the HOOK:
I haven't actually chosen a story yet, I won't until I get a better idea of who's playing. But it will be a beginners adventure, straightforward, levels 1-4, paving the way for a "grand" adventure if this one goes well.
Here's what your character would know:
you will be from any planet you like, any race or class, any background.
in the centre of the known universe is a space station. From every planet in the sector, a bus line operates. Sure, the rich, the connected, the lucky, streak through space on StarShips. But just like everywhere else, regular folk take the bus. It's a crowded, smelly, dirty old jalopy. Probably not space worthy, and surely dangerous, but beggars can't be choosers. So you just need a good reason to be traveling to the "big city" as it were.
You will be young, probably.
Poor, definitely.
And travelling to Absalom Station to follow your dreams, whatever they are. Anything is possible on Absalom.
Absalom Station is a sprawling, densely inhabited space station filling a similar orbit that the forgotten planet Golarion once held around its sun. Its inhabitants include races native to, or descended from natives of, Golarion, making the station the last relic of the lost planet remaining in the Pact Worlds system. The station is also a focal point of the galaxy due to the Starstone, which makes the station effectively near every place in the galaxy via the Drift.
At five miles in diameter, Absalom Station is a tiny structure compared to the planets and moons of other worlds. It has artificial gravity and relies heavily on recycling. However, it is also a densely populated place that more than 2 million people call home. From above, it is shaped like an asymmetrical six-pointed star, spread across a flat disk with the central habitation zone covered in a dome.
Absalom Station is ruled by the Syndicsguild and its term-limited elected leader, the Prime Executive. The current Prime Executive is Kumara Melacruz. The Syndicsguild is elected to represent electoral districts that are frequently gerrymandered to favor certain factions over others, including some corporations and criminal gangs. The station is a neutral space for the Pact Worlds system's inhabitants. Security robots manufactured by AbadarCorp help to enforce its laws, though some complain that the best-equipped models patrol only the station's wealthiest neighborhoods.
Demographics: 46% human, 9% android, 9% ysoki, 7% lashunta, 5% shirren, 4% dwarf, 4% halfling, 4% kasatha, 3% vesk, 2% gnome, 1% nuar, 6% other.
Last edited Jul 2, 2022 5:56 pm