OtFBM editing

Apr 4, 2022 11:31 am
I find fiddling with maps a little tedious (and I use them a lot).

I mentioned to @Len and @KoldikSteelskin that I started creating an OtFBM editor a while back. It read the OtFBM code and parsed out parameters for editing. It also showed the GM the FoW (which can be tricky to work out) using transparency.


I stopped because I discovered that OtFBM had an editor that their Patreons could use, and it seemed a bit gitty to undercut that. It turns out they're pretty chill about it.

vagueGM says:
The OtFBM tokens on the Fantasy NPCs sheet are not clickable, they just appear as an 'Abilities' expansion-list. This list can be copy/pasted from but seems redundant with the dropdown that inserts them into the post.

I don't know if this is feasible (they are hosted elsewhere?) but it could be useful to be able to see a preview of the OtFBM tokens so we know roughly what we are pasting into our maps.
So, yeah @vagueGM's right, tokens are an important part of the puzzle. Luckily, OtFBM is open source and a little digging shows that token 9gjp4 can be visualised like this: https://token.otfbm.io/img/9gjp4
I'll bring this branch back, and continue to have a play with it (especially tokens).
Apr 4, 2022 11:36 am
I think we might want a [otfbmtokens] tag (like the [npcs] tag) for visualisation.
Apr 4, 2022 11:54 am
Adam says:
I think we might want a [otfbmtokens] tag (like the [npcs] tag) for visualisation.
I think such a tag would be the right way to go.

Would we have other sorts of tokens? I.e. do we need to call it [ otfbmtokens] and not just [ tokens]? We could, if we have others later, add an attribute [ tokens otfbm] or something.

(I don't know if I am being silly (never having used either of these features:) but I feel there is a potential link here between the `fliptokens` (the SW light/dark-side ones that I can not find the documentation or syntax for, but have seen:) and these 'token images'. Maybe we could define our tokens in the [ tokens] list and then use them as what to show for the two sides of the fliptokens.)
Apr 4, 2022 12:01 pm
Yes, I think [tokens] is a better idea with the option to add an attribute later.

fliptoken is documented here. But even the star wars people don't use fliptoken.


Meh. Some fell on stony ground.
Apr 4, 2022 5:06 pm
I'm still playing with it. But I think I might have the map editor harvest your tokens every time you use it. That way users will build their token library every time they use the map editor.

Apr 4, 2022 5:09 pm


I've got really pumped when I first heard about otfbm, but I didn't really got my head around it. This is a godsend.
Apr 15, 2022 3:08 pm
This is very, very cool! I was relatively late on the OtfBM bandwagon but now I use it all the time. Which is not to say I don't often find it unwieldy. An editor as described above would be so great!
Apr 15, 2022 3:12 pm
That editor looks AMAZING
Apr 16, 2022 11:25 am
Thanks. Once favourites bookmarks are shipped, I'll jump back on this.

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