Jul 9, 2022 3:33 am
The rain comes down like an iron sheet, hard enough to sting the eyes. Still it isn't enough to wipe the stink from Thistle Hold. While not even a city, the town holds 6,000 permanent residents, but nearly 10,000 dwell there at any given time. The press of so many is cloying, and the peltingly harsh rain cuts that. Some.
In the shadow of the Beacon lies a large, circular plaza surrounded by taverns and dives, including the Salons of Symbaroum (the notorious and varied pleasure house). If one were to name one single place as the most dangerous in town, it would have to be the block neighboring the Toad's Square. More deaths occur there than in the rest of Thistle Hold combined, and it is in close vicinity to the Beacon's foundation that most of the town's shady affairs take place - affairs that often go overboard since active town guards aren't seen in the district.
Of course, it is in Toad's Square that you find yourselves tonight. You're headed for The Infested Bole, a seedy tavern with a reputation for dour business. A place of drinking oneself to oblivion, rather than making friends. Unfortunately, the dogged pursuit of oblivion is not what draws you here, but instead, rumor of a new exploration contract, just today. A contract would come with an Explorer's License, a somewhat expensive writ to allow one to enter the forest of Davokar for a specific and limited purpose -- the Queen guards the forest's secrets carefully. Anyone who wishes to travel the woods without risking hefty fines or the loss of fingers/hands there is no alternative but to come up with the sum dictated by the authorities.
When you enter The Infested Bole, few eyes turn to the door. A damp and smoky atmosphere obscures much, and an Ambrian barkeep leans on a keg, trying to coax a few murky drops from the dregs into a stained, wooden tankard. You're each looking for a woman named Revora.
Describe yourselves as you enter the tavern, and include two things: 1) the name of the person who gave you a hint of this contract, and 2) what hope you have for the expedition.
In the shadow of the Beacon lies a large, circular plaza surrounded by taverns and dives, including the Salons of Symbaroum (the notorious and varied pleasure house). If one were to name one single place as the most dangerous in town, it would have to be the block neighboring the Toad's Square. More deaths occur there than in the rest of Thistle Hold combined, and it is in close vicinity to the Beacon's foundation that most of the town's shady affairs take place - affairs that often go overboard since active town guards aren't seen in the district.
[ +- ] The Beacon

When you enter The Infested Bole, few eyes turn to the door. A damp and smoky atmosphere obscures much, and an Ambrian barkeep leans on a keg, trying to coax a few murky drops from the dregs into a stained, wooden tankard. You're each looking for a woman named Revora.
Describe yourselves as you enter the tavern, and include two things: 1) the name of the person who gave you a hint of this contract, and 2) what hope you have for the expedition.