Evening events

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Mar 30, 2022 1:18 pm
While Yoth and Mal in process do done their armor the first of maza runners return through the gates:
Dwarf (Thorem), Human (Bellow) and Aasimar Anguis. Aasimar is followed by.... hellhound - rope around it's neck hellhound is following closely.

Ahh here they come... well not everyone, but... she is confused seeing part of two groups departed in the morning joined together but only 3 of 8 of them retruned.

Lilly introduce you to each other, while she try not to get close to hellhound and asks: When do you plan to kill it?
You could take time to introduce each other now
When you give her bag of holdings she is thrilled about the amount of stuff you were able to gather and call for craftmans. They come and inform you that you have gathered enough resources/tools to prepare anything enough time is given.
I will allow you to order them to prepare any non magical item. You do not have to pay for them, but there is a worker capacity limit. I assume one worker could per day prepare equipment worth of 200 gp. There are following craftmans available and they could work two at a time on single item:

Type Number of crafters sample production notes
Blacksmith 2 Metal armour, metal weapons
Alchimist 1 Potion of healing, potion of resistance
Herbalist 2 Potion of healing, potion of resistance, holy water Elf today demonstrated holy water
Leatherworker 1 leather armour, rope... -
Tinker 1 Artisan’s tools, bombs, etc. Gnome today demonstrated one bomb
Carpenter 1 Wooden weapons, buildings

I know it is nor realistic but for simplicity let's assume they could all prepare their 200 gp worth of stuff by next morning.
Let's try - this is my improvisation. I hope it will work well.
Mar 30, 2022 3:14 pm
Thorem doesn't say much of anything about the lost members. Seems it is something that happens here.

Thorem too like Lilly isn't to be nowhere near the Hell Hound despite he came in with it in their group. As far as production is concerned. HEALING POTIONS are like gold. Thorem who is a touch roasted right now will heal by the morning between HD HP recovery and Second winds. Thorem is a testimony of what the Hell Hould does when it breaths.

With some memory of times returning to him, he is going to perform some with his Dulcimer. He also will even take on some roleplaying while singing too. His performance before had always brought smiles and such. It was the driving reason he used to perform. It wasn't for gold. Of course, he has a limited selection as he hopelessly can't remember all that he used to perform.

For a hard crested mountain Dwarf, Thorem is strangely rather easy going although he reserved and tends not to just start conversations. You get the idea that he has a feel for other people.

He does sing in Dwarvish and Common. He plays a roleplaying show which is funny to watch. He makes use of his firebolt and mage hand cantrips to boast the show. If he attracts other entertainers in. He will gladly have them join in the fun.

Thorem is mixing well in but still questions a bit about how to get out of this place. I'm sure no one can answer that one. Trapped as we are.
Last edited March 30, 2022 3:26 pm
Mar 30, 2022 3:42 pm
I would like to see Thorem to make a performance roll with advantage and one Dulcimers straight check (also 1d20+2) to see who he managed to attract
Mar 30, 2022 4:19 pm
Anguis will ask Lilly for some animals that they can spare for the hound probably a pair of chickens, a sheep or a pig would do...I'm sure that in future what we slay in the maze will be enough to feed the hound..... Yes, you're right, it is quite a dangerous place, so i decided to use the given opportunity to it's maximum capacity, i persuaded him that we're his new pack. If he receives any meat he will leave it with the hound.

After that he will find a clear space, put a stake into the ground and tie the rope to it, giving the hound a 40 ft radius to walk around, changing the knot to a hanged mans, treats hounds wounds, then he will leave it to test telling it in infernal If anyone else, except me, decides to come near you, you are free to eat them, if they're too much, break free and run to me, closer to evening there probably will be fools that will try to slay you, so rest while you can, because this is not an exactly friendly territory for creatures like us... Anguis mentions their shared nature....

After that he will spend an hour with it, so it has the time to shortrest, then walks off and tells people that don't like the hound, suggesting that they try their luck, if they are so brave against it in battle, ...though i won't tolerate ganging up, long range weapons or spells. Because only cowards gang up against a wounded and tied up creature. Have some manners, won't you?

