Aug 31, 2022 2:53 am

It is early spring, before the last frost. Long before that, in the hills of hex 1107 where you have fled together from the intermittent tumult and pillaging that continues as the War of Succession spasms along.
Nobody understands, or nobody will say, how the dethronement and reinstatement of some northern Barbarian Prince unleashed a tide of destruction and despair upon the civilized lands where you dwelt.
No matter why, the war bereft you of all that you had cared for. Through long weeks of wandering, far from where you called homes, you have kept your wits, some sparse equipment and some scraps of food. More importantly, together you have established a hard-held faith in your mutual goodwill.
Now it is early spring, the starving time as the farmers call it. Wild kale may soon come in, and there are rabbits drowsy from the cold whom you might catch. But other predators than you are waking from their winter slumber, or have been kept awake all winter by their hungers. Not only bears and wolves. Folk say that vampires, even demons, even dragons, stalk the lands - aroused, or summoned, by the throes of bloody war.
You seek a safe place that you can make safer. These hills are not it. You have some general knowledge of the lands. Where and how far will you wander, before you find a place to stand? What aid will you seek, what treasures plunder, what foes defeat?