Heist in The Heights [RP]



Apr 8, 2022 8:10 pm
Earlier: Initial Briefing.

"Thank you for gathering to take on this job." The Operator's voice is many-layered and hard pin down.

"Your job, now that you have chosen to accept it, is to steal a prototype medicine manufacturing device (see image001) so it can be reverse engineered by the client.

"It is not known exactly where the device is, but you have enough in the accompanying datapacket to recognise it when you see it. The lab where is it housed should be obvious enough as well when you get there.

"We suggest trying to get in from the lower levels. You will have to get past the gangs that are apparently squatting down there, and will need to come prepared with ways to get past whatever barriers the high-levelers have installed to keep the gangs out. We don't know these Lowlifes living at the bottom, but they sound like your sort of people.

"We hear they even stage 'robot battles'." The Operator says with a distasteful shudder.

"Anyway: Beyond that: How you get in and out is your business, we don't want to know the details. The previous team did not..." but they don't say what any previous team did or did not do.

• Did you have any follow-up questions for The Operator at this time or during your legwork?
• You are now at The Heights, and in the thick of it.
• What preparations have you made before this moment. Flashbacks and obvious research and planning is in order.
• How are you getting in?
Feel free to discuss what you have already done in the OOC thread.
Apr 11, 2022 8:01 am
Miles has spent time trying to gather some information about the Heights. He contacted a few people from the streets, partners from previous scouting missions and smugglers, to see if they knew anything interesting about this place. He also visited the Heights at different times of the day, scouting around the area each time, always keeping a distance from the building. He checked around the block for other entrances besides the main one, observing the ground security and trying to see what kind of people (if any) are using the entrances, in case it could give the team an idea for a disguised infiltration.
occ: I believe I should roll "Empathy (charisma) + Streetwise" for the information gathering, and "Caution + Observation" for the scouting? Is this how the game system works if I understand correctly? If not ignore the rolls, I'm just going ahead to get us started.


Empathy + Streetwise - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Caution + Observation - (3d6)

(323) = 8

Apr 11, 2022 7:01 pm
Anxious to get this job rolling, Blank strides toward The Heights, gaze darting about looking for the other runners. Quick and determined, he adjusts his gear as he goes, aware that he'd look conspicuous to the casual observer.

He's spent the last week communicating through gang runners, reaching out to that lowlife despot he'd help with a medical emergency last summer. If his plan goes without a hitch he and the team will have, at the least, an emergency ace to play.
Apr 11, 2022 9:00 pm
"Lots of drones swarming this place." Kami thinks to herself. Usually feeling more at ease with mechanical devices than people, she checks the vids of the last few bot brawls to see what she'll be up against, should the crew want to go that way, but her attention is drawn towards the constant stream of drones getting in and out of that place, checking people's livecasts from the area to see what models and carrying capacities are available there, what logos are more prominent, and, who knows? Maybe find a way to smuggle herself and the other guys in as a package.
Kami plans to do that with a couple Caution + Observation checks, what're the T&E?
Apr 12, 2022 1:44 am
- Miles -

The Heights rises from the street, like a monolith into the smog above. The stucko and faux-columns aesthetic of a mid-town mall gives way to stark glass --that would have counted as 'modern' when it was built, but now looks tacky-- just before vanishing from sight.

It used to have many lower level entrances when it was a mall, but they have mostly been filled in and barricaded over the years since the Lowlifes took up residence.

In your time watching, you have seen almost nobody coming or going at street level, and the below-ground parking structures and access from the underground rail-system is heavily guarded.

These perimeter guards are the only source you have had to judge appropriate attire for a disguise, but that is probably not a bad thing, since they tend towards the 'armed-and-militant' side of general gutter-trash milieu that dominates the style, and that probably allows for more gear and weapons to be incorporated into any disguise.

While also convenient, you suspect, from your observations, that impersonating a guard could come with its own set of troubles, if discovered. And, while you don't see much structure or organisation, they may well know each other or be known by the people they protect, as is common with community-gangs.

To learn much more, you would definitely have to expose yourself to scrutiny from the guards.

What do you do?
Apr 12, 2022 1:47 am
- Blank -

While the Lowlifes don't trust or accept you, you have had more contact with them than most. Maybe this is why the Operator hired you? They obviously don't care about your desire to spread medicines around --else they would have offered you the plans for the medical manufacturing prototype you are stealing, instead of just creds for handing it over to some other faceless corporation.

You have even been --almost-- inside. The Lowlifes arranged to open up an old loading dock to give you access to do your work, and you had the chance to observe a bit about them and the interior-just-past-the-walls.

When you recently contacted them, you were not immediately rebuffed --as is their wont-- and have been able to open a dialogue with them.

• What have you told them about why you are in contact? Did you discuss this with your team?
• What was the nature of the medical emergency last summer?
Apr 12, 2022 1:50 am
- Kamisori -

So far you have confirmed that the High-levelers' deliveries use only small-drones, as per the datapacket.

Each drone has to transmit its encrypted waybill before it is allowed past the antiaircraft guns --you lost at least one of yours by straying too close.

