The Weight of Souls

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Jul 30, 2022 12:39 am
The year is 2300. Mankind had barely avoided wiping themselves out and were on course to enter a new era of prosperity. This course was halted when beings from the stars conquered--or more accurately, re-counquered--the plant. These beings stood 10 feet tall and worse biomechanical and lumitechnical suits that resembled the gods from ancient Egyptian mythology. These beings spoke a foreign tongue that was translated through their technology, but most scholars agree it was strongly related to the extinct Old Egyptian language and a few humans have learned to speak it. They call themselves the 'Ni:buw, but most people call them The Pantheon collectively, or the specific deity they resemble individually.

Today is Judgement Day; the day when those chosen by lottery are weighed upon Anubis' Scale of Souls. Unlike traditional scales, this one is a platform hovering in the air at the top of a short flight of steps. Once a person steps on to it, the weight of their guilt causes the platform to slowly descend. If the platform touches the floor, the subject is killed instantaneously by means unknown, their very atoms ripped apart and siphoned into Anubis' body. No living soul knows by what criteria humanity is judged, but no more than a quarter of the judged survive. The Judging of 2291 is still remembered as the most brutal when not a single soul survived.

But such a harsh day is counterbalanced with a grand festival. Before the Judgment at sundown, the day is full of food, drink, games, and celebration. Those set to be judged try to live life to the fullest on what is likely to be their last day on Earth. Those not judged celebrate the lives of those who will be. The celebrations take place in the streets and plazas outside Anubis' Obelisk, a 100-story tall black skyscraper capped with a glass pyramid. It is inside this pyramid where the Judgment takes place. And it is where you all find yourselves currently.

You stand at the top of the tower, inside the pyramid, along with hundreds of others to watch the Judging. Anubis sits on a throne made of metal and light. The setting sun bathes the wide, flat room in orange light and the glass from the pyramid makes patterns of light on the floor and the people standing around.

Someone you know and love has been selected to be Judged. Feelings well up within you as time draws near: anger, despair, fear, outrage. How dare these beings judge humanity? How dare they select someone you love? What will happen to them? What will happen to you if you interfere? All of these thoughts whirl in your mind and you feel the heat of your emotions build up, your heart pounding, until it stops. For a moment, you are dead. Your feelings and thoughts have evaporated, everything is darkness. Then your body restarts. You feel a tingling sensation, heat suffuse your body. And more than anything, power. You feel stronger, faster. Think clearer. You realize you can hear the thoughts of hundreds of other spectators around you. You have become a Mythender.
Go ahead and introduce your character, who is being judged that you are here to watch, what you are feeling, and any other details you'd like.
[ +- ] Anubis
[ +- ] Obelisk Exterior
[ +- ] Anubis' Obelisk
Jul 30, 2022 10:12 am
Sabah stands in the corner of the room, out of sight. She's never been welcome among humans, so she has learned to stay out of sight. Unusually tall, especially for a woman, and with coarse skin that almost looks like scales in some places, her 'Ni:buw heritage has never been a secret. Never been able to be a secret.

She wouldn't have even joined the celebrations. In fact, Judgement Day is one of the worst days for an abomination like her to be seen in public. But this year, Anubis has chosen Sabah's mother to be judged. As if she hasn't been punished enough by the gods and their meddling. First Sobek, then Sabah, now Anubis. Part of Sabah wonders whether it wouldn't be a mercy to her mother to be judged guilty. At least she would no longer have to suffer having an abomination for a daughter.

Still, the closer the judging gets, the more Sabah can feel stress and fear rising inside her. Her heart is pumping faster than it ever has as her eyes peek out under the low-drawn hood, watching her mother awaiting judgment. And then it happens. Her whole body suddenly feels ice cold, that incessant beating in her chest stops and Sabah collapses to her knees. For a moment, she is not in the pyramid any longer. Instead, she is floating in pure light, surrounded by wild, beautiful growth of flowers, of mold, of cancer, by the screaming of those being born and those giving birth, by the creation and growing of life, by heartbeats - both first and last ones. It is all around her and all inside her.

Then she is on her hands and knees, her heart beating again in her chest, but different. No longer fast and panicked but slow and with new purpose and strength.
Sabah rises to her feet, looking around to see everything changed. She has never been one of the humans, not really. But now, she is separate from them in an entirely new way. All she saw in her second of death, of changing, is still there, inside her. She is powerful while they are not. She looks at them and she sees more than ever before. Their essence, their names, their thoughts.
A presence she has always vaguely felt is suddenly clear, not only to her, but to everyone. A huge crocodile, seemingly appeared out of nowhere, is now curling around the legs of this unnaturally tall woman, its wise yellow eyes staring threateningly at the crowd.

For the first time probably since she was a child, Sabah raises her hands and pushes the hood off her head. Her freed black hair flows down the back of her robes as she stares down the crowd, no longer afraid. Not of them. Not of anyone. Except maybe herself.
Jul 30, 2022 5:56 pm
Just outside the entrance to the chamber of judgement sits an old beggar. He has the beginnings of a hunch-back and is clothed in rags, yet the rags are not as dirty as you'd expect from a beggar. This one seems to take at least some pride in his attire. Those who know him, simply call him "Maat", though that's not his real name. He had to forsake that name when the current rulers of the city assumed control, so that he may live in peace. A man who was once a revered member of the nobility, now reduced to a lowly beggar. He's spent plenty of time damning the gods for this injustice, to no avail.

