Red color looks like links on dark theme

May 16, 2022 10:56 am
On the dark theme, the recolored red looks a lot like a link.

This can be confusing.

On the light theme it is still clearly 'red' which does not look like the orange of the links.

Actual red --before the recoloring-- does not suffer from this on dark either.
May 16, 2022 11:04 am
I do always hover over any red text (unless it's obvious that it's not a link, like when people mark their dialog red) to make sure it's not a link. So I agree. A bit more differentiation would be great.

Also, interesting with the code to prevent recoloring. I think I can use that!
May 16, 2022 11:11 am
bowlofspinach says:
Also, interesting with the code to prevent recoloring. I think I can use that!
I only noticed the faux-links now since I always force my colors with transparent backgrounds (because I make a point of not using colors that don't work with all themes). I needed to be in a game where others where using colors before seeing the altered ones. :)
May 16, 2022 11:15 am
Generally, I think the changing colors are a good thing. But in one game, my partner wanted us to use colors for dialog since we have a bunch of characters and that way, they'd be easier to distinguish. And I picked those colors after Dark Mode was introduced but before the color-switching was, so I made sure they'd be visible well on both light and dark. Unfortunately, some of the switched colors weren't and I never got around to picking new colors. Now I can just force the original colors and it'll all be nice and visible (and look as intended)
May 16, 2022 11:38 am
bowlofspinach says:
... some of the switched colors weren't ... visible ...
Yeah. I understand the desire for 'making things work' but don't approve of messing with other people's color choices. Everywhere else (and here before the change) we just tell people if their color choices don't work --not everyone's eye work the same-- and settle on ones that do. Dealing with this in the human-space rather than the technical space is my preferred system, now we can not do that since the effort of finding colors that work is all undone by the code. :(

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