All the little details, tidbits, and cool backgrou

Jul 16, 2022 10:52 am
All the little details, tidbits, and cool background elements.

IN THE FINAL STEP OF CHARACTER CREATION YOU’LL DETERMINE YOUR HIT points, calculate saving throws, figure out your initiative bonus, and finish all the other calculations necessary to fill in the remaining blanks on your character sheet. In terms of game mechanics, when you finish, you’ll be ready to play.

But this is a roleplaying game, and there is much more to your character than the numbers on the page. In this chapter we’ll guide you through some final bits of storytelling. You’ll choose your patron enaros, discover what your childhood was like, reveal the moment when your personal adventure began, and add bits of color and flavor that will help to bring your character to life.

Fill in the Blanks
As we mentioned at the beginning of this process, it is assumed you are familiar with the Fifth Edition core rules, including character creation. This step involves finalizing all the standard Fifth Edition rules information remaining for your character, including:
• Skill modifiers
• Weapon attack modifiers and damage
• Hit points
• Armor class
• Initiative
• Saving throw modifiers
• Passive Perception

Essence Points
The World of Aetaltis introduces a new attribute called essence points. You can find a full description of essence points and how they are used in Magic. At this stage, however, all you need to know is how many essence points you start with. Essence points are determined by your level. At 1st level, every character starts with 4 essence points.

Patron Enaros
The Enaros, the gods of Aetaltis, are a palpable presence to the average Aetaltan. Not only do Aetaltans see divine pow- er reflected in miracles of clerics, but every now and then people actually encounter the gods and their avatars.

If you are playing a cleric, you may already know who your patron Enaros is. If you are from the Maladoran or Deeplander cultures, however, you might have zero interest in the gods, in which case you won’t have a patron Enaros. For the rest of you, what follows are short descriptions of each of the Enaros. Select one of these to act as your patron Enaros

Alantra, the Great Mother
The eldest of the Enaros, Alantra is the embodiment of healing, fertility, and protection. She is the enaros of the hearth and home and the chosen enaros of Dalelanders. Healing clerics draw their power from her, and she is the patron of all who provide safety and protection.

Aelos, Keeper of Mysteries
Aelos is the enaros of the night, mystery, and the dead. All the spirits of the world are her wards, and she cares for them until they reach their final rest in Lensae’s halls. She is the Keeper of Mysteries, but this role also gives her the right to reveal truth, shining light into darkness. Aelos is the chosen enaros of the Elloriyans and the patron of archers and spiritguides.

Droth, Lord of Trial
War, hardship, and challenge are all the domains of Droth, Lord of Trial. Despite the sorrow often associated with his work, he is not considered evil. It is generally understood that only through trial can one grow to their strongest potential. For this reason, trial is not considered evil but simply a necessity of life. Droth is the chosen enaros of the Icewalkers and the patron of fighters and barbarians.

Elendra, the Muse
Elendra is the patron of bards and the protector of true love. She is beautiful and wise, but like true love she can be vengeful if crossed. Artists believe that she provides the inspiration for all art, from song to sculpture. She is also the embodiment of commitment, so her name is often called upon at weddings and when finalizing contracts.

Grethken, The Green Father
Grethken is the embodiment of plants, harvest, and the wilderness. His strength gives life to the forests and bountiful growth to the farmer’s fields. He is the Lord of the Harvest and is celebrated every autumn for his bountiful gifts. In addition, he works hand-in-hand with his lover, Vale, as the keeper of the wilds. Grethken is one of the two chosen enaros of the Wastelanders, and he is the patron of rangers.

Larayil, Sky Keeper
Larayil is the mistress of winds, bringer of rain, and queen of the sky. She is also the patron of sailors. Like the wind she is fickle, but she wields incredible power if brought to a fury. She is also the embodiment of beauty, but a beauty without depth or substance. Larayil is the chosen enaros of the Feylariyans.

Modren, Forge Master
Modren is the Great Builder and embodies construction, fire, and order. He is the keeper of the solar forge and is the smith of Lensae. He makes ideas real and turns chaos into order. Modren’s power is cleansing but it achieves this either by burning away the impure or by the permanent transformation of the subject into something new. Modren is the patron of craftspersons and was the chosen enaros of the dwarves before the Age of Darkness.

Phensral, the Sea Father
Father of the Sea, Phensral is the master of waves and water. From the smallest river to the raging torrent, he is their lord and keeper. His power ranges from the crush of waves upon the shore to the trickle that eventually carves a valley. He is also the embodiment of change and thus the patron of all who seek new experiences.

Toletren, Lord of Knowledge
Toletren is the Lord of Knowledge. He is also the keeper of history, the master of logic, and the watcher of time. Toletren embodies truth, and his guidance is sought whenever answers must be found. He is also the judge, not because he seeks justice, but rather because he requires the truth al- ways be revealed. What others do with that truth is of little concern to him. Although he did not create the newardin, Toletren has become the chosen enaros of those newardin who worship him. Since Endroren’s fall, Toletren is also the surrogate patron of wizards.

Vale, the Huntress
All the beasts of Aetaltis are the children of Vale. She is their keeper and protector, and she often takes on their form to move among them. Her heart is feral, and she is the embodiment of instinct. Violence is in her nature, but only in so far as it is a part of survival and in the natural order of things. Vale is one of the chosen enaros of Feylariyans, Wastelanders, and those that work with animals.

Zevas, the Lord of Webs
Zevas is the embodiment of planning, com- merce, and illusion. He is the master of the Web of Fate and can navigate its strings better than any other enaros. He is the patron of merchants and diplomats, but also of thieves. This association with criminals causes the people of Aetaltis to remain wary of him, even if they still respect him as an enaros.

Work with your GM to add to the rest of your character.

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