Beggars are, unfortunately, not allowed inside the chamber, and Maat wouldn't normally be here, but he heard through the grapevine that his son, Abasi, was to be judged today. Maybe today will be the day that I tell him that his father is still alive. He thinks as he sits with a wooden cup, accepting money from any that would spare some. Because of the festivities, it's been a fruitful day. No, I shouldn't. It's too dangerous. They're safer not knowing.

"Abasi Il'Khett" The name pierces Maat's heart like a knife when it's called out. He stands up and shuffles towards the large doors to catch a glimpse of his son ascending the steps. In the center of the room, he can see a man walking slowly up the stairway to judgement. Beyond him, a table with the rulers of the city. They usually make his blood boil, but today he has no attention for them. He will be alright. He is a good man. Right? He should be. I hope so. A million thoughts run through his head as the platform descends, and keeps descending. In disbelief, Maat watches it until it disappears from view through the mass of onlookers in front of him. Then he hears the dreaded gasp of the audience, and he knows his son did not make it.

Maat opens his mouth to scream, but the only sound he can hear is that of his cup of coins hitting the floor and spilling out over the stone floor. His vision fades for a few seconds and when he blinks again, the sight makes his head spin. His son is right there, atop the stairs, where the platform used to be, together with a few others. Only it's not his son, not really. It's a spirit, a ghost,... his soul. He stares at it and it stares back, then in a flash it hurtles itself towards Maat and flies into his body.

That's when he feels it. The surge of power. While the surrounding crowd is scrambling to pick up the small change on the ground, Maat is just standing there. Rigid and unmoving, like a mountain. He can feel the essence of the underworld strengthening his body and mind. Imbuing him with gifts beyond his wildest dreams. And in a hidden pocket of his shirt, the golden goblet, the pride of a once honored family, sears his skin.

He cracks his knuckles and eyes the prominent figures This is the day the tables turn. Mark my words.
Aug 2, 2022 1:41 pm
@HeavyDuty03,@Thalanthalas ?
Aug 2, 2022 2:23 pm
Bomani, a tall man with dark hair and shimmering blue eyes, stood as close as possible amongst the other watchers to see who would be judged. He had been alive for far too long and had seen too much. He was the enforcer of the once-God Montu many centuries ago. Today was another Judgement Day. Another day for the so-called Pantheon, the rulers of the world, to take more souls.

Bomani was used to death. He has spilled rivers of blood in the name of Montu but after many millennia of doing such...changed him. He used to think that the Gods were all-powerful and could kill him at their will. However, he had come to the realization that they were beings that were simply un-skilled and un-tested. They were given strength and used it without ever being challenged and this disgusted Bomani. They would take lives that couldn't even defend themselves and he had seen this over and over again.

He watched on the platform as one innocent soul was taken and there she was...little Khepri. Bomani was close to Khepri's family. He had watched over them for many years as he had always admired them for lashing out against the Gods. Showing true strength in rebellion against their actions. Seeing this little girl being judged by Anubis was heart-breaking, and his fists became clenched, so hard that his hands began to bleed.

Why are they doing this? She's just a little girl, they can't possibly judge a life that has yet to begin! I-I can't let this happen. Not anymore!

And that's when it happened.

Bomani's entire life flashed before his eyes. Every sin he had committed for the Pantheon, every life he had taken young and old. His heart stopped beating for a moment, but it began again, faster and faster. He felt the surge of power within every muscle in his body. A rage that was boiling up to the surface.

He looked to Anubis and his goal became clear.

It was time for war.
Aug 3, 2022 3:05 am
Violet, a woman of average height and build, does her best to blend into the crowd while ensuring that she has a good view of the people who are being judged. She has an antique sword at her hip and a severe stare as she rarely glances away from the people who are going to be judged. She will do her best today to perform the rites of her people for each person who will die. Blessing those who are unfairly weighed by beings who have no business doing so, it the least she can do to give their souls as much help as they can get before whatever comes next.

Her eyes scan over the crowd again in disbelief as several of the victims here belong to heritages that are going extinct. There are too many for it to be a coincidence, for some reason people like her own tribe however many years ago are being singled out and eradicated through the use of these trials. She may not know any of them personally but she has made it her mission since returning from exile to help the minorities all around her so they would not suffer a similar fate as her own tribe. Now seeing the disparity in which there "gods" were culling the very people she was trying to protect, the rage starts to fill Violet and not for the first time she wishes that she could take Anubis's place as a proper judge.

She feels faint and cold for a brief moment, everything grows dark, and maybe she was finally dead after so long walking the world. But before death could truly take her a lancing heat drives its way through her. Power begins to flow throughout her veins as she reaches for the antique that hangs at her side. In the world of the future no one pays any mind to her sword but now she can feel the anger of her lost peoples in it as her gaze falls back on Anubis, the god who falsely judges.

No more of this. Violet whispers to herself as she turns to face down a god.
Last edited August 3, 2022 3:12 am
Aug 6, 2022 3:18 am
Just wanted to let everyone know I've just been busy preparing for a Saturday work event. I'll have a new post up either tonight or tomorrow morning. Sorry for the delay! Things will move much quicker after this lol.
Aug 8, 2022 1:08 pm
Anubis, sitting on his throne, looks up sharply at several figures standing around the room. Something feels different. The atmosphere of cowering, resigned finality, and subservience has altered. A thrum is in the air. Tension. A feeling of defiance. The being's muzzled, black head swivels about, almost sniffing the air to find the sources of these feelings. Four. That one there, one over there, this one here, and that one. They are different. Something has happened, a dynamic has shifted. He ignores the current peon being weighed for judgement and stands up.

