[Closed]Let's learn Fate, Fairytale Mashup Oneshot

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ClosedFate AcceleratedPublic3 / weeksean_don4
This is a Fairy Tale Mash-up one-shot by way of Fate. About Me: I am new to the Fate system (beginner Fate GM -- but not a beginner GM) and we’ll be learning as we go. If you know Fate then we can learn from you too. If you don’t know it, then we can learn together.


✅ Seeking. A small group of lighthearted players (or GMs) who don’t take themselves too seriously.

✅ The Pitch. You’re a band of young adventurer’s from a fantasy village in a mysterious land where witches, sleeping giants, fairy folk, and other strange creatures exist. You may be a young human who is a beast keeper’s assistant, a halfling who is an illusionist's apprentice, a talking animal, a pixie who lives among humans, a magically animated clockwork being, or countless other possibilities. But the one thing you all have in common, is that none of you have ever been very far outside the village before.

Scenario: A curse is sickening the village's crops and livestock. You and your friends must find the oracle who can help lift the curse. Though the exact location of the oracle can be hard to find, she was last encountered in the northern part of the dark forest. Can the characters keep their kinsman safe during this difficult journey? (scenario idea from Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures by Flatland Games.)

Established Media: The Black Cauldron (Prydain) | Willow | The King’s Quest series | Dungeons & Dragons Animated Cartoon TV Series | Spirited Away | Return to Oz | The Neverending Story | Jim Henson’s Labyrinth

✅ Play Style. Narrative. Theater-of-the-mind. Collaborative storytelling.

✅ Tone. Lighthearted. Some cartoony swashbuckling. Not gritty or deadly. Some weird nightmarish places and creatures, including witchcraft. No gratuitous or explicit violence or adult themes please (nor any off-limit topics we discuss OOC.)

✅ Specialized Software and Resources. None, just gamersplane.

✅ Player Experience Requirements. Beginners welcome. In fact, I'm a beginner Fate GM.

✅ Etiquette Rules. Be kind and courteous. Respect different walks of life. Keep language moderate. Do not get political. Have fun!

May 1, 2022 9:56 pm
Hi All: This is a Fairy Tale Mash-up one-shot by way of Fate. About Me: I am new to the Fate system (beginner Fate GM -- but not a beginner GM) and we’ll be learning as we go. If you know Fate then we can learn from you too. If you don’t know it, then we can learn together.


✅ Seeking. A small group of lighthearted players (or GMs) who don’t take themselves too seriously.

✅ Game System. Fate Accelerated

✅ The Pitch. You’re a band of young adventurer’s from a fantasy village in a mysterious land where witches, sleeping giants, fairy folk, and other strange creatures exist. You may be a young human who is a beast keeper’s assistant, a halfling who is an illusionist's apprentice, a talking animal, a pixie who lives among humans, a magically animated clockwork being, or countless other possibilities. But the one thing you all have in common, is that none of you have ever been very far outside the village before.

Scale & Magic: There is magic, including magic items and fairy dust in this world, but spells are difficult to prepare, ritualistic, wild, unpredictable, and usually too powerful and dangerous for common villagers such as yourselves to handle.

Scenario: A curse is sickening the village's crops and livestock. You and your friends must find the oracle who can help lift the curse. Though the exact location of the oracle can be hard to find, she was last encountered in the northern part of the dark forest. Can the characters keep their kinsman safe during this difficult journey? (scenario idea from Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures by Flatland Games.)

Established Media: The Black Cauldron (Prydain) | Willow | The King’s Quest series | Dungeons & Dragons Animated Cartoon TV Series | Spirited Away | Return to Oz | The Neverending Story | Jim Henson’s Labyrinth

✅ Play Style. Narrative. Theater-of-the-mind. Collaborative storytelling.

✅ Tone. Lighthearted. Some cartoony swashbuckling. Not gritty or deadly. Some weird nightmarish places and creatures, including witchcraft. No gratuitous or explicit violence or adult themes please (nor any off-limit topics we discuss OOC.)

✅ Character Restrictions. No evil player characters allowed; this is assumed to be a game of cooperative problem solving. No player vs player without consent.

✅ Game Duration and Post Frequency. One shot. M W F (2 to 3 posts a week)

✅ Specialized Software and Resources. None, just gamersplane.

✅ Player Experience Requirements. Beginners welcome. In fact, I'm a beginner Fate GM.

