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Mar 25, 2022 7:27 pm
Since the game is --currently-- free, I have not (yet?) taken the time to transpose the rules to this site.

If, at any time, anything is unclear about the rules, ask about it here. Feel free to ask general FitD questions as well, and I will probably contrast this with Blades when there is interesting or informative quirks to either.

If you have questions about the Character, ask them in the Character Creation thread.

If you have questions about the current scene or actions, ask them in the relevant OOC thread so we can keep the story elements together.
Mar 25, 2022 7:29 pm
If there is a Glitch Die, it is assumed to be the last dice in the relevant block. For instance: if a player rolls Aggression (2d6), plus Piloting (was also 2d6, but is now 1d6 with a Glitch Die), plus an Assist, the dice code (as built by the new Dice Pools) could look something like 2d6+1d6+1d6+1d6 and since we say that the last dice of the Piloting is the Glitch, the outcome of (2,5)+(4)+(3)+(6) means that that 3 is our Glitch Die and triggers.
Mar 26, 2022 6:10 pm
Per the rules Gear --including Cyberware-- can add Glitch dice. Which is strange since Gear doesn't normally have dice.

The way I see this working is, as an example: If you have a Glitchy gun, and its die is a 1-3, things go badly in the obvious and expected way.

But, since the Glitch is adding extra dice to the pool, they also increase your chances of succeeding (which may be a bug). So in the example above, if you would not have succeeded without the Glitched die, and that comes up a 6 (or pushes you into a Critical 6,6) (or maybe also on a 4-5?) --but only if it changes the outcome-- you will still Succeed (even Critically) but it will be as a result of the Glitch.

We will use the fiction and the nature of the Glitch to determine what happens, but, with the gun example, it may well be explosive fun!
Mar 26, 2022 6:50 pm
The Glitch die should replace the Devil's Bargain in this game, iirc, but, if I'm reading it correctly, on the sheet it says that it replaces an Approach, Action or Gear die. Also, since Cyberware is Gear, I think Glitches are limited to those, and, while Actions could be a previous version Skills that remained in the text, I think only Approaches and Cyberware can become glitchy.
I might be wrong, though.
Mar 26, 2022 8:22 pm
the_cava says:
... Glitch die should replace the Devil's Bargain ...
Indeed. The Glitch mechanism replaces the whole Devil's Bargain system, including the 'bargaining phase' for a Devil's Bargain.

The thing is either Glitchy or it isn't. If it is used the Glitch applies. This removes one of the many things that need to be discussed before each roll.
the_cava says:
... it replaces an Approach, Action or Gear die ...
Yes, but Gear does not have dice, and the Approach might be 0, and what is an 'Action'. The PDF is full of typos and suspect language.

In your point about 'replacing' a die, are you saying it would have no effect if there was no (0) dice in the first place? What about the mention of Gear then?

I had not thought about making a 0 Approach Glitchy. I think we may just say 'no' to that till we understand how it might work? Or we can apply similar logic to the Gear die above?

Replacing an existing die makes it fairly different to how the Devil's Bargain added a new dice. But that may be as intended. Allowing risky or costly extra dice from 0-rated sources seems like an acceptable way to deal with this.
the_cava says:
... since Cyberware is Gear, I think Glitches are limited to those ...
How so? Do you mean, only Cyberware and not other Gear? Why? Cyberware does not have dice either (though it feels like it should, no?). I just included a 0d6 code in the table so players could click it to show they are using their Cyberware in an action, this shapes the fiction more than anything else.

We can drop that 0d on Cyberware if it is confusing. Cyberware can give a dice if it is being used as fictional positioning for a Push, but then the player should click the Push entry to add that dice. A Push from Cyberware could be represented as a click on the Cyberware followed by a click on the Push ('Cybereyes+Push', nice and clear, but only relevant for later reference since we would have talked about all this before any dice are rolled).
the_cava says:
... Actions could be a previous version Skills that remained in the text ...
I am assuming so. Didn't Blades call them Actions?
the_cava says:
... I think only Approaches and Cyberware can become glitchy ...
I see no reason a Skill or Expertise could not also become Glitchy. If it makes sense in the fiction, we can do it. If Actions==Skills then they are explicitly listed as Glitch Die
When a PC adds dice from a Gear, Approach or Action marked as glitchy, one of the dice will be a GLITCH
the_cava says:
... I might be wrong, though ...
Indeed. We may have to reserve the right to change our opinions on these issues later. :)
Mar 26, 2022 8:35 pm
I somehow get the feeling the author meant only Approaches and Cyberware could Glitch, but I agree it could be fun for Skills and other Gear to be as well, so I'm up for it.

About Glitchy Gear in general, however, while it is specified that you can use Cyberwear for a Push to gain an additional die, I suppose if it's part of your stated course of action it simply makes one of the roll's dice Glitchy, even when not actually granting you one.
Mar 26, 2022 8:37 pm
The author mentions this in the game's FAQ:

Using Cyberware (mechanically) costs Stress?
In the current edition, To use Cyber in a way that interferes with the fiction would cost as much as a Push (2 Stress). You can also use any Cyber to reduce/avoid a Complication by marking the Special armor box, as long as it makes sense.
Mar 26, 2022 9:33 pm
the_cava says:
... I somehow get the feeling the author meant only Approaches and Cyberware could Glitch ...
Really? From where? That is explicitly not what it says. And I see no reason for us to add a restriction of that nature.
the_cava says:
... it simply makes one of the roll's dice Glitchy, even when not actually granting you one.
That could be a way to do it. I will think about it. That does not quite fit the whole
... marked as glitchy, one of the dice will be a GLITCH (an easily discernible die).

