Records of Jasper the Carpenter Mage

Jun 15, 2022 5:17 pm
Name: Jasper
Race: Human
Background: Guild Artisan
Class Levels: Wizard 1
Alignment: Neutral Good
Faction Allegiances: Mages' Guild, Artisans' Guild

Str +1
Dex +1
Con +2
Int +3 (+5 saves)
Wis +1 (+3 saves)
Cha +1

HP: 8
AC: 11 (+1 dex)
Speed: 30

Background feature:
[ +- ] Guild Membership
Racial features:
Class features: Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery
Cantrips: Light, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand
[ +- ] Spellbook

Insight +3
Investigation +5
Persuasion +3
Religion +3

Tool Proficiencies: Carpenters' tools (Int) +5
Language Proficiencies: Common, Orc, and Gnome
Jun 17, 2022 2:38 am
His spellbook contains: Detect Magic, Find Familiar, Grease, Mage Armor, Shield, Sleep but he has only 4 prepared: Grease, Mage Armor, Shield, Sleep.

His languages are: Common, Orc, Gnome


Traveler’s Clothes

Small Knife

Backpack: Carpenter's Tools, Letter of introduction from Carpenter's Guild, Book of Lore, Bottle of Ink, Ink Pen, 10 Parchments, Bag of Sand, Spellbook

Belt Pouch: 15 gp, Arcane Focus (Crystal)

And do note he has an Owl Familiar.

I would go with this for skills: Investigation 5, Religion 5, and Carpenter's Tools 5. He has 5 other skills of +3 being intelligent.
Jul 13, 2022 5:02 pm
Jasper: Male Human Wizard with Carpenter Background

Appearance: Jasper doesn't look out of place as he wears typical clothing for the area. He does walk with a quarterstaff and has a small knife. Throw a backpack on him and pouch that is him. Not too menacing. He could be a merchant or just a worker or most anything by looks.

Personality: Jasper is fairly easygoing about everything but his work. He expects people to know him about his craftmanship. He is normally the laid-back person although he is an optimist and is rather motivated when he gets his gears going. He tends to make rash decisions and doesn't plan things out too well.

Description: Jasper is fairly tall (5'9") and has a little muscle on him. He is in his later twenties. Been outdoors a lot and has tanned skin. He has black eyes and wavy sandy brown hair.

Known: Carpenter/Wizard

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