While you have made some, very few regular drones are large enough to carry a person-sized load. If you could assemble enough to get the team in the top that way, you would still need to get around the lethal protections the high-Levelers have to keep people like you away.

<< Scanning livecasts: ... >>
Categorisation: [Insular]

There are almost no feeds being projected out into the world, it is almost like these people don't want to be part of the global economy, or something. Was the Operator, maybe, right to be so dismissive of them?

One interesting thing you do learn from the few sources that watch these quasi-private feeds, is that one of the drones that features a fair bit on the feeds inside is one of yours.

• Do you participate in robot fighting? Have you ever?
• How did one of your old drones end up here, under someone else's control?
• What is interesting about that particular drone?
Apr 12, 2022 8:12 am
D. is not one to lead. He's more the sort of muscles you want call when you need thing to cool down (or boil over...). But after replaying 3 times the operator's message, it was clear this would not be just any other job. These people clearly want to stay away from the world, which makes infiltration all the harder. So they had to find a way in... and the lowlifes were the best source of information that would find.

Before meeting up with the team, D. checked with his contacts, both high and low, if there is anyone influential in the lower levels, maybe someone needing a small problem solved or something that would get them some friends. After all, he is good at solving small problems and that generally made him some friends.
Last edited April 12, 2022 8:12 am
Apr 12, 2022 9:35 pm
vagueGM says:
It used to have many lower level entrances when it was a mall, but they have mostly been filled in and barricaded over the years since the Lowlifes took up residence.
What do you do?
Miles does not come any closer for now. He just takes a look at the surroundings of the building. Are there nearby buildings? Maybe somewhere where they could stay and spy for a few days from a window. Besides the barricaded ground floor, do the lower floors seem barricated too? Also, the exterior of the building, does it look like someone could climb on (pipes, stairs, edges to grab, signs where they could shoot a grappling hook etc.).
Apr 12, 2022 10:33 pm
vagueGM says:
- Blank -
• What have you told them about why you are in contact? Did you discuss this with your team?
• What was the nature of the medical emergency last summer?
Blank floated the idea of getting access to The Heights via some way only known to the lowlife. He'd have shared this info with the teammates he has trust in, namely Winston.

The medical emergency was when a lowlife mover&shaker opted to get a way, way below board neural augmentation--no surprise to anyone, it didn't "take." When the lowlife arrived at the clinic, Blank had been able to sedate him with a proprietary cocktail, despite the augmentations attempts at pumping the lowlife's brain Chem to overcome the drug. This allowed a doc to operate and remove the faulty augmentation.
Last edited April 13, 2022 12:57 am
Apr 13, 2022 12:47 am
Knowledge is power and sometimes the best knowledge is the mundane that most people overlook. While his comrades did the physical snooping, Winston focused on the digital. The first thing to get is blueprints. Since The Heights was once a public building, there should he architectural drawings stored in the local County Clerk database. Next was more mundane but useful items: energy bills and phone records. Any manufacturing being done would use a more conspicuous amount of power, and focusing on that wouldn't tell him on which floor the electricity meter would be. Phone records would give him either a company name or whoever was high ranking and put the bill in their name. Once he had some of the basic information, he could look into conteacts with security companies, drone suppliers, and any other security services might be employed.


Smartness + Hacking - (2d6+2d6)

(33) + (16) = 13

Apr 13, 2022 4:55 am
- D. -

Your contacts are all surprised and baffled by questions about the 'Lowlifes in The Heights'. Most know nothing about them, those that do mostly only know that they don't deal with the outside world.

If they have problems, they tend to deal with them internally, and with direct and savage violence. Your normal set of skills would not be of much interest to them, but there are hints that your new profession of 'medical sales rep' might get you closer towards a connection.

The Lowlifes don't trust the corporations that make the medicines, and have refuse to deal with them, so there have been (unsubstantiated) stories of sickness within their compound.

Who knows: Maybe someone would be willing to talk to you.
Apr 13, 2022 4:58 am
- Miles -

Over the years, the Lowlifes have either barricaded or set guards on all the entrances in their area. Though, you have not seen anyone checking how well the barricades are holding up, nor maintaining them, so you might be able to find one that could be opened given enough time and effort.

An agile crew could definitely climb the walls, at least up to the level where the glass windows start, above that --and possibly hidden by the smog layer-- climbing may be possible, but is hard to test until you try.

Being spotted climbing the sides would very likely get you shot at by either side.
Apr 13, 2022 5:00 am
- Blank -

Your contact is very interested in talk about gaining access to their upstairs neighbour's parts of The Heights. They have been trying for years to expand into the higher levels, but the barriers the Higher-Levelers installed have defeated their every attempt.

• What is your contact's name?
• Do the other Lowlifes know he went to an 'outside doctor'? Has this fact hurt his standing in a community so distrustful of outsiders?
Apr 13, 2022 5:04 am
- Winston -

Some effort was done to remove blueprints from the city archives when They Heights severed their connections with the world. But you are able to track them down in a forgotten backup of the original architect.