✅ How to Apply. Please PM me. I may ask some questions to get to know you first.

✅ Etiquette Rules. Be kind and courteous. Respect different walks of life. Keep language moderate. Do not get political. Have fun!
Last edited May 3, 2022 2:47 pm
May 2, 2022 5:53 am
I don't know the Fate system all to well yet, but this setting sounds really interesting. I would be willing to learn as we go along with you.
May 2, 2022 8:26 am
I have the rules for Fate accelerated and once created a character for a game that never began. The rules are interestingly different from DnD I usually play. A group willing to learn together seems an ideal way to get to grips with a new system so I would like to join.
May 2, 2022 10:58 am
I've heard lots about Fate, but never actually read or played it myself.
Mark me down as interested :)

Can my character be a gypsy fortune-teller? That sounds like fun.
May 2, 2022 11:15 am
Hi, I've glanced over Fate Accelerated a few times. . . and, I think that if I was to really get into FATE it would be that one. :) Love the concept here though and I am certainly interested in learning together.

I could play some sort of human hunter-like character.
May 2, 2022 12:25 pm
Do not forget a Bear, hey, I've got a concept ! Man transforms in Bear; and for the funny part, once the transfomation is over he has to unzip himself from the hide and carry it to prepare it for a new transformation.
Last edited May 2, 2022 12:25 pm
May 2, 2022 2:38 pm
Hello. New to Gamersplane but would love to throw my interest into this game. I've GM'd a Dresden Files FATE game a few years back so I've got a bit of experience with the system, but could definitely stand to reacquaint myself with it.
May 2, 2022 2:45 pm
Fun, I am GMing one too right now.
May 3, 2022 2:46 pm
Hi Everyone. I got a pretty overwhelming response via PMs (private messages) including early ones from my original separate interest check post. I might reach out to some of you via PM. Thank you all.
May 7, 2022 11:58 am
As a person who DM and love Fate Accelerated I have to say that it is not made for classic high fantasy adventures. Unless you hack it very hard, there is no mechanism to handle magic if it is as common as in D&D. Also despite the friendly tune of the source books, fights are deadly as hell ;)
Last edited May 7, 2022 11:59 am
May 7, 2022 2:22 pm
bdciopp says:
As a person who DM and love Fate Accelerated I have to say that it is not made for classic high fantasy adventures. Unless you hack it very hard, there is no mechanism to handle magic if it is as common as in D&D.
We'll see how it goes, but we're making it work so far with zero hacking. FAE talks about characters with spell casting right in the rules -- and I figure if someone tries to do something way overpowered then I'll just set the ladder way high.

Though, I admit, I was on the fence about perhaps using PbtA (Fellowship or Dungeon World) or Cypher instead (and those systems would probably work great too... maybe we'll learn those next!), but FAE has allowed us for such fun and interesting characters so far. What's more, this isn't exactly "classic high fantasy", but more "fairytale swords & sorcery" (think Willow, Return to Oz, The Black Cauldron) so we agreed on a lower more ritualistic magic Scale setting -- plus magic can be a little unpredictable and dangerous (allow for 'success with consequences'.)

I also used videos like this for guidance -- though you may or may not agree with the youtuber's opinions
Last edited May 7, 2022 2:36 pm
May 7, 2022 10:58 pm
Amusing that the guy in the video doesn't link his narrative excuse to the permissions directly called out in Fate Core and Fate Condensed, especially if you look at "Extras." In many cases, to have Extras (superpowers, specific magical abilities), you need permission -- which more often than not just comes from having the right kind of aspect. When you get into more advanced games like Dresden Files Accelerated or Iron Edda Accelerated, conditions are introduced that can *really* link this kind of stuff together in neat ways. (As in 'cannot use X (mega) stunt until Y condition is checked.')

Cool video, btw.

@bdciopp -- have to disagree. I've run Fate for everything from horror / Call of Cthulhu to D&D-style high fantasy, and I've never made more than modest changes to the refresh, stress, stunts and whatnot to get the genre emulation I wanted. It is better at pulp stories than gritty stories, IMHO, but I actually think it scales really easily into the equivalent of "high level" fantasy play. Provided the GM models the opposition and challenges correctly! Honestly, I see more trouble with GMs making Fate games too easy, not too hard...
Last edited May 7, 2022 11:02 pm

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