May 10, 2022 5:44 pm
Of course not. We've only been proceeding a bit slow.
You wake up to the sound of your door getting knocked. When you open the door you see a street urchin with dirty hair and rugged clothes. "Another delivery for the missus!" he says as he hands you a letter and quickly dashes away. As you wonder what the hell did he mean with another, you see beneath your feet another letter. It seems like you're quite popular today. You carefully read both of them. The first one, the one that probably got slipped under your door bears the sigil of Master Kurbatin. It's a short but firmly written letter.
"Hello dear. There has been some developments on the case. You can imagine how desperate I am to reach out to you. Please drop by our office as soon as possible. PS: Bring that lovely friend of yours too."
The second one does not have any marks on it. When you open it it seems like somebody in a great rush has written it.
"I've talked to the Shields. I'll visit Talaraka during the day, if you're not there I'll just inform her. -Ibabnin"
What do you do?
I don't like taking the agency of the player by making their character do stuff but both the story is tied up and it is play by post. Also let's speed up the stroy of Terilith as the info he gets will be important in this story as well. I'll try to post as quick as I can.