Mar 31, 2022 10:47 pm
The first of April might be today |
(at my timezone now at least), |
But hear, oh hear me. |
Cause Easter is coming soon ™ enough- |
And I'd like to give something back, |
To the people of GeePee. |
(ok, that's stupid,but it rhymes.) |
The Easter Egg Hunt shall begin, |
To give away presents; |
Some riddles you will solve, |
That'll give you clues a-plenty; |
My poetry sucks even more, |
In a language not my native; |
So now I think I'll stop, |
And give the directive. |
[ +- ] The pitch
Since I don't play video games, I've decided to give away a number of games I got through the Humble Bundle for Ukraine.
I'll be leaving you a clue/riddle for you to hunt the Easter eggs. Traditionally, in Greece the Easter eggs are red. That's a clue as well. Take a hint, will you?
The Hunters must PM me with their findings.
First title that is up for you to hunt for is Gloria Victis.
Happy hunting.
Oh right, the clue.😅
First sighting of the whalecoming whale.
(some clue, am I right?)
I'll be leaving you a clue/riddle for you to hunt the Easter eggs. Traditionally, in Greece the Easter eggs are red. That's a clue as well. Take a hint, will you?
The Hunters must PM me with their findings.
First title that is up for you to hunt for is Gloria Victis.
Happy hunting.
Oh right, the clue.😅
First sighting of the whalecoming whale.
(some clue, am I right?)