Anubis raises his crook, a staff as tall as he is of gunmetal grey and pulsating lights, and taps it once on the metal-alloy floor. It rings out like a bell. Glitching, holographic scarab beetles materialize from the impact and begin scurrying towards a dozen bystanders who are waiting to be judged today. The beetles strike the bodies and seem to shatter into fragments of rainbow light. But the people suddenly begin spasming and convulsing. Lights seem to travel underneath their skin, through their veins. Their eyes begin shining with fractal-hued light. Shards of long, thin glass grows out from their fingertips. The other bystanders begin screaming in horror and shrinking away. They want to run, but there's no way out as the doors seal themselves shut with a hermetically sealed hiss.

The techno-light zombies rush the Mythenders with gnashing teeth and slashing glass claws. Anubis' legion are weak but have a numerical advantage. Several bites and slashes find their mark, drawing thin lines of blood or nasty bite wounds.
Again sorry for the delays! Should be back on track now. I also noticed you can't roll dice directly from the sheet with editable fields so I'll fix that in your sheets soon. But go ahead and do it manually until then. Edit: fixed and updated! Also made the Gifts section better.


Storm - (5d6)

(15613) = 16

Thunder - (4d6)

(4554) = 18

Aug 9, 2022 8:09 pm
nezzeraj, from reading the SRD I gather that we get a first attack now. So I'll go ahead and do that. Let me know if I did anything wrong, please.
[ +- ] SRD info
Maat is still eyeing the guild leader that ruined his life when he notices Anubis move and call forth his beatle minions. Just in time he manages to enter the room as the large doors close behind him. He turns to see what exactly is happening, but by then it's too late. He sees the souls of the people hit by the scarabs leave their bodies, to be replaced with a strange light. Anubis has taken over their flesh. With great speed, the zombified men are upon him, clawing and biting. As if second nature to him, Maat manages to escape the worst of the assault. These things will have to try harder if they want to mess with a Mythender!

With a hand held to the sky, he calls upon his newly given powers. "Come to my aid, souls of the damned!" He speaks in a commanding voice. The spirits, left behind by the murdered people in this room soar above the crowd to Maat's defense. Those who cannot see the dead, notice a chill in the air and dark shadows leaping from surface to surface. Then black, ethereal claws start to tear Anubis's minions to shreds, before heading in the direction of the Egyptian god himself.
I'm using The spirits of condemned souls are my weapon


Storm - (3d6)

(311) = 5

Thunder - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Aug 10, 2022 12:42 am
Yep you did everything fine! You just gotta roll your dice. Legendary action is rolling your storm and lightning dice together which should be 4 right now. Each storm die success generates 1 Thunder die, and if your Thunder die succeeds you get a lightning token.
Aug 10, 2022 7:28 am
Faced by the approaching horde of beetle-possessed warriors, who, just a moment ago, had still been just regular people, Sabah does not back down. The huge crocodile by her feet snarls at the zombies who seem unimpressed by the massive creature and continue their approach. Following an instinct, Sabah reaches out to her side just as a section of the techno-light zombies that is not already being annihilated by what appears to be a horde of spirits of the dead begins its sprint towards her. For a second, it appears as if nothing happens in response to her action, but then an object crashes through the wall of the pyramid and flies straight into Sabah's hand. She grips the large shield and immediately begins opposing the zombies, attacking them in a flurry of motion, using her shield as well as her free fist to break their unnaturally powered bodies, felling one after the other of them...
Okay, so I'm charging my Impenetrable Shield.
I'm also aware that Legendary Actions are supposed to not break the laws of physics, but the book says we can retrieve any relics out of our hands whenever we choose, so why wouldn't that include calling them to us, right? 😁

I think the Thunder Die I get for my successful Storm Die isn't already rolled this turn, right? It seems in the book like both Storm and Thunder Dice are rolled simultaneously
Last edited August 10, 2022 7:29 am


Storm Dice - (5D6)

(31412) = 11

Thunder Dice - (1D6)

(5) = 5

Aug 10, 2022 7:47 am
Correct. So the next round you'll roll 2 Thunder dice. And you get one lightning token from your Thunder die success.
Aug 10, 2022 8:28 pm
Flashes of light, undead, warriors summoning weapons. Bomani seemingly ignored it all due to his overwhelming rage. As the possessed souls rushed the other Mythenders as well as himself, he stood there and let them attack. His ears were ringing as he grit his teeth. His breathing started to quicken as he yelled, "Anubis!".

Bomani let out a roar containing all of his anger as he opened his right hand. A small pillar of flame filled the space between his palm as a large axe formed. He gripped the weapon and in one quick swing cut down the zombies attacking his body. All sorts of limbs flew around him as he began to bull-rush Anubis.
Spending a might token to re-roll.
Last edited August 10, 2022 8:30 pm


Storm Dice - (3d6)

(131) = 5

Thunder Dice - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Storm Dice - (3d6)

(452) = 11

Thunder Dice - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Aug 15, 2022 11:43 am
Gather Rage Effect: Create or Charge a Blight.
While the undead techno-light minions are engaging the Mythenders, Anubis raises one hand high. At first nothing happens, but soon a shadow descends over the room. Looking up, you see a tidal wave of sand looming over the glass pyramid that serves as the obelisk's roof. Then it comes crashing down. The weight of sand shatters the glass, sending large shards raining down onto the hundreds of helpless people below. Dozens are impaled or cut to shreds, dozens of others are crushed immediately by the impact of the sand. Scores more are swept away and over the edge by the rushing sand, tumbling to their deaths hundreds of feet below.

