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Apr 6, 2022 12:11 pm
If we are waiting for someone else to post before we do, drop a message here clearly stating exactly what we are waiting for. At a minimum: include the player and character names in bold so they can easily see it, and maybe use the new @mention system to get their attention. Links to the thread in question are optional.

This is not a gating mechanism. You don't have to wait for this thread before posting (and this might never need to be used at all), but if you are called out here: Please respond, even if it is just to say "I am waiting for ..." or "Skip me, too busy."

Failure to respond may result in your action being skipped. It may be possible to still add it later, but pay attention to the new situation before posting.
Apr 6, 2022 12:12 pm
@nezzeraj: Hope you are doing OK. We have not heard from you in a almost a week, and are sorta waiting for your character's backstory/biography so we can make a mission.

I will put together a rough job-starter with what we have tomorrow, but would like to try include all the characters histories in the making.
Apr 7, 2022 2:30 am
Oh sorry about that. Games with so many threads and posts get overhwhelming so I lost track of what we were waiting for lol.

Winston was a hacker in his early days, but settled down once he hit middle age as the survival rate drastically declined after 40. He went into consulting, working with the companies he had opposed before. But trying to keep a little of his rebelliousness, he often worked with direct competitors, nullifying any advantage he gave one company by giving another advantage to a rival. At age 60 he was diagnosed with a rare disorder that can only be treated by a single drug. The company that has a direct monopoly on it has blackmailed him into working for them exclusively. On his last assignment he stole the formula and leaked it to a local street chemist named Blank.

That's what I have so far.
Apr 7, 2022 11:16 am
Thanks @nezzeraj. Could you toss that in the Character Creation thread so why are all in one place.
Apr 7, 2022 12:25 pm
Ok done.
Apr 17, 2022 8:22 pm
@the_cava, @nezzeraj, @CESN: We are awaiting your answer about how we are getting in.

Sorry that the question was buried among other chatter.

I know this is a special weekend, and that all weekends tend to be a bit special, but I hope to move this along tomorrow. Your answers would be appreciated.

I would especially like to hear from @the_cava, as they will be front and centre if we go with the robot fighting entry-point, but there was indication in the RP post that Kami is OK with that?
Apr 18, 2022 9:29 am
ah yeah, sorry. busy weekend :) trying to get back to the GP routine
May 11, 2022 7:39 am
forgot to put here that I'll be waiting for others' moves since I just had a bit of "my own" adventure.

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