He will spend the evening in the field of vision the hound Hoping that the beast has its fill of the brave fools, and interfere I'd someone chooses a cowardly method.
hope that this will score the hound sum dead fools, unfortunately Anguis ain't intelligent enough to execute the better plan.
Last edited March 30, 2022 4:36 pm
Mar 30, 2022 5:41 pm
Mal smiles big as he meets these new comrades. Shared experience is the life-blood of brotherhood and friendship.

Once he eyes the hell hound brought by the group, his face sours a bit, and he says, "That beast: do you suspect it was whisked away to this place, like we were?

"I would see to it that we find a means of returning it to its home. Anguis, what do you intend with this creature?"
Mar 30, 2022 6:03 pm
Probably, though there were only two, when we found him, killed the other one, so this would be more motivated to cooperate. I have seen how these are turned into trained wardogs by my elders, these hounds are perfect for both guarding duties and hunting down heretic sinners.... It is a shame that this one is a grown specimen though, these are hard one's to crack. A puppy would make the job way easier. Anguis nods to himself, sparing a glance at the hound, tending to his weapons and gear.
Last edited March 30, 2022 6:04 pm
Mar 30, 2022 6:27 pm
Yoth watches the three maze runners emerge with interest, taking special note of the hellhound. After they have settled, Yoth will go to each one in turn to introduce himself - not out of politeness, but practicality. If these are to be his comrades in the maze tomorrow, they at least need to know each other's names, and perhaps what they are good at. Yoth tells each that he is a warrior priest, capable of fighting, and if necessary, healing.

With Anguis, he asks a few additional questions about the hellhound. "How much control do you have over this creature?" and "If it becomes hostile, are you prepared to deal with it?" Both questions are asked very matter-of-fact, like one might ask a tailor if they can mend a cloak.
Mar 30, 2022 7:16 pm
When Lilly is collecting our resources,
Lilly, ask your blacksmiths to make me a breastplate for armor.

Bellow mingles with the newcomers mentally counts the party members that have already departed one way or another. I wonder how the new guys will fare.
For 4th level, Bellow chooses Polearm Master. He "remembers" he can make multiple attacks with his glaive.
As for consumables, Bellow has the three scrolls like the one gave to Thorem.
Bellow speaks to Thorem. The scroll I gave you is a zone of protection from fiends like that devil dog. Sorry I couldn't explain that in the heat of the fight. Keep it. I have another.
Mar 30, 2022 7:44 pm
Bubbles says:
Probably, though there were only two, when we found him, killed the other one, so this would be more motivated to cooperate. I have seen how these are turned into trained wardogs by my elders, these hounds are perfect for both guarding duties and hunting down heretic sinners.... It is a shame that this one is a grown specimen though, these are hard one's to crack. A puppy would make the job way easier. Anguis nods to himself, sparing a glance at the hound, tending to his weapons and gear.
Mal thinks on this, and then says, "I thought I saw you speaking with the hound in its native tongue. Is it sentient? Could you facilitate some engagement I can have with it?"
Mar 30, 2022 8:00 pm
Anguis lifts a brow towards the bugbear, Mal, right? Believe me the only engagement he wants with you is to devour you, if you want to have any other type of contact, i recommend that you wrestle him for the more dominant position in the 'pack'....
Do you know if this place has any animals? I want to know if we can have any alterative feeding options here, because if not, i better start collecting monster meat for the hound

Then he puts down his sword and reaches for the shield Sentient yes, but unable to talk back, these hounds are pretty intelligent, taking them for mere animals are mistakes shared by many of their victims...
Last edited March 30, 2022 8:07 pm
Mar 30, 2022 8:20 pm
Mal responds: "Well, maybe after today wrestling the hound would be an option, but today I need rest. I had to fight some strange zombie creatures that came towards the village while the doors were open, and it was not the best." He starts to chuckle, but then says, "I'm not sure about animals, but if the hell hound can consume undead flesh, we have bodies of that kind available for consumption, I think. Maybe Lilly can help track those down for the hound.

"One other question. Does the hound have a name?"

