[Recruiting] Arcadia: Home Away From Home

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Jun 23, 2022 6:08 am
Really appreciate all the submissions, and thanks @Witchdoctor for sharing that channel. Wasn't aware, looks great! Bear in mind that while I espouse to love hard science fiction, and plan to bring a fair bit of it into the game, I'm no expert or scientist. I can fake it decently enough, hopefully, and we'll see how far that gets us. ;)

Hope to make some progress on the game, select the PCs, etc., by or on the weekend.
Jun 23, 2022 6:08 am
Ian Riley has one of those faces.

There’s something familiar about it, like he was your high school friend’s older brother, or the guy you see every third Tuesday at the coffee shop. He looks like your next-door neighbor from the arcology twenty years ago, or maybe the tow truck driver that finally picked you up that day your skimmer stalled out and you were stranded for three hours in the bad part of town. Maybe you saw him on TV, maybe on the cold open of a detective show, the kind where a couple is walking down the street arguing about whose turn it is to tell Aunt Jenny she can’t come over for dinner, and then they stumble over a body.

You feel like you’ve seen him somewhere before, like you know him but can’t quite place him. His face is an affable face, handsome but not too handsome, wry-eyed and crow-footed, hair peppered with grey at the temple, stubble edging the jaw. He’s at that indeterminable age between thirty-five and fifty, skin tone halfway between caucaisan and something else. He comes off as vaguely nonthreatening, with an easy smile and the tendency to lean against things in a casual slouch. He makes eye contact but not too much eye contact, nods and listens and greets you like he’s met you before. His is a face that opens doors and lowers guards, and gets people to open up.

Good thing, then, that he does what he does - Ian is a reporter for the United Nations Correspondents Association, sent with the colony to chronicle the journey to Arcadia and the countless stories of the mission’s personnel.

At least, that’s what he is on paper. The truth, as always, is more complex. Ian left behind a lot of things on earth, including a sea of debt, a murder charge, and several bitter exes. No, he doesn’t really have a masters from Northwestern or experience as an entertainment correspondent at Reuters, but that’s all right - the college he’s actually from is called the school of hard knocks, and his job experience is otherwise known as fake it til you make it. Ian Riley isn’t even his real name.

Ian has his thumb on the pulse of the colony’s burgeoning black market, and he knows where and how to get any kind of contraband you choose, anything from the moonshine stores on level eight to the underground nightclub on C-deck. His face and his credentials open doors and make friends, and if that doesn’t work, he has a backup plan for everything.

It’s a good thing he’s so resourceful. He’s being blackmailed by one of the most powerful people in the colony, and he has to play along and tell the stories he’s instructed to tell, but hey, maybe he’s got a plan for that too.
Jun 24, 2022 8:30 pm
Name: Elisse Oneida nickname Elon
Background / Specialty: Chemist/Entertainer

There are some that say Elon was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Perhaps it is true. Perhaps not. Whatever the truth of her birth circumstances, the details are lost or hidden now. Records show that she was from New York originally, but even her birth-name has been ex-sponged for one of her adult choosing. Oneida could hardly be her born surname, although there it was on the document, as if it had always been so.

If pushed, she would admit to having spent her earliest remembered years in a commune of sorts and that's about all she would say on the matter. Around the age of eight she was sent to live with her fraternal grandfather, a French diplomat. With him, she became well-traveled and tutored in many things.

Her life and past are a mystery. She is bi-lingual (English/French). Hobbies: Audio Engineering/DJ. Passion: Dancing

You've decided to leave Earth. Why?

Her grandfather, the diplomat, is getting very old and she has no one close left. She wants to reach for the stars and hopes to find a new life out there somewhere.

Who or what are you running from, or running towards?

Elisse is running from her past. She has witnessed things that could get her dead, if the right people find her.

Conversely, who or what will you regret leaving behind?

Her grandfather. The familiar places and comforts of the Earth.
Jun 25, 2022 12:06 am
Alrighty, I see this so far:

Esidrix - Sean Greyfaust, doctor.
witchdoctor - John Daniel Mankiller, holistic medicine or engineer / architect
Carabas - Celeste Moulin, doctor / surgeon.
Verrain - Vincent Chen, Xenobiologist
Cettish - Linda, Photographer
Heavy Duty - Victor Trembly, Security Specialist
Rodian - Leah Johansen, art historian
BedzoneII - Elder Lucien Havel, Spiritual Leader
WarDomo - Ernesto Villanueva, Surveying / Land Navigation / Cartography
bowlofspinach - Monika Konzett, rich girl
argo - Ian Riley, reporter / black marketeer
JamaisVu - Elisse Oneida, Chemist / Entertainer