Once the sand has settled, Anubis begins swinging his upraised arm in a slow circular motion. A wicked wind begins to kick up. The sand and shards of glass are caught up in the whirlwind. A screaming tornado of scouring sand and glass shrapnel now takes up much of the floor. A hundred innocent bystanders are cut to ribbons or have the flesh scoured from their bones.

Description: Whirlwind of sand and glass
Created by: Anubis
Spending two might for Relentless Gift to re-roll failed Storm dice. Not very effective lol. Mythenders are up!


Storm and Thunder - (5d6+4d6)

(31152) + (3441) = 24

Relentless reroll - (4d6)

(2152) = 10

Aug 15, 2022 12:22 pm
Sabah steps straight into the Whirlwind. Her shield is raised and partially protects her from the assault of sand and glass and she ignores those parts of it that remain, letting them cut into her flesh before her wounds heal again on their own. She already sees rot grow in the corpses surrounding her, vastly accelerated in their growth by an aura now surrounding her. She closes her eyes and reaches for this new life energy inside of her, then she leans down and reaches out a hand, touching a nearby corpse, then another, then another...
Wherever she touches them, wild, cancerous growths begin to sprout, pulsing with life despite their origins in a corpse. Slowly, this growth begins to spread across the field of corpses and corpse parts until fleshy growths are sprouting all the Mythenders and Anubis, creating cover for the Mythenders and more difficult terrain for the larger god.
Charging The Touch of Unnatural Growth

I'm also spending one token to start up a Blight. Generator will have to supply the second
Description: Touch of Unnatural Growth
Created by: Sabah
Last edited August 16, 2022 7:41 am


5d6 - Storm Rating 5 - (5d6)

(24135) = 15

5d6 - Thunder Dice 2 - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Aug 16, 2022 6:09 am
Blights cost 2 Lightning Tokens, but the person creating it only has to pay half as long as someone else pays the remaining cost during this turn. So bowl has to pay 1 and anyone else can pay 1 (which is just Maat since he's the only one who has a Lightning Token lol.)
Aug 16, 2022 6:33 am
I'm happy to pay a lightning token to turn my forest of weird fleshy growths into a Blight. I only have the one, though, so Generator would have to agree to pay the other half
Aug 16, 2022 9:38 am
Maat's scruffy clothes are ripped from his body as the whirlwind of sand and glass envelopes him. It reveals the hunch on his back, now bleeding because of multiple cuts. He steps closer to one of the growths, made by Sabah, to shield himself from harm and leans against it.

In contact with the fungal blobs, maat senses Sabah's power emanating from within, searching for a source of food to grow stronger. He presses his back against it, causing the 2 growths to merge and letting it tap into his energy. A painful groan escapes his lips when this merging happens.

Now shielded from the whirlwind and solidly attached to the blob, Maat focusses his attention on Anubis. With even more mortals dying around him, dozens more spirits are now at his disposal. He points towards Anubis's eyes, and the spirits understand his command. Silently, the dark shadows race towards the god's eyes an start clawing at them as they were doing to the zombies before.
Charging my weapon "the spirits of the damned"
Giving one lightning token to bowl's blight and charging it if possible.
Aug 16, 2022 11:35 am
Sounds good. Roll them dice!
Aug 16, 2022 1:53 pm


Storm (one extra from blight) - (4d6)

(6455) = 20

Lightning - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Aug 16, 2022 1:55 pm
Woo that's a good roll! That nets you 4 thunder dice for your next turn. It also informs how "strong" your attack is this round. You don't mechanically do any damage until you spend tokens to cause wounds, but you can describe superior positioning, setting up for your next attack, minor narrative damage, etc.
Aug 16, 2022 2:03 pm
I guess the attack on the eyes was a success then? Can we say it blurred the god's vision, or something like that?
Aug 16, 2022 3:07 pm
Sure! His head is actually a technological helmet so you can say you destroyed the vision sensors or something like that.
Aug 17, 2022 2:03 pm
When the whirlwind of glass and sand surrounded the Mythenders Bomani continued to charge despite the shards of glass cutting and slashing his entire body. The growth provided by Sabah and the undead from Maat mauling Anubis granted the opportunity for Bomani to finally come within proximity of the god.

In Bomani's free hand, a small orb of light began to form. As he raised up his hand the orb began to pulse and grow larger by the second until it became a miniature sun. If there were any innocent mortals remaining they would have been scorched from being close by, however, as Anubis had annihilated them Bomani took his chance to use the gift provided by Ra.

Bomani then said to himself, "Today is the day you die, Anubis." and proceeds to toss the large orb towards the god.


Storm Dice - (3d6)

(264) = 12

Thunder Dice - (3d6)

(465) = 15

Aug 19, 2022 7:56 am
Anubis throws up a hand to shield himself from the ball of light. It explodes into a blinding radiance that fills the wide-open room and is reflected as thousands of pinpricks on the grains of golden sand. When the light dies away, Anubis is standing, one metallic arm glowing white-and-orange hot, smoke rising from several places. His hand and forearm are half-melted, misshapen.

With his good hand, still holding the metallic and luminescent crook, he sweeps it wide around the room. The grains of sand on the floor begin to vibrate. Then they group together into a large hammer made of compacted sand, and quick as a flash, it soars across the room, striking the Mythenders.
Gathering rage round 2: push Mythender corruption. I'm spending 3 Might to make each of you check off a box of corruption. Also charging my blight for 1 extra storm die.


