As the golden chalice fills up with Maat's smokey exterior, it looks like he's beginning to fade. The cup that had been the symbol of his family for so long, was in control now, and it knew what to do to finish the fight. The shimmering form of Maat takes off his dark hood and looks at the two other Mythenders. He's smiling as he nods at them, knowing full well what's about to happen, and letting it happen without protest.
Then he closes his eyes and smoke billows out of him even faster, until all of Maat's body vanishes into the goblet.
Meanwhile Anubis has fallen onto hands and knees, at least the ones he still has after vicious attacks from Sabah and Bomani. The ringing in his head is unbearable, and it's coming from that golden chalice over there. He crawls towards it and looms above to be able to swat it with his hand. However, just before he's able to do just that, the chalice glows and pulses. A beam of what can only be described as black light bursts forth from it and cuts deep into Anubis's chest, and up out of his back. He cries out in agony as well as shame. The shame of knowing he won't be winning this battle.
Impaled upon the dark beam, he's unable to move. As if on the chopping block, he lowers his head. Ready to receive a death worthy of a great warrior from Bomani. "Finish what you started, Mythender."