"Anguis, thank you for your kindness. My full name is Mal'i'Gott', but I just have people call me by my first name: Mal. Do you go by any other names?"
Mar 30, 2022 9:21 pm
Yes, please give me a moment. Aguis stands up and sees Lilly walking around, he waves her over. Lilly, i have a question and a couple of requests if you don't mind.i head that multiple teams didn't return today, could i ask you for a tent and a couple of sleeping bags that they used? The other request is that i would need a sturdy cage for the beast, roughly 2.5 cubic meters, it can be rough but has to be good enough to endure the flame breath and a lock Ofcourse. ...... Now for the question, Mal tod me that there are corpses around, could you bring a fresher one over, let's see if the hound deems it edible...Thank you beforehand. he waits patiently until Lilly leaves, then turns back to Mal I plan to spend the night with the hound in a different tent. Let's hope that it has more common sense than a rabid dog.... Sorry, i have a lot on my mind.....It's nice to meet you, my full name is Anguis 'Greg' Nessus. 'Greg' is shortened from a name I'm not allowed to utter, though it's pretty obvious, then again for me it's more of a title that i one day hope to be worthy of. Aguiss' eyes lose focus as he talks about his name, his focus wanders to a fading memory of his younger self being punished by the priests for thinking that, only because he has the birthright, he's the guaranteed successor. He was put into an isolated cell, alone - forced to recite the book about the first contract of his great Lord 'the contract that began all contracts'. He snaps back and shivers at the memory slipping trough his fingers.
Last edited March 30, 2022 9:23 pm
Mar 30, 2022 10:16 pm
Dice rolls. Thorem's performance was his BEST. (Natural 20). And just okay work with his Dulcimer (7).
Last edited March 30, 2022 10:31 pm


Performance with Advantage, Dulcimer check - (1d20+2, 1d20+2, 1d20+2)

1d20+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

1d20+2 : (20) + 2 = 22

1d20+2 : (5) + 2 = 7

Mar 30, 2022 10:53 pm
Thorem easily slides away from the introduction as the Hell Hound fairly much takes the stage. Thorem isn't one for being the center of attention unless he is entertaining.

He does thanks Bellow for the scroll, This will come in handy someday.

He notes Yoth (Lizardman) and Mal (Bugbear) as two new ones to the group. Those above have struck again. He has no trouble on learning there names and listened easily to hear about their tale of the day. Such news comes fast around here as there isn't much else to talk about.

After he sees to the new goods being taken care of and requests for healing potion in. Thorem will eat sparingly before he breaks out his Dulcimer and starts to play. It is just an introduction to putting on a make-do show. He seems to remember having done this before and lets his memories flood him.

He will include a tale of today in his performance. He does some in Dwarvish and the rest in Common mainly. Thorem does a solo mock play where he takes on different personalities. Lucky for him he still has his disguise kit for supplies.

Acting, singing and playing are the joys in life for Thorem. Something he rather do then fight which he is good at too. Thorem's effort this night was outstanding. It all was coming back to him and it showed well. He couldn't have made a better first time impression. He could easily bring joy and happiness to this place that surely could use it. (Thorem is By Popular Demand performer.)

Performance 22 (Natural 20), Instrument Dulcimer 7

Later Thorem when Thorem finds his spot that he can call his home for all practical purposes, he will take out of backpack and start work to make a small mini still. (Brewery Supplies 17) Seems he is slowly remember that he used to work as a brewer long ago as well. So many memories he still needs time to recall. Nothing like good old Dwarven drink. Strong enough to break rock when spit.

Thorem isn't a young man nor is old and ancient, but he has been around quite a long time in human terms. He has celebrated his 65th birthday. He has still a long time to go.

Thorem is a giving man and rather modest and never one to brag. He isn't the most talkative person but he seems he does well to feel out about those around him. He is rather reserve and doesn't really spread himself around. He is quiet that way. And now he seems to remember that he used to work in a brewery.
Last edited March 30, 2022 11:14 pm