5d6 - Storm Dice + Blight - (6d6)

(623653) = 25

5d6 - Thunder Dice - (6d6)

(435514) = 22

Aug 20, 2022 8:34 pm
Sabah raises her shield in defense, catching the sand-hammer blow. It breaks apart around her only to reform behind her and continue its attack. Sabah then uses this opportunity to charge forward. As she does so, she jumps off the fleshy growths, gaining speed with each jump as her touch makes them grow larger still. With her shield forward, she impacts Anubis at high speed, hoping to, if not break bones that she isn't even certain he has, at least make him stumble.
Charging Shield, also charging the Blight for the extra die


5d6 - Storm Rating 5 +1 Blight - (6d6)

(655121) = 20

5d6 - Thunder Dice 4 - (4d6)

(4164) = 15

Aug 20, 2022 9:21 pm
Maat, still connected to one of Sabah's growths, watches as the spirits claw and pull at the mechanical mask of Anubis, messing with its vision. As a result, this causes the sand hammer to miss him by just a few hairs. He sighs of relief, and cracks a smile.

Then he senses Sabah jumping towards him. When her feet touch the growth that Maat is attached to, it send a ripple of Sabah's energy through his body. Maat hones in on the spirits, seeing through their eyes and spots a weakness. "Souls of the underworld, tear this god to shreds!" he says, commanding the dark shapes to rip apart Anubis's face.
I'm going to drain my weapon (+5 thunder dice for 2 might tokens)
Do I need to roll a mythic die?
Not sure if this counts as charging the blight.


Thunder dice with drain - (10d6)

(2324216226) = 30

Mythic die - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Aug 20, 2022 9:22 pm
can I reroll that?
Aug 21, 2022 12:31 am
Unfortunately you can only re-roll if you have the Relentless Gift or if you get 0 successes. You can choose a Mythic action if you want to roll the Mythic die. You'll get bonus Thunder dice equal to the Mythic die result, but your corruption will also increase by 1. Don't forget you'll always be rolling your base Storm dice unless you take a Titanic action. Charging a blight is always free and available on your turn unless you are draining it.
Aug 22, 2022 2:23 pm
Bomani thought that using the Orb of Ra would certainly work against Anubis, but he is a god after all. When Anubis attacked, Bomani leaped to the stands they were previously at. He watched as the other two Mythenders continued their barrage and decided to continue to do the same. Since the undead were attacking the god's face and Sabah had impacted him with her shield, Bomani cracked the floor as he rushed Anubis to swing his axe at the uninjured arm.
Charged a blight for the one extra storm die. :)


Storm Dice + Blight - (4d6)

(4455) = 18

Thunder Dice - (5d6)

(23356) = 19

Aug 22, 2022 3:00 pm
Nice rolls. Sabah's Blight is now fully charged. Let me know if Bomani is going to spend any Tokens to wound. I'll write a post tomorrow describing the end of round 2.

Also wow, Anubis is down to 1 thunder die... I think my gift might allow re-rolls but I'll have to check. Edit: nope, re-rolling is only for attacking lol. He is a wounded boy.


5d6 - Thunder Dice - (9d6)

(121361332) = 22

Aug 22, 2022 5:50 pm
With the sound of tearing metal, the shadows scratch open the eyes in Anubis's mask. Then they disappear into the holes they created, to wreak havoc inside.

At the same time, something is happening with Maat's eyes. They start to glow golden as the creatures he commands gain strength. He yells out, though it's not sure whether this is a cry of pain or a sort of battle cry. Then his back moves unnaturally, even though he has the hunch on his back, it forces him to stand up straight. The hunch detaches from the floral growth, cracks and releases black smoke that envelopes his whole body, giving Maat the look of a wraith with golden eyes.

He kneels down, and breathes heavily. The attack has taken a lot of his power. But it looks like it was at least effective.
Aug 24, 2022 1:59 pm
The souls rip apart the lenses of Anubis's mask and begin to squeeze into it. The metal and who-knows-what foreign technological material it was made of begins to vibrate as more spirits pour in. Suddenly the mask explodes in dozens of pieces like a shrapnel bomb. Anubis drops to one knee and almost falls over. Finally Anubis's face, and most likely the others of his race, is revealed. The head is a tangled mass of luminescent tentacles, a white glowing ball of worms or some hundred-headed sea anemone. The light emanating from the head pulsed in some unmeasurable rhythm. Just then, Sabah crashes into Anubis while he was vulnerable and sends him flying backwards, disappearing into a small sand dune. After a few heartbeats Anbubis regains his (it's?) emerges from the dune, grains of sand spilling off him like hourglass waterfalls. He lifts his crook-staff in his one good hand and it begins beeping and flashing light. A bright red beam of solid light flashes out and he sweeps it around the room. Any bystanders too slow to react are instantly separated from the rest of their body by a sizzling black line burned right through it.
End of round three power: gain 5 thunder dice (great timing for that lol). Charging his blight which is also fully charged now. Spending 3 lightning Tokens and 2 might to wound every mythender. Mark a wound box and roll your thunder dice. Any dice under your wound number is lost.


5d6 - Storm Dice + Blight - (6d6)

(531513) = 18

5d6 - Thunder Dice - (6d6)

(436546) = 28

Aug 24, 2022 2:13 pm
Rolling first to see what Thunder Dice I lose.

If I understand correctly, I lose 3 dice
Sabah, standing right underneath the god-creature is hit by the blast. It burns her but she ignores the pain and continues her assault on him. Using her newfound power over life and growth, she begins touching Anubis himself, forcing unnatural, cancerous growths to bulge from him, just the right size and distance to each other for her to use them as handholds in order to get up towards his face.
Charging Touch of Unnatural Growth again
Last edited August 24, 2022 2:14 pm


5d6 - Thunder Dice 7 - (7d6)

(1454215) = 22

5d6 - Storm Rating 5 - (5d6)

(61142) = 14

5d6 - Thunder Dice 4 - (4d6)

(1126) = 10

Aug 24, 2022 2:16 pm
Yep lost 3, but then just gained 2 back lol.
Aug 24, 2022 2:32 pm
I'm going to roll first and see if I die or not ;)
If I die, I'll take more corruption and come back, but it'll be useful to know what happens before my IC post.