These are old, and still list the lower levels as 'mall', and the mid levels as 'offices'. This lends credence to the Operators guess that the work you are interested in is probably done below the residences at the top. Until you can get in, you can't know what has been changed from the blueprints, though.

When they disconnected from the system and became their own enclave, they did so completely. The surfaces above the smog cloud were affixed with energy harvesting solar panels --aided by the reflective windows-- in the years before, which suggest some amount of thought and preplanning went into the act before anyone knew it was happening.
Apr 14, 2022 9:31 am
"Ha!" Kamisori, grateful for her bulky smartgoggles hiding the embarrassment of the exclamation, is pleasantly surprised to see that old junkster in the arena. It was one of her first designs, meant to protect Lunette in the fray, but while it didn't lack in toughness, it couldn't keep up with her mobility, and when a colleague of hers showed interest she sold it to him without even haggling. In hindsight, it wasn't strange that it'd end up in the drone fighting circuit, and it was probably a more efficient approach than the one she took when she dabbled in it. She scored a few victories, but her overly cautious and defensive style didn't get her very far in the sport.
Still, seeing her old thing hold its own on the stage is rekindling her passion for the arena, and she begins to more seriously consider the robot fighting approach.
[Might have an in with the robot fights, what do you think?] Kamisori sends a message on the encrypted channel the group set up, but, before waiting for an answer, contacts her old drone's buyer, in the hopes of setting up at least a meeting, maybe with the excuse of checking out her old drone for a new design, and tie that with the Heights arena without hopefully raising too much suspicion.
Otter, that was his handle when he was /running with Lunette, and Kamisori was pretty sure he was crushing hard on her friend. She's also a pretty bad people reader, though.
Apr 16, 2022 9:28 pm
Blank finishes reading Kamisori's message and swipes it closed from his HUD. He zips his faded gray coveralls to his chin--the "normal" outfit of a battle-bot technician--and nods at the lowlife guards as he walks past front "gate" security. He scans the crowd and sees Kamisori near a concrete pillar and makes a bee line toward her.

When he gets to her side, he feigns a technical interest in the nearby drones. "Am I the first one here," he asks her. "Something's jamming local messaging in the area--or slowing traffic. I didn't get your ping until I was nearly through the gate."

He looks around at the other battle-bot teams, and compares his and Kamisori's get-ups to theirs. "I hope the rest of the team got the memo about this plan."
Rolling with battle-bot team infiltration!
Apr 18, 2022 9:58 am
In this day and age, finding some lowlifes who don't deal with the "outside world" is strange. There is usually someone who makes the connection even with the most isolated communities and gangs. These guys in The Heights don't look like your common thugs. Though the tip about the medical rep looks sounds enough that he decides to try smuggling some "essentials" in. Some samples to try to establish some deals and open up the locals, get some trust and maybe find some friends. You always need friends if you want to survive in this world, that's one thing he learned very quickly.
Establishing a smuggling ring inside sounds like a good investment if you're retiring from "the runs"
D. gets the message from Kamisori, knowing where he will be needed soon. Robot fights can get tough outside the area very quickly, and she may need some intimidating presence to keep the action just between the robots.
I'll wait for vagueGM's reply before actually meeting up with the others :D
Last edited April 18, 2022 9:59 am
Apr 19, 2022 6:16 pm
- Kamisori -

You have made it past the initial proving bout virtually unscathed --well, your bot has, but people talk about this sort of thing in the first person.

Now: "... IT'S ROBOT FIGHTING TIME!" The announcer shouts. The crowd is hyped up and excited to see what this outsider can do. There has been a lot of betting against you --on general principles-- and they want to see you go down.

All eyes are on the arena, so your companions were able to slip away unnoticed --no one cares about the pit crew mid-event-- but you don't know how long you will need to keep the show going.

Knowing that you might not get to take this fighting bot with you on the rest of the mission: What have you brought? And how do you feel about possibly abandoning it?

• Are you, perchance, facing your old bot?
• If so: Does that give you an advantage or a disadvantage?
• If not: Where is that bot now?
• Do you have any plans for it?
Apr 19, 2022 6:17 pm
- Everyone else -

You were able to slip away unnoticed while your drone pilot distracted the Lowlifes.

You don't know how long you have. Whether Kamisori wins or loses, the Lowlifes will be looking to the the pits and your absence will be noted.

• Are you trying to keep this operation secret from the Lowlifes?
That will add some pressure since you need to avoid being noticed, but you know it will avoid some complications down the line. Allowing them into higher levels now will create chaos, which might play to your advantage, but only a fool --or the desperate-- relies on chaos.

- Winston -

The barrier --scarred and pitted by decades of attempted cutting-- is right where your blueprint-inspired-guesswork suggested it would be. You were pretty sure there should be a control node you can try hack to get the barrier down... but the barrier and walls are several feet 'closer' than you hoped, and the physical access point to that node is on the other side. This makes sense, but was both awkward for them when building the barrier, and is now a problem for you and your team.

You thought this might happen. How do you plan to gain access through the two feet of tungsten/steel alloy to the physical port on the other side?
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