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Jun 23, 2022 6:41 pm
Jodelle tries to focus, but it is difficult with the Turami boy doing math around her. She can't really put one of her five fingers on it, but she is quite sure he did something wrong... but still... he has an interesting point.

A string-less puppet that look liked a man, created an explosion that burned some halflings alive.
For what? Treasure? Did these halflings carry anything of value?

Pretending to help Patience checking pulses, she is actually checking the halflings for anything that might be the cause of this carnage. Of course, she tries to be subtle about it. Not to cause panic in the streets.


Jodelle: Investigation (can she find anything?) - (1d20-1)

(5) - 1 = 4

Jodelle: Sleight Of Hand (does anyone notice her searching?) - (1d20+7)

(12) + 7 = 19

Jun 24, 2022 12:43 pm
"We really should get an Investigation permit, that way we can just make everyone leave..."

Vincent approaches the Guards "I believe with almost certianty that this explosion was intended for me, the other possibility I would like to point out though because you cannot belive something with 99 percent certianty and not deal with that extra 1 percent is the possibility that the Explosionieer was attempting to access one of the buildings along this street, do are any of these buildings by chance high profile?"

Civilar Stellpence


Jun 24, 2022 1:16 pm
Jodelle finds nothing of interest, nor clues on the halfling bodies. As she checks them over she notices that they're not as scorched as the armoured humans or crispy gnome.

Civilar Stellpence sighs at seeing Vinnie.

"Oi! Reporter! Any tampering with evidence and thy next exposé will be on shockingly filthy state of Snail Street cells. Thee ken?"

She points her Armar at the civilians.

"Dagsohn - witness statements from civvies afore investigators get here.
Notts - run and get magists, will you? We'll need to take statements from deceased."

Civilar Stellpence
Jun 25, 2022 9:55 am
"What's this about coin you're saying?" Patience closes over a corpse's eyelids and returns to the children. "Speak child!" He adds. "And we might just turn a blind eye"

What was this about a treasure? And my gods, in his day children who came into money would have only bought sweets and fairground rides. Kids these days... Times have changed



Jun 26, 2022 1:30 pm
"WHAT?" shouts the deafened tiefling. The girl urchin, who'd been watching Patience's lips, taps the tiefling on the shoulder and makes some complicated hand signals - some sort of sign language.

"We spied a metal man on the roof. He threw something and we ducked behind this barrel.

Then "BOOM"

Right after the explosion, we heard a 'plop' and be findin' this in the barrel."

He gestures at the Turami boy, who reaches into a pocket of his stuffed owlbear and produces a fabulous necklace with a broken clasp. There are two orange beads on the necklace that roil and glow like solid fire.

"Pretty, ain't it? Gotta be worth a few shards."

If the Watch discovers he's been withholding evidence it'll be worth a few tendays of hard labour, juvenile or not.
Jun 26, 2022 5:54 pm
"have you ever heard of reverence? or even respect? Vincent mutters in Halflling turning away and writing notes rapidly prehaps this is the work of those looking to keep people complacent and the investigation will intentionally results in nothing, slowly pretending to have listened to the words of the gaurds Vincent looks about at the buildings trying to determine from which direction the explosion may have come from.


Vincent Paperwood: Investigation - (1d20+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Jun 27, 2022 10:44 am
"A metal man..." Patience hums. "I'll keep my word and pretend I saw nothing.. but you be careful youngin' - The owner of that trinket might come back to put you in cuffs. Patience sighed. Too many kids getting mixed up in this sort of thing at such a young age.

"If we get an opportunity, we should check up on the roof. See what that man was trying to aim for, or if he left anything up there" He turns to the group.
Jun 28, 2022 2:51 am
"Yes, to the rooftop," Fynn says, still with a hint of sadness in their voice. They scribble something down hastily, having actually brought a pen and parchment this time. "There will be no joy in writing this story," they mutter to themself.
Last edited June 28, 2022 2:51 am
Jun 28, 2022 7:33 am
Who's going and how are they getting to the rooftop?

The buildings are an easy climb (DC10 - str/athletics), but it might raise some questions from the Watch who are starting to take control of the crime scene.
Jun 28, 2022 5:00 pm
Seeing the others climbing up Vincent aproaches a wall and begins climbing.


Vincent Paperwood: Athletics - (1d20+2)

(16) + 2 = 18

Jun 28, 2022 9:38 pm
Climbing? Jodelle sighed. That was not much her thing... still... looking at the rooftop...

She goes straight for Civilar Stellpence.

"A few quiestions of the Wazoo, ma'am? Have you found any suspects yet? Can you confirm the rumours of the lycantrophe squad being on the case? Surely those werewolfwatchwomen can sniff out anything suspicious, no?"

She tries to keep the guard distracted, to that her collegues can go whatever they need to do.
Jun 29, 2022 7:00 am
Patience tries to climb after the others but falls on his rump!

"Ah.. Perhaps one of you smart folk could calculate it from the ground with some Tri.. triognomatry?"
Last edited June 29, 2022 7:03 am


Athletic - (1d20-1)

(6) - 1 = 5

CSI: Vinnie


Jun 29, 2022 8:18 am
I'd let a monk use acrobatics to parkour up the side of a building. But, meh, let's let Vinnie do something useful for a change - it's not often little dude rolls a 16.
Whilst Jodelle keeps the watch occupied, Vinnie ascends a drainpipe. The gryphon riders overhead circle a little tighter over the suspicious halfling, but don't swoop down.

Perspective is a funny thing. The right angle makes everything clear. From up here, Vinnie can see the radial paths of the blast and trace the routes back.

The explosion was centred on the smoking gnome. The two armoured humans were close behind the gnome, possibly following, and then thrown backwards. The halflings and the two women with elf were on the edge of the blast and blown against the wall.

CSI: Vinnie
Jun 29, 2022 7:57 pm
Who is that gnome? Vincent wonders and then suddenly looks hey maybe he looked like me I can't truly tell from this distance... No he's a gnome I can tell that much after all he is obviously not a halflling he barely even looks like one if the gaurds we're his then they wouldn't have mistaken that gnome for him, maybe he's a Lord of Waterdeep that's who everyone always kill... Vincent quickly slides down the gutter.

"Educate me on the Significance of that gnome in Political or Economical Circles." he say to the others looking over at Jodelle and sighing "schmoozing the wardens is ineffective."

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