Edit: Hey, look at that. I survived :D
Last edited August 24, 2022 2:32 pm


Rolling thunder dice because of damage - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Aug 24, 2022 3:11 pm
Rolling for the wound. Lost 4 Thunder Die :(
Last edited August 24, 2022 3:12 pm


Wound - Thunder Die - (9d6)

(242164165) = 31

Aug 24, 2022 3:27 pm
Bomani was struck by the beam and was knocked into a pillar - shattering it completely and the debris toppled onto his body. He rose from the ground and spit blood before wiping off his lips.

"Is that all you got, you damn creature?"

From the distance he was at, Bomani saw Sabah attempting to climb Anubis to reach his face. He had to do something to make an opening for the two Mythenders to finish the job.

Bomani rushed forward towards Anubis once again and using all of his strength he used his axe to try and cut Anubis' good arm clean off.
Draining my weapon.


Thunder Die - (10d6)

(1116653435) = 35

Storm Die - (3d6)

(642) = 12

Aug 24, 2022 6:28 pm
Maat is still kneeling, gathering his strength when Anubis goes on the offensive with his beam of light. It travels across the floor, hitting sabah and Bomani, then heading straight towards him. For a moment it looks like this is the end of Maat, but then suddenly the light disappears. As if someone snuffed out a flame. All it leaves behind is a path of smoke that slowly drifts towards Maat and adds to his smokey appearance.

Through that smoke, a new light starts to flare up. Not that of a flame, but something glowing like his eyes. In his hands he is now holding a golden chalice. The chalice that was handed down in his family for generations and is the symbol of his house. It looks like the goblet just saved his life, and as a result, it glows bright with the absorbed energy of the beam.

He looks up at Anubis and sees Bomani charging. Thinking fast, he aims the golden cup at Bomani's axe. The red beam of light flashes across the room and hits it. With the added energy, the axe begins to glow red-hot just as it slices Anubis's arm.
I'm charging my own blight and also charging my weapon "The golden goblet of Arakir"
Description: Lights and flames extinguish
Created by: Maat


storm dice (+ 1 blight die) - (4d6)

(1644) = 15

Lightning die - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Aug 24, 2022 6:51 pm
Here's an AI's artistic impression of what Maat looks like now
[ +- ] Maat"s Paragon form
Aug 25, 2022 12:28 am
Edited to add Sabah's attack during Anubis' post! Sorry I overlooked that.
Aug 25, 2022 12:32 am
TheGenerator says:
Here's an AI's artistic impression of what Maat looks like now
[ +- ] Maat"s Paragon form
I like it!
Aug 25, 2022 1:01 pm
End of round 4 power: Gain 10 Lightning tokens.
Under Sabah's command, tumors begin erupting from Anubis' body. Unlike fleshy tumors, these were translucent pockets of filled with flashing lights. They look like lightning-filled jellyfish. Sabah begins climbing these outgrowths, making her way to Anubis' tentacled head. Meanwhile Bomani rushes the god-being with his axe, empowered by Maat's holy grail. The glowing axe slices through Anubis' arm which thunks heavily into the sand-strewn floor. Instead of blood and bone, the stump revealed metal and fiber-optics, flashing and sparking in the sand-choked air. It seems as if Anubis' whole body, except for his head, was artificial. Anubis' glowing head-tentacles whip about in a frenzy.

Suddenly the howling tornado of sand and glass that had been forming a circular perimeter around them begins to abate. Humming energy like static electricity sparks around Anubis. Sand flows up from around him and forms an arm to replace his recently severed one. He plucks Sabah from his body just as she reaches his face. He flings her into the group of her fellow Mythenders, then shoots a series of sand-compacted spikes into their bodies.
Draining my blight for 5, paying 2 might for my gift which doubles blight thunder dice, draining my sand mastery weapon for 5 storm dice, and spending 9 lightning tokens to wound each of you.


5d6 - Storm Dice + Weapon Drain - (5d6+5d6)

(33565) + (35254) = 41

5d6 - Thunder Dice - (8d6)

(33312141) = 18

5d6 - Bonus Thunder - (10d6)

(6526515241) = 37

Aug 25, 2022 3:26 pm
Rolling for wound. Down to 3d6 Thunder die.
Last edited August 25, 2022 3:26 pm


Wound - Thunder Die - (7d6)

(2346422) = 23

Aug 26, 2022 6:36 am
Maat grins when he sees the others wound Anubis. But his joy is short lived. It looks like the god isn't down and out just yet and he retaliates with great force.

As the storm of sandy spikes hurtle towards Maat, the goblet in his hand changes form. Becoming longer and sturdier. The cup is now the size of a large mace. He grabs it with both hands and tries to swat the spikes before they can reach him, as if playing a sports game, hoping to negate some of the incoming damage. One of the spikes gets through his defense and lodges itself in one of his legs. A wraith-like screech fills the air and the cup returns to its normal size.

After rallying from the wound, the dark figure, holding the chalice, starts to speak. It's a language you all recognize, but not one you've ever used. It's the language of the dead. An old, forgotten language now used only in the underworld. However, your mythender senses understand it without any problem. "Minions of the dark. I summon you to my side. Cast a plague upon this so called god. Overpower him with infestation."

