Devil's Dance

Jun 5, 2022 10:20 pm
Devil’s Dance
Grendel-class modified freighter

Faction: Any
Drives: Epstein, Thrusters
Crew (minimum): 2
Crew (standard): 8
Competence: Capable

Category: Large
Length: 65m
Hull: 2d6
Sensors: 0
Favored Range: Long

Weapon Type / Range / Damage / Arc
Torpedo Tubes (2) / Long / 4d6 / Fore
Point Defense Network / Close / 2d6 / Full Coverage

Favored Command Stunts:
1+ | BLINDING MANEUVER: You maneuver your ship in such a way as to blind or limit an opponent’s Sensors. Each SP you spend reduces an opposing ship’s Sensors score by 1 (to a minimum score of –2) until the start of the next round.

3+ | EVASIVE ACTION: Every 3 SP you spend grants a +1d6 Hull bonus to your ship that round for resisting damage from successful weapon attacks.

PENETRATE HULL: Your attack overcomes the vehicle’s resistance to damage. If a vehicle has a Hull rating, you must spend SP equal to it on this stunt before spending SP on other stunts.

Atmosphere Capable - The ship can operate in a planetary atmosphere for limited periods of time and is capable of landing. Generally, a ship must be designed and built to have this capability. It cannot be added later.

Hidden Compartments - The ship has hidden compartments designed for smuggling or otherwise concealing cargo from inspections or borders.

Improved Acceleration II - The ship can accelerate faster. When performing a high-g maneuver, the ship can add a bonus of up to +7. The ship also gets a +1 to the Piloting test when attempting to increase or decrease range. Additional applications of this bonus can be taken, which increases the high-g maneuver bonus by 1 for each, up to a maximum of +9. Each additional level also grants another +1 to the Piloting test to increase range, up to a maximum of +3.

Improved Stores - The ship is capable of stocking supplies for extended travel for its crew and a number of passengers equal to half its optimal crew listing.

Reduced Crew Requirements - The ship has optimized controls to allow it to be manned by a smaller crew. Halve the crew requirement for the ship (with a minimum of 1).

Redundant Hull (Double) - A double hull provides a redundant barrier against the vacuum—usually by a few to several feet—in case the outer hull is damaged. This is standard on most Martian military ships. The ship can ignore the first loss condition imposed in an encounter. See Losses in the Spaceships chapter of The Expanse RPG.

High Maintenance - The ship is finicky and needs some tender-loving care to stay in operational condition. The GM should require additional Maintenance activities during interludes (see Interludes in the Game Play chapter) and increase the Lifestyle Cost of maintaining the ship by +1.

Wanted - The ship is trouble and somebody, perhaps even several somebodies, are after it. This can cause problems docking at legitimate ports, or might mean the ship needs to avoid certain places or routes in order to avoid further trouble. The GM should use this flaw as a story hook and cause trouble for the crew so long as the ship has it.


Levels 1 + 2 - Flight Deck/Operations

The operations deck is about four square meters of space laid out in a standard cross with four crash couch-mounted terminals that can be configured with any of the standard ship ops, the crew ladder to the lower decks in the center.

A steep staircase between the 6 and 9 o’clock chairs leads up to the half flight deck in the same open space as ops but separated by a metal grill floor and a railing. The flight deck has pilot and co-pilot chair terminals side-by-side. These are the primary stations for helm and weapons, but those systems can be given permissions to any ops terminal.

Level 3 - Crew Quarters

The ship tapers down slightly into this section, so it's wider than ops. Like any modern freighter, the crew quarters level was constructed to be as multifunctional as possible. Each bunk unit is constructed so the compartment above can either be a bed or storage space depending on the crew complement to a total of 16 beds in the crew quarters. A landing leads to three doors in the 12, 3 and 9 o’clock positions, although this leads into 5 bunk rooms, 2 "singles" and then three rooms that can house double that, smaller double rooms wedged between the 9/12 and 12/3 rooms. The upside to this design being that the spaces can be altered depending on the crew, the downside being the layout is meant for more communal living so the two heads are through the "single" rooms. A bank of emergency crash couches are in the 6 o’clock position in the landing area.

Level 4 - Galley/Armory/Medical Bay

This level, as well, is optimized for the smaller freighter. To the right of the ladder the armory takes up about a quarter of level 4, with weapons and armor lockers or extra storage as required, as well as safe storage for explosive, volatile and hazardous materials and a hidden safe for valuables. On the far side is the decently-sized, open concept galley, with three tables and hard mounted stools. The medical bay is a small room directly ahead from the ladder, separated from the galley with smart-glass. The med bay is small and stocked with the essentials, but there’s only a simple medical bed with standard testing tools, no auto-doc. Across from the med bay is another bank of emergency crash couches.

Level 5 - Cargo Hold

The ship started her life as a freighter, so the cargo hold is maximized for as much cargo as possible. There are large airlocks to the right and left of the ladder, as well as a second level above, two metal walkways for further storage to be strapped in above.

Level 6 - Engineering/Machine Shop

To the left of the elevator, engineering consists of a chair-mounted ops terminal, as well as a number of tables with simple hard mounted stools in the corners that can be used for everything from running diagnostics to accessing repairs information to catching up on the system’s news. Along the walls are different machines for small repairs, as well as 3D printers for simple parts, but anything more complicated than a patch job would require tools and materials beyond the capabilities of the machine shop.

Level 7 - Auxiliary Crew Quarters

Much smaller than the main crew quarters, this area is down a ladder shoot, closer to the base of the ship. Four bunks are set up against the bulkhead to the left of the ladder, with a table and very basic galley in the same section. Above the auxiliary galley is a raised grate accessible by a steep staircase, good for storing dried goods and emergency rations. To the ladder’s right is a shared head, two toilets and communal showers. There’s another bank of emergency crash couches on this level as well.

Level 8 - Water Storage

Water storage and reprocessors are about the only thing on this level… other than hidden compartments constructed between a false floor and the reactor shielding. A locked trap door leads down to the reactor.

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