reaction from the man hugging Eadrom. "Well, Eadrom, it appears you have a friend! And any friend yours is a friend of mine."

He turns and with his hand on his chest, nods to Carelia and the guard, "Carelia, Sgt. Liam, Raibyr Shadeborn, at your service.", he says brightly. "You know, it was a Crimson Guard that inadvertently introduced Eadrom and I. We’ve been all over town, meeting the most fascinating people along the way."

Raibyr orders a flip from a passing waitress and asks, "I feel Eadrom is already welcome, but, may I join your little party?"
Mar 22, 2022 12:44 pm
Carelia Douzains
They both look at one another briefly and nod. Liam calls for the waitstaff to bring over extra chairs for Eadrom and Raibyr.
Mar 22, 2022 10:16 pm
"Raibyr," William says, trying out the strange syllables in his mouth with the same detached interest he approached Souragnesse.

"I am William. How did you come to know Eadrom? And you’ve met the Crimson Guards already?" His interest is genuine, but it doesn’t hide a hint of wariness.
Mar 22, 2022 10:44 pm
"William. I can scarcely believe it is you. I thought my eyes were deceiving me. It is uplifting to see that you are well."
Mar 23, 2022 4:09 am
"William, a fine name, sir. It is a pleasure to meet you.", Raibyr says as he takes a seat at the table. "And to answer your question, I wouldn’t say we met a Crimson Guard, so much as we were yelled at by one. However, I feel it was fortuitous he did so. As I said, in that moment, he ‘introduced’ Eadrom and I."

Raibyr is still curious at Eadrom’s reaction to William. It’s the most emotion he’s seen from him so far. "May I assume you were part of Eadrom’s earlier adventures?"
Last edited March 23, 2022 4:10 am
Mar 25, 2022 1:01 pm
"Yes! Yes. We met in a land called Souragne. Fought a dangerous horde."

He smiles, but winces slightly—the pain of old wounds.

"I did not think I’d ever see any of those allies again."

William considers mentioning his whispers, what those nagging voices had told him about the state of his erstwhile companions, but he resolves not to, instead just nodding as if it to unheard music.
Mar 25, 2022 3:25 pm
Carelia Douzains
Can be both overheard discussing corpses that have been found in and around Pont-a-Museau missing their teeth, eyes and fingernails.
Mar 25, 2022 6:54 pm
Eadrom takes not of the dark conversation but does not remark on it.
"Raibyr. Tell William about what we heard earlier."
Eadrom does not wish to talk any more than necessary.
Last edited March 25, 2022 6:55 pm
Mar 25, 2022 9:23 pm
While they haven’t known each other for more than an afternoon, Raibyr catches onto Eadrom’s nudge, "Absolutely! We met a wonderful woman named Madame Tuvache and her valet, Mr. Graves.", he lowers his voice a bit, in case of prying ears, as he continues, "Madame Tuvache hired Eadrom and I to deal with some sort of creature locked in her basement at the Jerretiere. She’s not sure what it may be, but apparently it’s loud and scary enough that it has frightened away some of her own staff!"

Raibyr leans in a bit and continues, "We were on our way there when Eadrom caught a young girl watching us. Turns out, she was in possession of an amulet that belonged to Eadrom. Strangely, she seemed to have vanished. Since he wasn’t sure of its last whereabouts, we came here to take a look around."

He takes a sip of his flip, "I do still hope to make it to the Jerretiere today, however. William, given your history with Eadrom and unusual creatures, perhaps you would like to join us?"
Mar 27, 2022 4:29 am
"That’s a good idea, Raibyr! Maybe whatever this creature is has some connection to the rest of what’s happening—I don’t much believe in coincidence anymore."

He smiles at Eadrom, indicating their reuniting is the primary reason.

"Carelia. Liam. Do you suppose there’s something to that?"
Mar 27, 2022 5:42 am
akorn says:
"That’s a good idea, Raibyr! Maybe whatever this creature is has some connection to the rest of what’s happening—I don’t much believe in coincidence anymore."

He smiles at Eadrom, indicating their reuniting is the primary reason.

"Carelia. Liam. Do you suppose there’s something to that?"
Carelia Douzains
Narrows her eyes, furrows her brow and looks down, "Maybe? I'm not sure. I think I'll take a look around the city while your at Madame Tuvache's. I'll be back this way if you want to meet up with me later and we can discuss what we found out. You and your friends be careful."

"The Widow Madame Tuvache huh? Haven't seen much of her since her husband died some years ago. It seems odd she did not contact us about this creature trapped in her basement. Maybe she didn't want to embarrass herself when it turns out to be some mice down there. William if you want to take me up on my offer or need to talk to me just head to the Crimson Guard Station."

Carelia Douzains
"Eadrom I couldn't help but overhear about your amulet being taken. Where ever you are staying here in Pont-a-Museau besides locking your doors and windows you'll also want to lock your water closet. The rat monsters that live in the sewers, they'll come up through the water closet sometimes."

"Ha! rat monsters in water closets! hahaha, fairytales to frighten children. That's why I like you Carelia, you always seem to make me laugh."
Mar 27, 2022 6:09 am
The mention of the rat from Carelia triggers Raibyr’s memory of the girl and amulet. ‘The rat that ran into the sewer… how odd.", he thinks to himself.

There’s the faintest hint of those calculating eyes again, before he joins in Liam’s laughter. "Fairy tales indeed, Sgt. Liam.", he chuckles, "However, I wouldn’t discount Carelia so quickly, I’ve seen a few rodents of unusual size in my time.", he’s says with a nod to Carelia as he takes another swig of his flip.
Mar 27, 2022 6:13 am
Nictorah says:
The mention of the rat from Carelia triggers Raibyr’s memory of the girl and amulet. ‘The rat that ran into the sewer… how odd.", he thinks to himself.

There’s the faintest hint of those calculating eyes again, before he joins in Liam’s laughter. "Fairy tales indeed, Sgt. Liam.", he chuckles, "However, I wouldn’t discount Carelia so quickly, I’ve seen a few rodents of unusual size in my time.", he’s says with a nod to Carelia as he takes another swig of his flip.
Carelia Douzains
With a grim look, nods knowingly at Raibyr.
Mar 27, 2022 2:34 pm
Raibyr gives Carelia a wink and finishes his drink. "Well, it has been a pleasure meeting you Carelia and Sgt. Liam. However, we should be on our way. I do hope our paths cross again soon." he stands and sets his payment and tip on the table. "Gentlemen, let’s not keep Madame Tuvache waiting."

Once Eadrom and William join him, Raibyr heads out of the Smoking Tallow and continues on his way to the Jerretiere.
Mar 27, 2022 6:18 pm
"How long has it been since we have seen each William? I must say, I have been distraught these many days, but seeing you now and recovering my amulet I feel a sense of hope for the future and I'm glad you are with us. It may be that the darkness in this town is not overt as it was in Souragne, I am beginning to think there may be something sinister at work in the shadows of this place."
Mar 30, 2022 12:27 am
He keeps pace with Eadrom and Raibyr, only briefly slowing down to occasionally speak of woe.

"Certainly months," William replies, nodding grimly. "It’s been too long, I’ll say."

He turns to the others more generally.

"Tepest, my home, is a lovely land, too, but of course there are always shadows. Whispers of darkness." The caliban blushes, waxing too poetic. "That…kind of thing."

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