Jun 28, 2016 3:54 pm
Anyone else hyped for the upcoming, semi-annual speedrunning extravaganza? I'm a huge fan of the GamesDoneQuick organization, and while I'm not even close to dedicated enough to attempt speedrunning myself, I love watching other people do it. That's why I always make sure to watch the GDQ marathons, one of which is coming up NEXT WEEK.
The schedule's here and, as always, looks AMAZING: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule
If you've never seen any of these before and/or don't know much about speedrunning, I usually write a blog post about the marathons after they conclude which contain my favorite runs from the event. Check it out if you're interested. /endplug
Anyone else excited for this? Just me?
The schedule's here and, as always, looks AMAZING: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule
If you've never seen any of these before and/or don't know much about speedrunning, I usually write a blog post about the marathons after they conclude which contain my favorite runs from the event. Check it out if you're interested. /endplug
Anyone else excited for this? Just me?