[Homebase] is wherever I'm with you

May 23, 2022 4:56 am
As per the premise of this game, your characters have been gathered and employed by a Patron within The City who has need of your skills in assembling the Planar Key. One of the many several ways in which they assist you in this escapade, is by giving you a safe space to plan and prepare, to rest, or to make yourself a home -- should you so choose.

This is the homebase.

Homebase creation comes in two phases. Phase 1 is the Homebase itself, meaning: the physical edifice itself, the building as a whole. In this phase, you will each take turns -- with no one taking a second turn until everyone has gone at least once -- making selections from the following list until you are satisfied.
[ +- ] Homebase Creation
A minimum of 3 selections are needed, and no more than 5, and we'll stop when y'all run out of picks or someone decides to pass because they're satisfied with the homebase's visuals.

Feel free to converse and bat around ideas to meld and mix and marry the different visuals that are being selected.

NOTE: There are more lists to pick from after this one! Don't feel pressured to make sure everyone "gets a turn" so to speak, because there are others details and categories that folks will get to/have to pick from!
May 24, 2022 8:06 am
The one that stands out to me is Mirrors or Murals. I like the idea of painted murals covering the inside walls of the base, but the paintings shift and move - sometimes according to mood, sometimes according to what we need to see, sometimes showing something from some future, never according to any pattern or predetermined logic.
May 25, 2022 1:57 am
I want it to have a Courtyard, perhaps with something strange overhead, like the bottoms of other buildings from one level up, or an arcane and not longer functional gigantic telescope in the middle... that kind of thing.
May 27, 2022 7:25 pm
Wow, sorry, everyone, I missed this! I like the idea of the Communal Kitchen, where we can have scenes together if we choose. Maybe it's magically stocked with food from our home planes - or maybe that's another shapeshifting aspect of the place.
May 28, 2022 12:53 am
As the vegetative member of the clan, I'll cast my lot for Overgrown. Possibly with a melange of species of flora from across the planaverse^tm. Perhaps amongst all the growth there are some interesting possibilities for alchemical concoctions, herbal remedies, poisins and the like.
Last edited May 28, 2022 12:53 am
May 29, 2022 9:05 pm
All righty, very cool, folks. We've got moving Murals, a weird Courtyard, a Communal Kitchen, and the whole place is Overgrown.

I'm almost getting a public works vibe from this, like a museum or botanical garden or some kind of piazza. I super dig it!

And we're not done yet! The Home Base has some weirdness about it too...


I took the liberty of rolling a d20 and got Empty Rooms Eventually Fill Up With Discarded, Lost, and Forgotten Objects which seems pleasantly accommodating of a museum-like vibe, in an off-beat and comedic way.

But wait! There's more! Post incoming!
May 29, 2022 9:13 pm
All right, so we have some idea about the nature of the building that is y'all's home base -- that is to say, we know some stuff about the structure itself. We know that this is a building filled with moving murals, we know that there is a communal kitchen on the property, we know that the whole place is overgrown with plant life, and we know that there is a courtyard that is itself strange and interesting, and we know that rooms tend to fill up with random litter and missing items.

We are now going to learn about how this place is used -- it is time to learn about The Venue. To quote the Planedawn Orphans text for a moment:
The venue is part of the wider building of the home base. It might be in the ground floor of the building or maybe in a separate annex on the same property. It is open to the public and provides some kind of service to the citizens of the Planar City. It could be a tavern, a circus, a temple or any combination thereof.

At the start of the game the orphans are not involved in its operation unless any of them explicitly want to be.
So it is time again to make some selections. I invite you all again to check out the lists and proceed through them in order, making a selection and collaborating to blend details together, to help define who your nearest and dearest neighbors in The City are going to be.
[ +- ] The Venue
May 29, 2022 10:48 pm
Should we let Gen have first pick here so he didn't get a turn in the first round?
May 29, 2022 11:04 pm
I'm happy to go along with that!
May 30, 2022 9:18 am
Thanks, I'll take that turn :)

Since we've established Mirrors or Murals for the building, I'd like to propose an Arts service in the venue. Building on the idea of shifting/changing murals, I'm thinking of a sort of graffiti wall, where artists are constantly overwriting previously made artworks with new ones, creating combinations and incorporations of different art styles and paintings.
May 30, 2022 10:05 am
Sounds like it might be a good location for Dreams and Augury as well. People come and either experience visions, maybe with vision guides who take them on their journey, and then often create something representational there to lock them into memory before the memory itself fades.
Last edited May 30, 2022 10:06 am
May 30, 2022 10:26 am
Love all of this! I'm going to propose that along with the above, the atmosphere is Dangerous as well. It's not a passive art gallery - sometimes people have been lost to the dreams and artworks, never to be found again. Some people have been sent mad. And others have been profoundly changed for the better.
May 31, 2022 4:34 am
Wow, that's great, everyone. I especially like the aspect of the atmosphere being dangerous. Maybe it'll be a risk to our characters as well, if we fall into having dreams about our lost homelands.

To go along with the dangerous vibe, maybe the staff should be Religious and Masked - I'm thinking maybe something like a full-face Court of Owls-style mask, anonymous and unsettling. They act as the vision guides and the masks serve to hide any identifying features or distinctive traits so the vision-seekers have an unbiased experience.
Jun 1, 2022 5:00 am
That down to me, @AlfredR? Do we have enough on the base or should I pile on more? ;)
Jun 5, 2022 6:25 am
This is all absolutely wild and I love it. Nicely done, everyone!

@Harrigan Yes, you are up, bud. Feel free to pick another item for Atmosphere as we are meant to pick two -- so this will all be Dangerous and something else.

And then, there is lastly an element of Weirdness. I went ahead and rolled a d20 and got a 20!
[ +- ] Venue Weirdness
"The venue is accessible through the building, but actually exists elsewhere."

So, thinking about how Harrigan wanted some kind of weirdness in a courtyard earlier, clearly it's some kind of arrangement of mirrors -- like some kind of little reflective henge kind of thing -- and that's a door way to a kind of legend of zelda dark world / twilight realmy / assassin's creed animus loading screeny limbo that is the opposite side of all of the magic murals in the building. That's where our masked prophet-wayfinders do their work and lead people around doing their truth-seeking art projects.
Jun 7, 2022 4:09 am
I like this weirdness! Adds to the dreamlike feeling.
Jun 7, 2022 8:33 pm
How about: "The staff is part of a large hive mind."
They are all individuals who have somehow become part of The Great Dream - a collective hallucination, the fevered imaginings of a transtemporal transdimensional consciousness, the mind of a god, the seductive whisperings of chaos and madness.... There are as many theories and speculations regarding the nature of The Great Dream as there are individuals who have touched it or been touched by it. But its clear that those who have become One with it, that don the Masks and follow the tenets of its inscrutable Religion, are connected in ways that others can't comprehend.

*Whoops, just realized Weirdness wasn't open for our input.*
Last edited June 8, 2022 7:22 am
Jun 8, 2022 4:44 am
Feel free to pick another item for Atmosphere as we are meant to pick two -- so this will all be Dangerous and something else.
I'm missing something. Where is the list of Atmosphere items?
Jun 8, 2022 5:47 am
AlfredR says:
[ +- ] The Venue
Jun 9, 2022 2:02 pm
Sorry, seeing now you posted that above, Alfred. Let's roll with Nostalgic as well, for atmosphere. The kind of place that feels welcoming in a familiar but hard to define way. And is Dangerous. ;)
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