At first, nothing seems to be happening, but then something falls out of Maat's chalice. It looks around, squeeks and runs towards Anubis. A rat. Just an ordinary rat. Then another one springs forth from the cup. And another... And another... With each spawn, the golden relic starts to glow brighter and brighter, almost blindingly bright. Moments later, the floor is covered in countless black rats, all heading towards Anubis and gnawing at his feet, trying to climb up his legs.
I'm charging my weapon. No attack this round.
Well crap.. down to 1 thunder die again from the wound -_-
Last edited August 26, 2022 6:37 am


Rolling for my wound from Anubis - (4d6)

(3362) = 14

storm dice - (3d6)

(214) = 7

thunder dice - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Aug 26, 2022 1:43 pm
Okay, I lose one Thunder Die.
Now really mad at the god for throwing her off, Sabah prepares for one, hopefully final, attack. She draws in the strange growths she created all over the tower top, then uses them to hurl herself at the Myth's face for an all-out attack.
I'm draining both my Touch of Unnatural Growth and the Blight.
The Blight should have 5 boxes, so that nets me five more Storm Dice, and then I get five more for the Weapon Drain
Last edited August 26, 2022 1:48 pm


Wound - Thunder Dice 6 - (6d6)

(446653) = 28

5d6 - Storm Rating 5 + 10 - (15d6)

(566136535362663) = 66

5d6 - Thunder Dice 5 - (5d6)

(14355) = 18

Aug 27, 2022 4:05 am
After being rag-dolled by Anubis, Bomani’s rage reached the tipping point. He decided to join Sabah in one final attack. Just as before, Bomani’s hand began to fill with the Orb of Ra. This time, however, the orb was much smaller. Much more compact. Instead of a large yellow sun, it was a hot white star.

With all of his fury, he tossed the orb towards Anubis. At the angle he threw it, it managed to miss Sabah and was pinpointed at Anubis’ torso.
Paying double the wound cost and doubling down to spend 10 tokens to wound Anubis. Also draining my orb of Ra. I hope this is correct!


Thunder Die - (8d6)

(64515233) = 29

Storm Die - (3d6)

(546) = 15

Aug 27, 2022 4:40 am
Rolling for wound. Anubis looses 9 thunder dice, he has 5 remaining. Bomani, go ahead and narrate the grievous damage you did.


Thunder Dice - (14d6)

(42226325612563) = 49

Aug 27, 2022 4:59 am
As the orb made contact with Anubis began to rotate at an astronomical speed. The orb got smaller and smaller until it was only the size of a marble. During its rotation, it was melting Anubis, burying itself within the god until at the last moment it stopped. Once at the very core of Anubis, the star explodes into a supernova, leaving nothing but Anubis’ shoulders, neck and head behind, open for the final attacks.
Aug 28, 2022 10:47 am
End of round power: push Mythender corruption. Each of you should tick off your next corruption box. I believe all of you should be at your second form now.
Once again Anubis draws sand around him, pulling the grains together to make a replica body. It is much weaker than his robotic body and his grasp is somewhat tenuous now, with pieces of his sand-body losing definition then reforming, creating an ever-shifting kaleidoscope of body parts. He takes up his staff once again and begins powering it up. The scintillating multi-colored lights envelop the staff, and a concentrated red beam sweeps among the Mythenders, attempting to separate their bodies with pure heat.
Draining my single charge from Crook of Death weapon. Spending Lightning and Might to wound each of you one last time. This is your final round. Anubis has 8 Thunder dice you have to wipe out. Good luck!


5d6 - Storm Dice + Weapon Drain - (5d6+3d6)

(61611) + (622) = 25

5d6 - Thunder Dice - (5d6)

(35262) = 18

Aug 28, 2022 11:24 pm
Rolling for wound


Wound - Thunder Die - (7d6)

(2216116) = 19

Aug 29, 2022 5:43 am
Anubis' energy beam strikes Sabah mid-flight, burning her flesh away as she continues her supernatural jump towards the god's head. When her flesh reforms, Sabah has visibly changed completely. She's taller and even less human now than she had been before. Her skin is covered in scales, her eyes glowing in an angry yellow and as she flies through the air, loose leaves trail her as if falling from her pockets or the folds of her garb.

Screaming in pain and rage, she pulls her shield up in front of herself and rams into the Myth's skull with her full force, using the shield as her weapon.
Okay, from what I can tell from the very confusing rules, I don't roll to wound, I just spend the Lightning tokens. I have seven. Not sure what his wound cost is, but I'll spend as many as I need to wound him. Twice, if I can.

EDIT: Charging Generator's Blight, and I'm also draining my shield, which I forgot before!
Last edited August 29, 2022 7:08 am


Wound - Thunder Dice 14 - (14d6)

(36341541122623) = 43

5d6 - Storm Rating 5 - (5d6)

(56613) = 21

5d6 - Thunder Dice 3 - (3d6)

(641) = 11

+4 Storm Dice (Blight & Weapon) - (4D6)

(2134) = 10

Aug 29, 2022 6:14 am
Correct, wounds are caused by Tokens. His wound cost is 5. Others can help you pay some of the cost to make up the missing 3 for doubling down. Bomani has exactly 3 left if he wants to contribute.
Aug 29, 2022 6:30 am
Okay, that puts me at 9 Lightning Tokens, so I actually only need one contributed from someone else
Aug 29, 2022 6:32 am
OK I'll assume someone will pay at least 1 and whoever volunteers can deduct it. Rolling. Damn that sucked for him. He has 2 Thunder dice left.


