The setting: It's the year 2150 and humanity has been enslaved by an advanced race of intergalactic overlords. These overlords bear a striking resemblance to the deities of ancient Egyptian. In truth, the aliens arrived on Earth thousands of years ago to lay the groundwork for their return millennia later. Their technological and mythic powers were so advanced the ancient Egyptians revered them as gods and made a mythology of them. A few years ago they returned and enslaved humanity. Not only is their technology superior, but their alien biology itself affects reality around them, corrupting mortals and enslaving their minds. But some of their alien biology, experiments, and technology thousands of years ago have also slowly crept through human DNA and culture, giving a few chosen, called mythenders, a fighting chance.
So in effect, this is an alien invasion and cyberpunk dystopia fused with ancient Egyptian mythology. The gods such as Osirus and Anubis etc. were just members of an advanced alien race that were revered as gods the last time they came to Earth. There is futuristic technology like gauss rifles, emp grenades, vibroswords, and such that you are free to use as your weapons, as well as superhuman DNA, nanomachines in your blood, anything else you think fits. Think of magic and advanced technology being indistinguishable. If you have any questions about the setting or any ideas to add to it let me know!