I don't have a ton of experience, but I'm in 2 other CoC games our GM is running. I just so love the spiral into madness, I offered to tag along to fill space.
It's a really fun system, looking forward to playing with you all!
After running one long (5th Edition) CoC game via PBEM in the 90s, I haven't gotten CoC to the table all that much -- especially 7th edition. Was in one aborted Masks of Nyarlathotep game and I did run a Fate-powered version of The Thing at the Threshold a few years back, but I rarely get to play. So am grateful to Knifesedgegames for letting me play with some folks new to the game. Looking forward to it!
I've run a short campaign and a few one-shots in CoC 7e, but my playing experience is limited to a couple of sessions my pathfinder campaign did when our characters were transported from a fantasy universe to modern day (which was a fun way to round out that campaign, but was pretty slim on investigation). I've also played in a couple of short PbP games, but none of those lasted long enough to get anywhere, really. I'm excited to play with y'all!
What tips would those of you with CoC experience give to a first timer re: game play, expressing your character's personality in the face of extreme oddities, etc.?
I'll be dropping gameplay tips as we go. One key element of CoC that differs from other games is the sanity function. If you see something shocking, I will call for a sanity check. you may still lose sanity even if you pass but lose more if you fail. A loss of one might cause you to jump or yelp whereas more would call for a stronger reaction. If you lose more than 5 in one go, you will be subject to temporary insanity and I will give further instructions as to how you react. Lose more than 1/5 of your sanity in one game day will result in indefinite insanity.
Most of you will have had no experience of the occult or if you have, it's all theoretical, so its possible you won't even accept what you are seeing. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
The key to most gameplay in CoC is investigation, so use your skills whenever possible. don't be afraid to suggest when one of your skills might be relevant at any given time.
Just to let you all know I'll be out of town from tomorrow until Thursday. Feel free to talk among yourselves and I might be able to post here and there. If you have any pressing issues you'd like to wrap up, now's the time!
Thanks for playing along, I hope you enjoyed the scenario as much as I did and for those new to Call of Cthulhu, I hope this met your expectations and whet your appetite for more.
As I run games like this, especially for new players, for the Cult of Chaos, the section of Chaosium that organise games for cons and events, I give the developers feedback on your experience so if you have a moment, please let me know what you thought of the game and the scenario.
Also if you'd like to be added to the Chaosium mailing list to learn more about Call of Cthulhu and their other products, feel free to drop me a line in private and I'll hook you up.
Thank you for keeping, this was really entertaining. I hope there will be a follow up.
I am already on the Chaosium mailing list, even if more for their Runequest stuff...
I have multiple CoC games running at any given time, all much longer term campaigns and they're always popular. If any gaps appear I will be sure to let you know.
Have you played a lot of Runequest? I used to play back in the day and have been interested in the newest release but haven't tried it.
I haven't (at least not a lot), but I have collected a lot of stuff. The new edition is great and there is a lot of material. I don't know if it is fit for PbP though -- this is a lot more involved than CoC rules wise. Maybe at some point I will convince myself to try to start a game here, with the new or an older ruleset...
I really enjoyed my first CoC game. My only real complaint is that this felt very short but I understand that it was an introductory scenario.
I think I was too careful with my investigator; perhaps I should have taken more risks in the name of finding clues but both player and character were nervous. :P
I'd love to investigate something else if there's ever space!
Also... What about Delta Green? Actively fighting against the Mythos makes me smile insanely.
It was intentionally short to keep new players interested and to teach the basics. My regular campaigns go on much longer, often for years.
Being cautious is definitely a good idea in Cthulhu if you want to survive and you played your character according to his natural reaction, which was awesome!
The beauty of longer term games is that investigators can uncover Tomes that contain spells to be used against the Mythos (or corrupt the Investigator) I feel Lang would make an excellent sorceror, given the right circumstance.