Thunder Dice < 5 - (8d6)

(12522345) = 24

Aug 29, 2022 6:52 am
I'll add a lightning token :)
Rolling for wound
Last edited August 29, 2022 6:53 am


wound - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Aug 29, 2022 7:58 am
Maat was ready for the attack, this time. He concentrates, and his smoke-enveloped body briefly becomes ethereal, causing the red beam to pass through him. It hits the floor behind him, creating a large crater. Smoke, dust and debris fills the room.

When it settles, Maat is standing right in front of Anubis with his goblet in his hand. He puts it down on the floor and ever so gently taps the side of it with a deformed fingernail. A soft ring emanates from the chalice. To those on Maat's side of this battle, it sounds like a song one might play at a funeral. Macabre, but not unpleasant. To Anubis and other opposers, however, it sounds like a bell tower that keeps getting louder and louder.

Some mortals, who are still alive and consider themselves on Anubis's side, put their hands on their heads to block the ear-hurting pain. Unfortunately for them, it's no use. They drop to the floor seconds later, bleeding from their ears. Maat directs the sound to Anubis. His golden, glowing eyes now turn red from pure rage. The surrounding smoke, flows into the cup he's holding as if he's giving his own life-force to strengthen the attack.
Doing a titanic action again. Draining my weapon (+5) and the blight (+2)
I think I don't have to pay might because I'm using a relic.


Thunder dice (my dice, drain, blight) - (2d6, 5d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (31) = 4

5d6 : (43115) = 14

2d6 : (12) = 3

Mythic die - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Aug 29, 2022 8:02 am
Once again, a very bad roll :(
Do I only get lightning from the 5 I rolled? That would be 4 tokens then. Giving me 6 total. Is that enough to damage?

I'm going to have Maat die, since he lost all his thunder dice :(
Aug 29, 2022 8:03 am
You need five tokens to do damage
Aug 29, 2022 8:14 am
bowlofspinach says:
You need five tokens to do damage
In that case, maybe I can use my Grievous Harm gift to turn it into a 6 and use all 6.
Aug 29, 2022 9:57 am
You get Lightning Tokens equal to successes (4-6). So it looks like you got 2 successes for 6 Tokens total. And yeah you can use Grievous Harm and spend your 5 Tokens to wound Anubis. You could very well take him out with you!
Aug 29, 2022 10:42 am
Oh I thought I had to roll only 5s and 6s.
with my new gift (see ooc chat), I get 4 lightning tokens per success. :)
I definitely want to kill him as I die. But as a team, though. Feel free to narrate that part, Nezz.
Aug 29, 2022 11:27 am
Rules say the person who lands the last blow has to narrate it. I'll roll and see if he survives and go from there.

Anubis has fallen!


5d6 - Thunder Dice - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Aug 29, 2022 11:56 am
nezzeraj says:
Anubis has fallen!
Wow, we did it! :D
nezzeraj says:
Rules say the person who lands the last blow has to narrate it. I'll roll and see if he survives and go from there.
I don't think I'll find the time to do that until late tonight at the earliest. If anyone feels like they'd like to do it before then, feel free :)

Aug 29, 2022 9:21 pm
As the golden chalice fills up with Maat's smokey exterior, it looks like he's beginning to fade. The cup that had been the symbol of his family for so long, was in control now, and it knew what to do to finish the fight. The shimmering form of Maat takes off his dark hood and looks at the two other Mythenders. He's smiling as he nods at them, knowing full well what's about to happen, and letting it happen without protest.

Then he closes his eyes and smoke billows out of him even faster, until all of Maat's body vanishes into the goblet.

Meanwhile Anubis has fallen onto hands and knees, at least the ones he still has after vicious attacks from Sabah and Bomani. The ringing in his head is unbearable, and it's coming from that golden chalice over there. He crawls towards it and looms above to be able to swat it with his hand. However, just before he's able to do just that, the chalice glows and pulses. A beam of what can only be described as black light bursts forth from it and cuts deep into Anubis's chest, and up out of his back. He cries out in agony as well as shame. The shame of knowing he won't be winning this battle.

Impaled upon the dark beam, he's unable to move. As if on the chopping block, he lowers his head. Ready to receive a death worthy of a great warrior from Bomani. "Finish what you started, Mythender."
Aug 31, 2022 2:12 pm
Bomani's breathing was heavy. He was heavily injured from the battle, but regardless he stood. He looked to Maat's fading form and before he could disappear completely into the chalice, Bomani simply said, "Goodbye, great warrior." and returned the smile.

It was time to end this.

Bomani took on a new form - his body had erupted into flames, covering him completely. After the flame had died down, he was covered in black and gold armor. Covering his face, Bomani had a shimmering helmet of the same color with the horns of a bull.

He slowly began to make his way over to Anubis and said, "Was it all worth it, weakling? All the millennia of killing those who were unable to protest?"

Once he was next to Anubis, he towered over him and placed both hands on the handle of his axe. Bomani raised it up and without hesitation beheaded Anubis. To make sure the god didn't get back up, he stomped onto the tentacles, leaving a crack on the ground below.

"On to the next..."
Sep 1, 2022 12:44 am
The three remaining Mythenders stand amid the wreckage of the skyscraper obelisk. The ground is a mire of sand soaked in blood and myriad other fluids, shreds of skin, chunks of bone, and shards of glass. Only the metal frame that supported the glass pyramid-top of the obelisk remains between you and the open sky. Sadly none of the humans survived the chaos. This is always the result when among beings and gods who wield such tremendous power.

Anubis' fellow beings are now aware of your awakening and the danger you pose to them, and you are likewise aware of them, like a loadstone and compass. They will be making preparations and shoring up their defenses in the meantime...

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