Pedrop says:
As we are running from the war. Shouldn't we know where the main battles or horrors are right now? Or the turmoil is so big that we don't know that? I mean normally we should try to go away from the danger that causes us to flee. Do characters now any direction where is this danger?
Pedrop says:
Also do we know who is this Barbarian Prince ? Are the politics, factions, parties involved even important for the characters? Or we just try to stay alive and have lost track of what "the elites" are doing or don't even care for quite some time now?
I am going to leave many of the answers up to you. If you think that your character would be interested in the politics and goings on before the war, please look at the setting reference documents that are linked in the Game Details. Your character can know as much of that as you like.
As far as main battles, the turmoil is sporadic and widespread. It's not so much any major battles or fronts of war, as it is a generalized risk of being caught by scavenging soldiers, pillaging bandits, or the goblins, or some other horror loosed by bloodshed.
Now let's talk about food ... in addition to writing stories or poems or songs and making a roll of the appropriate skill, you also can Take Courage for the group by describing the preparation and flavoring of a lovely meal, and making a roll of that skill.
At the outset, you have peasants' trail food: a few days of some grain, peas or beans or lentils, maybe a few small onions or turnips or parsnips. Gisela has a cookpot, and you can find water suitable for making porridge by succeeding at a foraging roll. If you want something nicer or more flavorful, you'll need to forage the ingredients.