. It's the best place to communicate about the game quickly 😁
(Just the classes. Ignore the fighter specialization section, this stuff is in a book later in that list)
(Variant thief. Better at fighting, worse at thief stuff)
1. I prefer slightly stronger PCs, so we'll do 4d6 drop lowest and you may place those score where you wish. These rolls must be done within this thread
2. Roll 3d6 and multiply the result by 10 and then add 250. This is your starting gold. Use the Equipment Emporium to purchase equipment, as it's much more comprehensive.
3. Choose race and class from either the core rulebook or one of the additional options above. Hit points will be max at first level, but you must roll for any additional levels
4. You will start with an XP total of 8,000. This will put you beyond level 1, so make sure to check the core rules to see what level you should be and roll HP for all levels beyond level 1.
To make a character sheet, go ahead and click on the box below and then "Create Character" in the top-right section of the sheet.
[ +- ] Character Sheet Code
Create character
Hit Points: /
Armor Class:
Attack Bonus:
Character Level:
Character Class:
Experience Points: /
[b]Hit Points:[/b] [_=] / [_=]
[b]Armor Class:[/b] [_=]
[b]Attack Bonus:[/b] [_=]
[b]Race:[/b] [_=]
[b]Character Level: [/b] [_=]
[b]Character Class: [/b][_=]
[b]Experience Points:[/b] [_=] / [_=]
Ability | Score | Modifier
Strength | |
Intelligence | |
Wisdom | |
Dexterity | |
Constitution | |
Charisma | | |
Saving Throw | Roll Needed
Death/Poison |
Wands |
Paralyze/Stone |
Dragon Breath |
Spells | |
Item Name | Gold Value | Weight |
Click the ink bottle above to edit
Separate items on the table go on separate lines, with a | separating the item name, gold value, and weights
[b]Gold:[/b] [_=]
[b]Silver:[/b] [_=]
[b]Copper:[/b] [_=]
[b]Item Name[/b] | [b]Gold Value[/b] | [b]Weight[/b]
Click the ink bottle above to edit
Separate items on the table go on separate lines, with a | separating the item name, gold value, and weights
Click the ink bottle above to edit
Use a # to start a new ability entry, press enter, and then add the text for the feat or feature
This gives you a header and a little red arrow beside it. You can click the little red arrow to expand the selection
Feel free to remove all of this text once you understand how it works
Click the ink bottle above to edit
Use a # to start a new ability entry, press enter, and then add the text for the feat or feature
This gives you a header and a little red arrow beside it. You can click the little red arrow to expand the selection
Feel free to remove all of this text once you understand how it works
Click the ink bottle above to edit
Use a # to start a new ability entry, press enter, and then add the text for the feat or feature
This gives you a header and a little red arrow beside it. You can click the little red arrow to expand the selection
Feel free to remove all of this text once you understand how it works
Click the ink bottle above to edit
Use a # to start a new ability entry, press enter, and then add the text for the feat or feature
This gives you a header and a little red arrow beside it. You can click the little red arrow to expand the selection
Feel free to remove all of this text once you understand how it works
[abilities=Character Statistics][b]Hit Points:[/b] [_=] / [_=]
[b]Armor Class:[/b] [_=]
[b]Attack Bonus:[/b] [_=]
[b]Race:[/b] [_=]
[b]Character Level: [/b] [_=]
[b]Character Class: [/b][_=]
[b]Experience Points:[/b] [_=] / [_=][/abilities]
[b]Ability[/b] | [b]Score[/b] | [b]Modifier[/b]
[b]Strength[/b] | [_str=] | [_$=lookupBonus(str, 1,3,-3, 4,5,-2, 6,8,-1, 9,12,0, 13,15,+1, 16,17,+2, 18,18,+3)]
[b]Intelligence[/b] | [_int=] | [_$=lookupBonus(int, 1,3,-3, 4,5,-2, 6,8,-1, 9,12,0, 13,15,+1, 16,17,+2, 18,18,+3)]
[b]Wisdom[/b] | [_wis=] | [_$=lookupBonus(wis, 1,3,-3, 4,5,-2, 6,8,-1, 9,12,0, 13,15,+1, 16,17,+2, 18,18,+3)]
[b]Dexterity[/b] | [_dex=] | [_$=lookupBonus(dex, 1,3,-3, 4,5,-2, 6,8,-1, 9,12,0, 13,15,+1, 16,17,+2, 18,18,+3)]
[b]Constitution[/b] | [_con=] | [_$=lookupBonus(con, 1,3,-3, 4,5,-2, 6,8,-1, 9,12,0, 13,15,+1, 16,17,+2, 18,18,+3)]
[b]Charisma[/b] | [_cha=] | [_$=lookupBonus(cha, 1,3,-3, 4,5,-2, 6,8,-1, 9,12,0, 13,15,+1, 16,17,+2, 18,18,+3)]
[b]Saving Throw[/b] | [b]Roll Needed[/b]
Death/Poison | [_=]
Wands | [_=]
Paralyze/Stone | [_=]
Dragon Breath | [_=]
Spells | [_=]
[abilities=Equipment][b]Gold:[/b] [_=]
[b]Silver:[/b] [_=]
[b]Copper:[/b] [_=]
[b]Item Name[/b] | [b]Gold Value[/b] | [b]Weight[/b]
Click the ink bottle above to edit
Separate items on the table go on separate lines, with a | separating the item name, gold value, and weights[/abilities]
[abilities=Racial Features]
Click the ink bottle above to edit
Use a # to start a new ability entry, press enter, and then add the text for the feat or feature
This gives you a header and a little red arrow beside it. You can click the little red arrow to expand the selection
Feel free to remove all of this text once you understand how it works
[abilities=Class Features]
Click the ink bottle above to edit
Use a # to start a new ability entry, press enter, and then add the text for the feat or feature
This gives you a header and a little red arrow beside it. You can click the little red arrow to expand the selection
Feel free to remove all of this text once you understand how it works