Character Sheet Label as page title

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Apr 10, 2022 10:50 am
Character sheets still use the Label in the pages title element. Almost everything else uses the Name. This should use the name too else it displays the 'wrong thing' on the tab-bar or window title.

Maybe this and other places could display the Label if the user has not entered a Name? But that seems like a fault condition and displaying blank might help remind them to add a name?
Apr 10, 2022 10:52 am

You mean in this part?

I think it makes more sense to have the label there than the name. I don't really have a strong argument for it but it just feels more appropriate there.
Apr 10, 2022 11:50 am
I also think the Label makes more sense as the page title than the character Name. An observation though: I have seen people change their mind about what they'd like their character’s name to be, and then forget to change the Label. So then the page title is wrong. Happened to me, so I was reminded to correct the Label. Others are maybe not as observant and so the incorrent page title persists, and that would be a headache for any GM who likes to keep multiple tabs open. But IMO all of that is user error rather than bad design.
Apr 10, 2022 11:59 am
For the GM, having the characters' sheets open but not being able to tell who each character is from the title (which is often related to the game system) is a bit of a pain.

The value of the Label is also in question, but forcing (or suggesting) the players to change the Label to match the Name makes it useless?
Apr 10, 2022 12:17 pm
In my case, the difference between character name and sheet label is that label will have the name of the game I made and use the character for. And I also come up with the character name at the very end of chargen, so I put a place holder in the label (which is usually the name of the game I am creating a character for)
Apr 10, 2022 12:21 pm
Doesn't have to match exactly. But having the sheet labeled Harry when the character’s name is Hermione (and the player can't be arsed to fix it) is a pain.

But my comment isn't helpful because what I'm complaining about is beyond the site devs' control.
Apr 10, 2022 12:27 pm
Maybe we should make a public poll/ask about whether people care about differentiating character name and sheet label and for which purposes.

Because I personally prefer to have those be identical, so I can't judge too much how others who care about that difference would feel about potential changes
Apr 10, 2022 12:28 pm
I'll put it out there that I like to include the game system in the label (helps me organize)
Apr 10, 2022 1:01 pm
The Label is currently the only way to organise characters, but that does mean it ends up rather personal and irrelevant to others.

Let's look at two scenarios:
1. The GM is looking at the characters in the game to make an appropriate mission from their backstories.
2. The player is looking at all their characters at the same time (I don't know why).

In Scenario 1 the GM sees either
"(DnD5e Fighter) Bob | Character Sheet | Gamers Plane"
"(DnD5e Fighter) Barb | Character Sheet | Gamers Plane"
and probably only sees the first few characters, so they all look alike.
"Bob | Character Sheet | Gamers Plane"
"Barb | Character Sheet | Gamers Plane"

In the Second scenario, the players sees either:
"(DnD5e Fighter) Bob | Character Sheet | Gamers Plane"
"(TftL) Frank | Character Sheet | Gamers Plane"
"Bob | Character Sheet | Gamers Plane"
"Frank | Character Sheet | Gamers Plane"

In the first, as things stand, that is a problem for the GM (or any players looking to use the existing characters to help build their own). In the second case, everyone sees something useful, with the exception being when the player both has many characters with the same name, and wants to see them all open at the same time.

I can not see any value in using the Label. I also don't care much about this, it is only a minor inconvenience. If anyone has reasons to want the Labels, I won't stand in their way.
Apr 10, 2022 1:05 pm
I guess my objection is that it just feels to me like if there is any place that should display the label and not the character name, it's that place.

But as I said, I prefer to just use the character name as label anyway (and the only sheets that aren't like this are named after placeholders because I hadn't come up with a name yet). So I have no strong opinion either way as it won't really impact me personally
Apr 10, 2022 3:15 pm

The browser tab should show... Public

The character name
The character label
I don't mind
Apr 10, 2022 5:18 pm
As a personal choice, I label my character sheets in the format of "Name, Type." For example, "Bodaykin, Goblin Wizard." If I have multiple games with the same character, I add the game title in the format "Name, Type (Game)."

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