Can't scroll down in the 'Submit a Character' menu

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Mar 28, 2022 1:50 am
In DM annex's DnD 80s cartoon extravaganza game, I've created a custom character sheet but cannot submit a character to the game. In the dropdown menu underneath "Submit a Character" I can only choose from five character sheets I've made in the past, the scroll bar on the right side is missing. I can't apply with any other character I've made no matter if it's custom, 5e, or another system.

Leaving/rejoining the game didn't help. Renaming the characters in the dropdown changed the names of the characters in the dropdown menu, but it was still the same characters. In the one game I'm a part of that still accepts characters, the scrollbar is still working, but in a test game I created with another account and invited myself to, the scroll bar is also missing.

I've used Chrome, Edge, and my mobile browser. I've tested it in Incognito Mode and with the GP browser extension turned on and off. At this point I'm out of ideas and bow to the wisdom of The Creators. What did I do to break the site?

Below is annex's game...

...And this is a test game I made with an old test account and invited myself to. Same issue, though clearly they're different names. (In annex's game, the characters never change, it's always those 5)
Mar 28, 2022 4:11 am
@annex has only included DnD 5e sheets as allowed sheets. If you want to use a custom sheet, annex will need to update the game details to allow custom sheets.
Mar 28, 2022 4:19 am
I can't load any sheet, it's not just custom ones. I've got 18-20 characters from a bunch of different systems and sheets associated with my profile, but I can't see any but those 5.
Mar 28, 2022 4:24 am
Well, you'll only be able to see 5e sheets. Do you have any other 5e sheets that are not already currently in a game that you should be able to see there?
Mar 28, 2022 4:30 am
bowlofspinach says:
Well, you'll only be able to see 5e sheets. Do you have any other 5e sheets that are not already currently in a game that you should be able to see there?
Ah....heck. How embarrassing. I wasn't aware that characters could only be in a single game at a time. It's odd, I can see two characters on that list that I've used in the past, but other characters in games that I assumed had been retired were not on that list. Maybe because I left those games because a DM ghosted and never officially retired it?

Either way, it's got me feeling a bit foolish, but thank you for your help in any case!
Mar 28, 2022 7:20 am
Ezz. says:
Either way, it's got me feeling a bit foolish, but thank you for your help in any case!
It's the hazards of life. The good thing is that your friends here on GP will not hold it against you :)
Mar 28, 2022 7:30 am
runekyndig says:
The good thing is that your friends here on GP will not hold it against you :)
True. Good friends don't hold such things against us, they just mock us mercilessly. :)
If you have made an exciting character sheet using the new custom features, maybe you can persuade the GM to add 'Custom' to the list of allowed sheets?

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