6. Easthaven



May 3, 2022 4:34 pm
Easthaven - 20 Uktar 21:00

https://i.imgur.com/oryRZ83.pngLeaving the decapitated corpses in the snow, our heroes head into the night and back to The Eastway. A dogsled each means that you can let the dogs run, and you make good time across the snow. As you head towards town, the hills around you echo with the howls of Auril's children announcing their presence.

Riding east into sprawling Easthaven is like riding into Icewind Dale's past. The place is a living example of the boomtown way of life that gripped all of Ten Towns centuries ago. In the generations since, as other towns have settled into a predictable pattern of existence, Easthaven has continued to grow and reinvent itself. After the Eastway was paved, Easthaven evolved into a frontier traders' paradise, fueling the jealousy of its neighbours.

There's still a sense of optimism here that isn't found in the other towns. Just as a rapidly changing environment favours rapidly evolving organisms, Easties seem excited to find their place in this new Icewind Dale. Let Targos and Bryn Shander hide behind their walls; Easthaven needs room to grow!

You lead your dogs through Easthaven's busy streets. Busy streets! Everybody seems to walk in the same direction - towards the Town Hall.

A crowd has gathered to watch a public execution - a human tied to a stake. He wears a pointed wizard's hat, and a gag prevents any last-minute magical curses.

A guard captain looks on as members of the militia use torches to light the straw tucked around his feet.

A halfling and tiefling huddle together for warmth on the crowd's edge. The halfling, dressed in devil-may-care leathers with a single dreadlock tied up in green ribbons resting across his shoulder, nods the tiefling in your direction - the tiefling waves and calls.

"Ho swordies!"

Fanned by the wind, the fire catches quickly and the crowd cheer. The wizard does not struggle or scream as the flames engulf him. Bundled-up spectators move closer to the human bonfire, eager to feel its warmth.



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