IC - Shadows of New Orleans (Savage Worlds)

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Jun 18, 2022 8:34 pm
The year is 2022, the place is New Orleans, Louisiana. Most people know The Big Easy as a party city. Its Mardi Gras celebrations are legendary and it is known as a city where anything can be found, for the right price. But there is another side to New Orleans, a dark and shadowy city, deeply rooted in traditions of Voodoo and the paranormal. The bayous that surround the city are filled with legends of strange creatures and have more than their fill of real menaces to offer.

You are a citizen of New Orleans, one of the masses that inhabit the city. But where most of the citizenry live their lives in ignorance of the shadows that surround them, you are illuminated. You recognize the shadows for what they are and have pledged yourself to help protect the mundanes from the darkness around them. Of course, you must work through the shadows yourself, for the rest of the world is not yet ready for the truth.

And there is one other thing... all appearances aside, this is not our world. Its inhabitants are quite different. You see, all the peoples of this world are anthropomorphic animals! It is a world where various animal species replaced humanity.

So, would anyone be interested in such a campaign? This campaign would use the Savage Worlds (SWADE) ruleset and I have a supplement that provides nearly any kind of animal species that you can come up with, so you're pretty much unlimited there (there may be a few exceptions if you try for a truly rare or odd species). You will play an inhabitant of the modern world who is aware of the Shadow that surrounds you and has dedicated themselves to using that knowledge to protect the mundanes.
Jun 18, 2022 9:38 pm
I am tentatively interested in this - have a bit too many games right now, but as long as it isn't very fast-paced, I bet I can squeeze in one more. Can't miss out on an animal game! :D
Jun 18, 2022 9:47 pm
Not very fast-paced at all. My wife is blind and I serve as her eyes, including driving and email, so I may go a day or three (or occasionally more) between moves simply by necessity.
Jun 18, 2022 9:50 pm
I live in New Orleans. I would love to play a character, but the city will be my focus.

Any room for a Dr Strange type living in pocket dimension about the French Quarter?

Also I got the explorer edition- that cool?
Last edited June 18, 2022 9:51 pm
Jun 18, 2022 10:18 pm
Valdus says:
I live in New Orleans.
Really? I'm about an hour and a half away from you, to the east (Ocean Springs, MS).

I think that we can arrange a Dr. Strange type, sure. And no problem on the Explorer's edition, SWADE makes a few changes, but not so much that we can't adapt.

Outside of the scope of this game, have you ever heard of CoastCon?
Jun 18, 2022 10:58 pm
Hi guys. I'm looking for a game to join. This sounds intriguing to me. I'm not currently playing anything and I usually just stick with one or two games until they run out of steam. I like the concept and the post rate sounds good to me. I'd be into playing a cat or a crow or some other witchy type animal if there's room. I also only have the Explorer's Edition and I haven't played Savage Worlds in a while, so It may take me a minute to get used to the rules.
Jun 19, 2022 12:05 am
Outside of the scope of this game, have you ever heard of CoastCon?
What is that? A Hurrican convention? I presume its a gaming/comic book convention on Gulf shore? Cool that you are (relatively) close.

I am trying to get a tabletop game going here in Nawlins, but eveyone here roleplays in the streets. It ain't Wisconsin Dawlin!
Jun 19, 2022 1:19 am
CoastCon is an annual sci-fi/fantasy convention in Biloxi, MS every March. We get lots of folks from N.O. (in fact, several of our board members are NOLA natives). I run the gaming area and my wife is the convention director. You should totally come by for our 45th (next March 3-5).
Jun 19, 2022 1:30 am
Dat would be so awesome, dude, thanks! If this tabletop ever gets off the ground Ill let you know. How far is the drive?
Jun 19, 2022 2:48 am
justin77 says:
Hi guys. I'm looking for a game to join. This sounds intriguing to me. I'm not currently playing anything and I usually just stick with one or two games until they run out of steam. I like the concept and the post rate sounds good to me. I'd be into playing a cat or a crow or some other witchy type animal if there's room. I also only have the Explorer's Edition and I haven't played Savage Worlds in a while, so It may take me a minute to get used to the rules.
No problem, Justin. If I get enough interest, I'll send out an invite. I'm pretty easygoing when it comes to rules.
Jun 19, 2022 2:48 am
Valdus says:
Dat would be so awesome, dude, thanks! If this tabletop ever gets off the ground Ill let you know. How far is the drive?
About 90 minutes, give or take.
Jun 19, 2022 6:57 pm
Sounds like a really atmospheric and interesting premise, I love it ! Reminds me of the comic Blacksad, especially with the animals side.
I'm not really knowledgeable of New Orleans, but I'm French, so I guess I'll have some sense of familiarity at least x).

The post rate is also good to me. As a young student whose both parents want to enjoy my presence for as long as they still can, I'll be on vacation for most of the time in the coming months, but that shouldn't hinder my ability to post regularly, although not necessarily very quickly.
Jun 19, 2022 8:08 pm
That's four who are interested, so I think that we can go with it and if anyone else wants in, we'll make room (up to 6). I'll set up the thread and send out invites.
Jun 20, 2022 4:00 am

I'm interested as well. Have visited NOLA several times and love the culture/history. Have played and GM'ed SWADE, can post on a regular basis, and am leaning towards a private investigator type, perhaps as a bear/koala/wombat.


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