Brewery - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Mar 31, 2022 4:24 am
Bellow eats the evening meal and moves to a choice spot to watch Thorem's music show. I've been around dwarves enough to know their language but I've never known them to sing.
Mumbling to myself, This is one unusual dwarf. But he is by far the most normal member of our party. I thought I was getting to know Anguis until he spoke to that devil dog.
That reminds Bellow of prayer time. He retreats to his tent and spends some time meditating and reading his prayer book.
Refreshed mentally, he steps outside taking his glaive for a few martial exercises.
Satisfied with the exercises, he turns in for the night.
Mar 31, 2022 5:47 am
Mal Goes to his tent, removes his armor and weapons, says his prayers to Eldath, and then lies on his bedroll, thinking about trees, leaves rustling, grass blowing in the wind, and creatures crawling throughout, all as he fades to sleep.
Last edited March 31, 2022 5:47 am
Mar 31, 2022 6:28 am
Thorem's performance, thanks to use of magic attract few other capable musicians and together they bring a great entertainment to the desperate people. Thorem become well perceived.
Technically Thorem could now decide what will the workers I listed in the table above do. THey will listen exclusively to you and no other maze runners (including other 2 teams, so congratulation on earning all of their time)
Anguis is told that cage of that size could be created in more than a day by a single blacksmith
300 go worth of effort according tot the rules at the top

Lilly points you to the location of two undeads and tell you We are not your slaves, will not bring it over to you, you are capable to do it yourself. And please be sure to stay away from people with both the hell creature and the undead creature remains. Safety First!
You don't want me to roll intimidation by her, but that's what you hear in her voice
Let me know if I messed to narrate any more statements, you managed to provide a lot of content I may have missed something.
THose of you who pray will probably have your deity omens provided by me later, I want to first agree on what will the workers do and what will anguis do with the the fiend now and then during the night as it will take time to finish the cage.
Mar 31, 2022 10:15 am
Anguis shrugs, Listen, by no means i have thought of you as my slaves, i don't exactly understand the core of these thoughts, if you believe that a request that can be easily declined is a prerequisite for slave-ownership or the like..... I know that you aren't exactly happy wit the hound, but i am thankful for the directions.
He's just stating facts, not intimidating.
Heh... I see that the old hag thinks too highly of herself, getting all angry just because someone decides to talk to her as an equal... Slavery? Seriously? It was a request not a demand...

He turns to the hound, In infernal do you eat the dead? Lets go have a look... Don't worry, I'm true to my word, i won't have a bite before you have something edible...
He approaches the hound and leads him to the corpses by the rope, using the same method.
Last edited March 31, 2022 10:16 am
Mar 31, 2022 11:18 am
Hellhound bite the undead remains and fire-breath it until you see only bones and charred flesh. The process didn't look even close to that of dog eating, but Anguis can't remember to have seen how hellhounds do it, so maybe that is how they feed.
Mar 31, 2022 11:53 am
ok I understand that
both undead leftovers are fed to hellhound

I need you all to decide what will be produced tonight- do you want any half plate or let blacksmiths create cage? Health potions? studded leather? javelins? I know this is hard to decide over pbp -do you want me to seek alternative tool for coediting?
Mar 31, 2022 2:06 pm
An expensive cage will not help us in the maze. I prefer armor.
And healing potions are always desired.
Mar 31, 2022 4:04 pm
Well, Mal would LOVE some full-plate armor or something like that, but seeing as he hasn't earned any yet, he wouldn't even think to request any at this point. At least not until he can bring stuff himself from the maze.
Mar 31, 2022 7:06 pm
Yoth pays little attention to the music, but keeps a close eye on all activities involving the hellhound. At the moment, Yoth views it as the most significant threat in the camp - especially given that he knows nothing about Anguis. He makes these observations from near his tent, not actively involving himself in any of it.

Eventually, he makes his statements to Semuanya - priests of Semuanya don't really pray. They provide assessments of their situation, state their plans for the coming day, and propose a selection of spells best suited to those plans.
The challenge with the gear requests is that the limit on what can be requested is for the whole group, so without a lot of back and forth, it's hard to know how much you can request as an individual before it eats into someone else's request.

With that said, Yoth would like to get several vials of holy water and one or two healing potions. He would also like some javelins and a quiver to carry them in. He's not strong enough to wear armor heavier than chain without taking on the movement penalty, so he's not going to ask for new armor at this time.
Mar 31, 2022 7:26 pm
i share the love for the full plate here XD.

Aguis is personally up for the cage, safety reasons, but hey, maybe living in same space as a hellhound ain't motivational enough for the rest, especially npc villagers....

So... Considering that the cage is not an option, Anguis will suggest a couple of javelins and HP potions, a fire resistance potion, cooks utensils/tools + a hand axe?.

