Jul 16, 2022 10:59 am
FROM BASKETS TO BEDROLLS, YOU CAN FIND A MULTITUDE OF ITEMS FOR PURCHASE IN Aetaltan markets. The most common of these are listed here, along with the average prices. Some items may be harder to find in more isolated settlements, but with enough silver and a little time, you can get your hands on anything listed below. These equipment tables are not exhaustive; equipment from other game sources may also be found in cities around the Amethyst Sea basin with the gamemaster’s permission.
Starting Gear
Each culture, background, calling, and class provides a package of starting equipment. If you use the standard Fifth Edition rules for starting gear, your character gets the equipment from all four sources. If you use the optional Fifth Edition rules for spending coins to buy your equipment, you do not receive starting equipment from your culture, background, calling, or class. You must select one method or the other, and may not mix the two methods.
Starting Wealth
If you are using the optional Fifth Edition rules for buying equipment with coins, roll to see how many silver pieces you start with. The dice you roll are determined in part by the choices you made for culture, background, and calling.
(2d4 + Culture Wealth Die + Background Wealth Die + Calling Wealth Die) x 10 = Starting Silver Pieces
Coins and Coinage
Aetaltis uses the standard copper, silver, gold, and platinum pieces common in most Fifth Edition gameworlds, and the rate of exchange between coins is still base ten. Ten copper pieces are equal in value to one silver piece, ten silver pieces are equal in value to one gold piece, and ten gold pieces are equal in value to one platinum piece.
Aetaltan coins are much smaller than those found in your typical Fifth Edition fantasy world. Each coin is roughly the size of an American dime and there are 200 coins per pound. Each kingdom has its own coinage, but for the sake of simplicity the size and value of coins are the same from one kingdom to the next.
Starting Gear
Each culture, background, calling, and class provides a package of starting equipment. If you use the standard Fifth Edition rules for starting gear, your character gets the equipment from all four sources. If you use the optional Fifth Edition rules for spending coins to buy your equipment, you do not receive starting equipment from your culture, background, calling, or class. You must select one method or the other, and may not mix the two methods.
Starting Wealth
If you are using the optional Fifth Edition rules for buying equipment with coins, roll to see how many silver pieces you start with. The dice you roll are determined in part by the choices you made for culture, background, and calling.
(2d4 + Culture Wealth Die + Background Wealth Die + Calling Wealth Die) x 10 = Starting Silver Pieces
Coins and Coinage
Aetaltis uses the standard copper, silver, gold, and platinum pieces common in most Fifth Edition gameworlds, and the rate of exchange between coins is still base ten. Ten copper pieces are equal in value to one silver piece, ten silver pieces are equal in value to one gold piece, and ten gold pieces are equal in value to one platinum piece.
Aetaltan coins are much smaller than those found in your typical Fifth Edition fantasy world. Each coin is roughly the size of an American dime and there are 200 coins per pound. Each kingdom has its own coinage, but for the sake of simplicity the size and value of coins are the same from one kingdom to the next.