Scripts for power users

May 19, 2022 3:58 pm
I'm trying to keep this thread clean.

If you want to discuss this guide then please add your comments to this thread.

Some features are rather experimental or might not appeal to everyone. These features are available as scripts which can be installed and customised.

* Getting started
* Homepage games highlighting
* BBCode editor syntax colouring
* Ordering game forums by creation date
May 19, 2022 4:06 pm
Getting started

1. Install Tampermonkey
Tampermonkey is a popular script manager extension.

Install the version which matches your browser:
Chrome installation
Firefox installation
Edge installation
...or visit

2. Install the GP script(s)
Look in the sections below. If you see one that takes your interest then click the 📜 Install script link.

3. (optional) Edit the script for to own preferences
If you're interested in code or want to try editing the scripts to your own preferences, then you can access them from the Dashboard on your Tampermonkey menu.

4. Check for updates
To update your scripts to the latest version, then use this Tampermonkey feature on the toolbar.
May 19, 2022 4:42 pm
Homepage games highlighting

This script does two things.

1. It adds a highlight to bookmarked games where you weren't the last person to post.
2. It changes the date/times of the homepage to use "human" descriptions (like 'today' and 'yesterday').

This script also includes some pointless trivia.
📜 Install script
May 19, 2022 4:46 pm
BBCode editor syntax colouring

Beta functionality.

This script does not work on the kiwi mobile browser.

This adds syntax colouring to the BBCode editor. It can be useful to help make sense of the tag soup that sometimes happens on character sheets.

It turns this...
...into this...

This is the first release and the colours are still being tuned. Expect updates.
📜 Install script
May 20, 2022 7:28 am
Ordering game forums by creation date

By default, game forums are listed alphabetically. This script orders them by the date that they were created.
📜 Install script

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