Btw what do i need to roll for Anguis to understand that burning corpse like dat= eating for hellhounds?

Will edit the post when i receive my answers.
Last edited March 31, 2022 7:32 pm
Mar 31, 2022 7:28 pm
I'm sorry to push you to cooperate in such a brutal way. It is actually only one PC who who's decision will mater: Thorem. You could talk to Thorem IC or to GeneCortess OOC . I will be waiting @GeneCortess to make the decision because Thorem was just so good at entertainment and involved even has background feature on that
Mar 31, 2022 7:34 pm
Then why do you ask for others opinions/desires? This is a cruel move my dude.
Mar 31, 2022 7:36 pm
Armor costs is based on rules you could get Studded leather without even asking, it chap and it is not a blacksmith. The next good option is Splint 200 gp, eah of two blacksmiths could make one per night. Full plate is hardly an option - 1500 gp means 4 days for both of them to make one. You could consider getting single Half plate by 5 or 6.
Mar 31, 2022 7:41 pm
Bubbles says:
Then why do you ask for others opinions/desires? This is a cruel move my dude.
Because I believe GeneCortess will listen your opinions both OOC and IC for RP reasons
because I believe you are a team and understand that if you help other player PC to improve their AC it would indirectly benefit yourself as party, i.e. healers would be able to heal You more often
because I want to reward player for taking actions aimed at RP rather than gaining mechanical benefits
Mar 31, 2022 8:08 pm
I'm sorry I believe I miscalculated cost of the cage @bubbles could we get back to the cage dimensions in foots please. if it is a cube of 2.5 feet each dimension that is enough to squeeze medium creature technically it will be 50 gp.
Mar 31, 2022 8:24 pm
I think Mal would know, then, that he wants splint mail. He is much more aware with the way the world works than I am.

Mar 31, 2022 8:46 pm
GreyWord says:
I'm sorry I believe I miscalculated cost of the cage @bubbles could we get back to the cage dimensions in foots please. if it is a cube of 2.5 feet each dimension that is enough to squeeze medium creature technically it will be 50 gp.
I mean anguis would want a proper up to size dog cage, you know, not that cartoon - your body sticking out of every crevasse alternative...
Last edited March 31, 2022 8:47 pm
Mar 31, 2022 10:45 pm
Yeppers. Thorem is rather agreeable on getting the purchases. He only adds healing potions to those thoughts. Thorem is updated.
Last edited March 31, 2022 10:56 pm
Apr 1, 2022 12:53 am
Hey Thorem. I asked Lilly for breastplate armor but I don't think she gave it much thought. When you talk to the blacksmiths could you ask about it?
Cost 200 and would improve my AC from 15 to 17.
Apr 1, 2022 1:15 am
Thorem replies back agreeingly, Bellow my friend. I will do my best to see if we can get you one soon. It would be best.
Last edited April 1, 2022 1:16 am
Apr 1, 2022 8:01 am
OK hellhound cage would cost 50 gp and they would be able to finish it before you go to sleep if take that as priority (which they will for their own safety)
Still I'm confused why Gnellson think breastplate cost 200. Let's do this again Here are thing I've seen you mention and their effort

Blacksmith together 400 gp per day
Breastplate 400 gp AC 14 + Dex modifier (max 2)
Plate 1,500 gp AC 18
Splint 200 gp AC 17
Cage 50 gp good enough to keep hellhound inside
Javelin 0.5 gp
Handaxe 5 gp

Alchimist and herbalist - together 600 gp per day
Potion of healing 50 gp
Potion of greater healing 250 gp
Potion of resistance 250 gp

Tinker 200gp per day
cooks utensils/tools - 1gp

As for now I understadn you ordered 12 potions of healing and 1 Breastplate running out of capacity for anything else. I hope that is wrong and will delay game until we fix the order. And Anguis get his cooks utensils right now (it takes like 10 minutes to thinker one)

