Basic dice rolls are the default selection. You add a new roll by selecting "Add".
The reason is narrative that describes the purpose of your roll. Sometimes the narrative might be used to determine game-specific outcomes based on your game's dice rules.
Basic dice rolls use the common dice notation syntax, e.g. 4D6+1 means roll four 6-sided dice and add one to the result.
e.g. here the AC is read from the reason to determine if a roll hits.

GMs should see
Dice Rules to see how to enable this for their games.
Dice notation
You can roll multiple dice and add or subtract them, and multiple modifiers are supported.
Hn and Ln suffixes can be used to keep the highest and lowest dice. This is case insensitive.
4d6h3 means roll 4d6 and keep the highest three.
2d20h1 means roll 2d20 and keep the highest die (e.g. DnD 5e advantage)
2d20L1 means roll 2d20 and keep the lowest die (e.g. DnD 5e disadvantage)
Not supported
Multiplication is not currently supported.
e.g. (1d4)*10
Reroll Aces
Rerolling aces means that if a dice shows its highest value then it is rolled again and the result added. This is commonly used in Savage Worlds. Select the Reroll Aces checkbox to enable this mode.
Last edited May 8, 2022 1:42 pm