If the GLITCH rolls a 1-3, regardless of the action outcome, the PC suffers a Consequence.
The 'easily discernible die' clause implies it is a specific dice (from that rating) and the Glitch only trigger when that specific die comes up 1-3. But, if we do it this way, we could just say it is the last, or the first dice (there can be more than one Glitch).
Mar 26, 2022 9:35 pm
the_cava says:
... To use Cyber in a way that interferes with the fiction would cost as much as a Push (2 Stress). You can also use any Cyber to reduce/avoid a Complication by marking the Special armor box, as long as it makes sense.
That is what the rules say.
Describe how it can be used on an action and mark Stress or Armor accordingly:

Push yourself to enhance a capability (therma-vision, wired reflexes, neuralink, augmented strength) or produce/conceal a particular compact asset (chemicals, blade, nanobots). You still gain the Push action benefit if you are making a roll.

Mark Special Armor to resist against a specific type of Consequence: Emotion Analyzr, Neuralink Firewall, Anti-thermic Skin Coating, etc.
Cyberware allows the fictional permission to do these things. Without it, you would not be able 'neuralink' as part of your move, or to 'resist Thermic attacks' or whatever 'supernatural power' the Cyberware gives you.
Mar 26, 2022 9:51 pm
vagueGM says:
Really? From where? That is explicitly not what it says. And I see no reason for us to add a restriction of that nature.
Just an impression from the pamphlet design, since only Approaches and Cyberware have Glitch boxes, nothing more.

Aside from that, thank you for the clarifications, I'm still getting my head around this game and FitD in general, and this discussion is helping.
Mar 26, 2022 9:57 pm
the_cava says:
... only Approaches and Cyberware have Glitch boxes, nothing more ..
Good point. The 'price' for extra Cyberware also only addresses Glitching Approaches or Cyberware. So that all we have at the start.

I still like keeping the idea of Glitching a Skill if it comes up as a consequence in the fiction. Consequences can be resisted if the players don't want them.
Mar 27, 2022 10:22 am
While it is not 'by the book', there may be times when it makes sense to change a character's Load during a mission.

Maybe they shrug off their Armor, and hide it and their Large Weapon in a trash-chute so they can be less obvious, can move faster, or blend in with the crowd. Or maybe they find an armory and gear-up, and step up to Heavy Load.

Especially in a oneshot --where there might not be a second opportunity to try other options-- this sort of flexibility helps. (I still think we might treat this 'one last run' thing as a few linked jobs, and Load can be set for each individually... if it makes sense to do so).
Apr 9, 2022 1:40 pm
Load: When you Prepare for a Run, Declare your Load.
Light [1-3] Move quickly, go through small spaces, blend in with the crowd.
Normal [4-5] Look conspicuous, ready for trouble.
Heavy [6] Move slowly, draw lots of attention.

Don't decide now what you are carrying, just roughly how much.
Apr 10, 2022 8:20 am
As an old man and a hacker, Winston carries a Light Load.
Apr 11, 2022 7:35 am
I think normal load would be ok for D. always ready fro trouble in his line of work :D
Last edited April 11, 2022 7:36 am
Apr 11, 2022 8:31 am
@nikos: Thanks for getting us going.

not a big deal since we are learning, but a few points about rolls:

If you roll, the dice stand, we will not be ignoring rolls after they are made.

Before rolling, make sure you know the Threat and Effect levels, we can not adjudicate outcomes without first knowing these numbers. You get to shift these numbers before you roll, and if you don't like the risk, you get to say you don't want to try that approach/action. As you did so nicely, include enough fiction for us to work these mechanics and rolls.

If you can bring the Threat down to zero while still having some Effect, there is no need to roll. If the Effect is zero, there is no need to roll --unless you really want to risk it all on a gamble for a Crit and increased Effect (any other Success would have 'no effect', and half of them will bring complications).

This is all part of the intricate rules interractions I spoke about in the Recruitment thread [ref]. If we don't follow the rules, the game stops making sense, and the mechanics don't work. This is the challenge with FitD games in PbP, there is a lot of discussion about each roll before the roll is decided on.

Rolling two actions at once can be tricky as well, failure on one can often prevent the other from happening, so your inability to go unnoticed could have cancelled out the 6 on Gather Information. It won't this time, and I will keep the consequences lite so we don't have to start with a possible Resistance roll (maybe they saw you snooping and this complicates the arrangement to get into the botsbattle?) we can wait and see what the plan is before we know what consequences are reasonable.
Apr 12, 2022 1:40 am
As in Blades, Gather Information does not really have a 'Threat' --there is little chance of your getting hurt if all you are doing is gathering information (doing so in a dangerous situation, though, is still dangerous); and, unless there is a Clock attached, there is little use for Effect level.

No need to roll, unless you are trying to get more information than can be cleaned by watching. And then you will need to describe what you are doing to get more.

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