From the guv'nor

Mar 21, 2022 11:22 am

18:36 There is one feature that I had always hoped to put in the gamers plane that I'm hoping the version 2 will see - I wanted to put together kind of like a google maps for game groups so like you can go in you can plug in where your game group is and you can find people that are playing in a 25 mile area or something like that.
20:26 I actually do know there are a couple of games that are  not play-by-post that are actually real-life games where people are using gamers plane as their repository and their long-term tracking for their game, which i also think is really cool. I once was going to start a third edition d&d game this is somewhat recently and i suggested that  everybody just make gamers plane character sheets um just put it all there and then we could just  view it right we i could review it yeah instead of having session zero just getting together  
21:30 The character library was not what i initially envisioned it to be. It's kind of been it's kind of like a repeating cycle because people weren't really using it  because it really wasn't what i thought it was, so people weren't using it. That's definitely a major feature  that i would like to overhaul because, like you, said i think that that's a really useful thing  for people to have both online and offline - like if you could just copy someone's  character sheet for example and then change the stats or change the things that you wanted.
22:23 someone suggested at one point having like um a mini sheet for npcs where it's just kind of like  name based stats and like maybe items or just like a description box um and so like to quickly  be able to use npcs imagine if you could share those around
28:47 um it'd be cool to have more real-time chat involved because people are asking can we  can we have a discord channel for our play-by-post games and i'm like  i like the idea but if we start doing that we run into a lot of logistical problems um the  admins would just have way too much work on their hands and so i actually did have a chat system  on the site way back when it started and the chat 
system a gm would start a session you could chat  and when the gm ended the session it would actually save that chat to a post
52:47 you know someone pointed out like what's the point of me taking the birthdate and my initial concept  was like i really loved how some sites send you a message on your birthday
57:19 at some point i think it'd be nice especially now that like in the recent past i've seen donations  increase um it'd be nice to have like a banner or like a marker or like something to thank people  for donating but i also don't think that should give them more on the site functionally it should  just be like a thank you a credit uh a bonus badge yeah a badge like or if we ever get like  um emojis maybe they get like a special donor emoji right
Mar 21, 2022 12:39 pm
18:36 There is one feature that I had always hoped to put in the gamers plane that I'm hoping the version 2 will see - I wanted to put together kind of like a google maps for game groups so like you can go in you can plug in where your game group is and you can find people that are playing in a 25 mile area or something like that.
I don't care about that personally. Maybe it's more interesting for Americans who are more likely to find someone living close to them but for me, no real point. Plus, it's personal data that we'd have to ask people for and even if they don't want to provide it, they might find being asked for their address weird.
Meh, no strong feelings on this. I wouldn't use it.
20:26 I actually do know there are a couple of games that are not play-by-post that are actually real-life games where people are using gamers plane as their repository and their long-term tracking for their game, which i also think is really cool. I once was going to start a third edition d&d game this is somewhat recently and i suggested that everybody just make gamers plane character sheets um just put it all there and then we could just view it right we i could review it yeah instead of having session zero just getting together
Not sure what the suggestion is here.
21:30 The character library was not what i initially envisioned it to be. It's kind of been it's kind of like a repeating cycle because people weren't really using it because it really wasn't what i thought it was, so people weren't using it. That's definitely a major feature that i would like to overhaul because, like you, said i think that that's a really useful thing for people to have both online and offline - like if you could just copy someone's character sheet for example and then change the stats or change the things that you wanted.
The character library is kind of crap at the moment. I think an important step to fixing that would be to make a distinction between allowing fellow players in a game to see your sheet and adding your sheet to the library. Because I assume that most sheets in there aren't sheets meant to be shared but just ones that are supposed to be visible to fellow players.
22:23 someone suggested at one point having like um a mini sheet for npcs where it's just kind of like name based stats and like maybe items or just like a description box um and so like to quickly be able to use npcs imagine if you could share those around
I think the NPC tag mostly took care of this, but there might still be some use in expanding an NPC feature to allow for NPC specific notes.
28:47 um it'd be cool to have more real-time chat involved because people are asking can we can we have a discord channel for our play-by-post games and i'm like i like the idea but if we start doing that we run into a lot of logistical problems um the admins would just have way too much work on their hands and so i actually did have a chat system on the site way back when it started and the chat
system a gm would start a session you could chat and when the gm ended the session it would actually save that chat to a post
I'm hesitant about adding more live features to a site that people use to get away from live stuff, but I'm not totally against it.
52:47 you know someone pointed out like what's the point of me taking the birthdate and my initial concept was like i really loved how some sites send you a message on your birthday
I personally would prefer a message for your GP anniversary. People are unlikely to forget their birthday.
And I don't really care about automated happy birthdays. Not against them, but also not for them
57:19 at some point i think it'd be nice especially now that like in the recent past i've seen donations increase um it'd be nice to have like a banner or like a marker or like something to thank people for donating but i also don't think that should give them more on the site functionally it should just be like a thank you a credit uh a bonus badge yeah a badge like or if we ever get like um emojis maybe they get like a special donor emoji right
Hm, this one's a tough one. I'll think a bit more about it

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