Look correct? Missing anyone? Might be reach out to a few of you in the next day or so to ask a question or two...
Jun 26, 2022 1:16 am
Quite the potential cast! Looking forward to seeing where this goes!
Jun 26, 2022 2:45 am
This really interests me but you've got plenty of bodies to fill the freezers aboard ship. I really ought to check the Tavern more than once a month. =D
Jun 26, 2022 3:35 am
Emberskyes says:
This really interests me but you've got plenty of bodies to fill the freezers aboard ship. I really ought to check the Tavern more than once a month. =D
Never hurts to throw a character into the mix if you have one in mind...
Jun 26, 2022 5:21 am
Yes, Harrigan already said people will be added in later on as well, so definitely still apply. And I can always put in a good word for you with him. I have used puns to worm my way into his heart
Jun 26, 2022 7:12 am
Emberskyes says:
This really interests me but you've got plenty of bodies to fill the freezers aboard ship. I really ought to check the Tavern more than once a month. =D
Please do submit if you're interested! I haven't made any decisions yet on the initial cast...
Jun 26, 2022 3:13 pm
Name: Harper Wheeler
Background / Specialty: Eternal Student / Archaeology, Anthropology and History.

Harper had always been fascinated with different languages and cultures, Ancient Egypt and Greece captured her imagination as a child and when she found out in her teens that there was more to the world than just this, she began to ready everything and anything she could on pre-history. When she was old enough, she attended university and double majored in History and Archaeology, her roommate Irina Varias was majoring genetic analysis. Together they went on to study genetic migration patterns in prehistory with a specific bent towards the islands of the South Pacific.

There was work there, so much work. With sea levels rising there was a huge number of sites that needed to be investigated before they could be claimed by the ocean. Eventually the amount of work and the pace with which it had to be done proved to be insurmountable as more and more information was lost to the tides and a sense of hopelessness and frustration began to invade her life.

The end came when Irina was killed in a helicopter crash on Rapa Nui not a half kilometer from the site they were working on near Ahu Akivi. Harper watched in horror as the helicopter spiraled into the ground and exploded taking with it the only person who mattered in her life.

There was nothing left for her on Earth not anymore. Her last grand parent had passed while she was in high school and her parents had died in a car crash just before she obtained her Masters Degree. So Harper decided that maybe her future lay not here, not among the ruins of a dying planet but maybe just maybe somewhere out there in the stars.
Jun 27, 2022 8:00 am
Dig Harper and the other submissions! Don’t dig not being able to spend the time I wanted on setting the game up this weekend. Still have some work to do on the foundation / system. Should make decisions on players over the next few days. Your patience is appreciated…
Jun 27, 2022 7:49 pm
Alright, I have things in shape to at least get started with this project. As I mentioned before I'm wary of large games, but I think I've got a couple of ideas that'll make it work. If not, we'll adjust as we need to, or the whole thing could go up in great ball of nuclear fire. Either way, let's proceed!

In the game: witchdoctor, Cettish, BedzoneII, WarDomo, bowlofspinach, argo, JamaisVu, Emberskyes.
In the wings: Esidrix, Carabas, Verrain, HeavyDuty03, Rodian

Sorry I can't accept everyone at the outset -- eight is already a huge stretch for me. Chances are good someone won't dig the game or will need to drop for other reasons, so you five on the waiting list, let me know here if you'd be interested in a spot should one open up. Cool? These were not easy choices to make, and I greatly appreciate the time everyone took with their submissions.

Invites going out shortly.
Jun 27, 2022 8:14 pm
Name: Caradog Parry
Background / Specialty: Laborer / animal husbandry

Caradog oversees a small family holding near the Clwydian Range in Wales. Primarily tending to a herd of welsh mountain sheep the struggle has only deepened for him as the economy and the environment seem to be collapsing in equal measure. Carradog had a go at a proper education and a 9-to-5 but couldn't quite stomach it and returned to the farm.

You've decided to leave Earth.
Why? Who or what are you running from, or running towards?
Look at 'em all. Lining up to explore a brave new world. They're all dreamers, and big brains and hardly enough fat or muscle to carry them through the first harsh winter. Somebody's going to have to dig the ditches, find the water, build the fences. Someone like Caradog. Things haven't quite worked out here, not the way he imagined. He's friendly enough, kind enough, eager to help where he can and make things better, but it seems like those sorts of old-fashioned values have gone out of vogue and it's getting harder and harder for an average person to make it. It's dog-eat-dog with hoodie wearing executives tossing table scraps to the masses while they dine like kings on the efforts of all their work. That's never been his ambition but he's tired of doing everything he can just to keep his nose above the waterline. Carradog's had enough of whatever this morally and ethically bankrupt society can offer, it's time for him to see if he can't find something better.

Conversely, who or what will you regret leaving behind?
The farm has been in the family for generations, and I'm all that's left to tend to it. It'll be a right shame selling it off but there again there wasn't ever much future in it for me, just a fool's hope of living out the rest of my days with the sun on my back. If I can find a place as lovely to make for myself in the new world it won't be a great loss. I am sad to leave my hound Elmor, but I've found a good home for him with the Owsley's and their young boys are giving him plenty of lookin' after.
Jun 28, 2022 1:18 am
Adding Caradog to the stand-by list, @Zagrave!
Jun 28, 2022 1:26 am
Definitely still interested in case a spot opens up! Thanks for the opportunity.
Jun 28, 2022 3:19 pm
Yeah, keep me on the backup roster. Hope it all goes well.

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