Apr 1, 2022 9:30 am
Anguis walks towards the dwarf, clearly feeling uncomfortable about asking him to do something If you don't mind sparing some resources, I would appreciate if I could commission a cage for the hound, to leave it for running around in the night is foolish, but i'm not giving up on taming one. If my teacher could do it I should also be able to.... though I dont remember much about the process... or my teacher. He scowls disappointed in his own inability to remember or create the cage.
Last edited April 1, 2022 9:31 am
Apr 1, 2022 3:10 pm
My mistake on cost of breastplate. It is more expensive (400gp) than I "remembered".
Apr 1, 2022 4:55 pm
Thorem replies back To Anguis, Anguis (Thorem never uses Greg.) if it wasn't that you are a fine combat mate I wouldn't, but I will do what I can to get you that cage. Thorem has more than obvious dislike & distrust for the Hell Hound. Could it be that he still roasted from it. The thought somehow brings stranger thoughts of Thorem being a knight/warrior.
Last edited April 1, 2022 4:58 pm
Apr 2, 2022 12:51 pm
So, could anyone help me understand what is blackmith doing tonight? Do we stay with breastplate ?
Apr 2, 2022 1:24 pm
I visit Thorem to confess my mistake.
Thorem, Lilly came and told me why she was so cold to my armor request. It would cost twice what I expected. If it's not too late, maybe you could request a Chain shirt for me instead. Much better price. And I did just recover this precious protection ring.
See what you can do.
And thanks.
Apr 2, 2022 6:12 pm
As you want Bellow. It would just take longer for the one armor, but I will see to a chain shirt for you instead.
Apr 3, 2022 7:37 am
You all sleep well tonight and hellhound is in his cage. Bellow get chain shirt in the morning and blacksmith gives each of you 2 javelnis ( you could share them as you wish) and shows 2 hand axes if anyone want them. You also gain 12 health potions.
Everyone take long rest and get lvl 4 if you are not yet at lvl 4. that also mean no exhaustion is gone
Next morning you get again inspiring talk from Lilly and magical breakfast that lets you worry not about eating and drinking all day long.
Everyone get 7 temp HP, of course except hell hound
Then doors opens and you get into the maze yet again. You are moving a corridor and enter into a room with furniture, but this one is not covered in dust or something. There are some overcoats sized for small creatures (i.e. Halfling), boots, gloves, instruments (if you touch could roll history check to probably recall what is the instrument used for).
I will find some map tomorrow
Apr 3, 2022 8:23 am
Anguis happily accepts the javelins and takes one of the hand-axes and 2 HP potions , most likely he will need to collect corpses for the hound, at this point he finds the sack of holding really convenient.

Early in the morning he goes to the kitchens and joins the cooks, he attempts to enchance the quality of the food with his skills, making a couple of treats, they're not as potent as the breakfast, but are still useful. He grabs a bite to eat with him, not eating the breakfast, and spends the rest of the morning with the hound, he talks with the fiend trying to read his mood, see if it has any distinct features that might help to tell him apart from the others, and readying the both of them for the path ahead. I bet he's itching to rip something apart.... In infernal Well good morning, i guess. We will soon head out to the maze, usually there are a lot of things to hunt. If we kill something whose hide looks comfortable to sleep on, don't eat it right away, i will ask the locals to skin it - can bet that sleeping on a bare cage isn't exactly comfortable...

When out of the cage the hound Is still attached to one of Anguis arms via hanged-mans noose. I might need a proper leash for the hound... Yes a dark iron chain with a round tag...
If there are no distinct features Anguis will search for some paint or in worse case flour to mark the hell-hound.
Last edited April 3, 2022 9:06 am
Apr 3, 2022 5:54 pm
Cold weather gear. And none of us can use it.

Hey Anguis, you can drink your potion and wear this gear. That'd be funny.
Apr 3, 2022 6:03 pm
Aguis looks at the clothing taking the joke a bit too seriously Possibly so, but it would be a damn waist of a potion...not to mention the whole armor part and who would look after the hound? I doubt that any of you are willing...
Anguis looks around the scene for anything familiar.

In infernal Take a good whiff of the area, there might be something just lying in wait to ambush us.


Perception - (1d20-1)

(17) - 1 = 16

Apr 3, 2022 8:18 pm
Sorry I totally forgot to create new thread for Day 2. Copied my post there. Feel free to copy yours. And I am ignoring Anguis roll. Looking around is not something that could fail - no he have not seen the furniture or clothes in the shelves before.

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